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>anti-slavery humanitarians who promoted equality under Church, protected natives from colonial abuse
>most intellectual people of their time, promoters of education

Why do they have such a bad reputation? They really seem like the good guys.
I always thought they had an excellent reputation until I started talking to anglos online.
You have it in your post, the people who benefited from slavery, abusing the natives or even giving the poor people an education will work tirelessly against them.
Plus their vote to obedience to the pope meant that they will never bend the knee to the local autocrat making them a threat to their regime
>anti-slavery humanitarians who promoted equality under Church, protected natives from colonial abuse
wasn't it a huge scandals that not only did individual Jesuits own tens of thousands of slaves but also sold them off instead of emancipating them when they got found out?
They even sold them under provisions that the slaves would be reserved for servantwork and did nothing but condemn the slaveowners when they got shipped out to Dixieland for cotton picking instead of, y'know, pressing charges, because they're humongous faggots
>taught hyper skepticism for centuries to own the Calvinists.
>fostered the French enlightenment and French Revolution.
>incited the 30 years war
Sure. They’re the good guys. Also The sun is the moon and vice versa.
>fostered the French enlightenment and French Revolution

are you actually retarded or just pretending?

all the most vitriolic enemies of the society were at the very heart of the French Revolution, the philosophists a la Voltaire and Masons were directly responsible for the Jacobin terrorists
the campaign to dechristianize France and suppress the Catholic church was not the doing of the Jesuits
their order was suppressed just two decades before 93' and they were literally exiled from all of western Europe

get a grip
>Clement XIV issued a papal brief on 21 July 1773 in Rome titled Dominus ac Redemptor Noster

"... the name of the Company shall be, and is, for ever extinguished and suppressed."

>the Grand Orient de France
Formation: 24 June 1773

pure coincidence
What are you implying, just curious
OP is a schizo that already made this thread this morning, is a fervent jesuit supporter, and hates the freemasonry. What else there is to understand?
Clement got memed by anti-clericalist factions to disasterous effect twenty years later, and Madame de Pompadour was a key factor ISYN.

This article makes for good reading and explains in part the absolute state of the IHS post Vatican 2.

>Why do they have such a bad reputation?
Because there are morechurch entities that worked with and benefitted from the imperial states anon.
I'm not OP, you projecting nonce.

Imagine thinking everyone on an anonymous forum is the same person, then calling someone else a schizo.

>catholic religious order gets banned due to intra-denominational shitflinging
>e-caths: "the freemasons did this"
They really are just "the jews did it" for panchito catholic schizos aren't they
"Madame de Pompadour was France's de facto Prime Minister at the apex of her influence. It didn't work for the best of the dynasty and France's interests though.
She could be held responsible for being unofficially in charge during France's failure during the Seven Years War and for running court debts.
Her disasterous consultation also sowed the seeds of a revolution that would end the Bourbon dynasty a generation later."
triggered mason detected
we are collectively onto you, and have been since 1797

"Many anti-Jesuit conspiracy theories emerged in the 18th century Enlightenment, as a result of an alleged rivalry between the Freemasons and the Jesuits. Intellectual attacks on Jesuits were seen as an efficient rebuttal to the anti-masonry promoted by conservatives, and this ideological conspiracy pattern persisted into the 19th century as an important component of French anti-clericalism. It was, however, largely confined to political elites until the 1840s, when it entered the popular imagination through the writings of the historians Jules Michelet and Edgar Quinet of the Collège de France who declared "la guerre aux jesuites", and the novelist Eugène Sue who in his best-seller Le Juif errant depicted the Jesuits as a "secret society bent on world domination by all available means".[15] Sue's heroine, Adrienne de Cardoville, said that she could not think about Jesuits "without ideas of darkness, of venom and of nasty black reptiles being involuntarily aroused in me".[16]"
George Washington

"It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned."
>Look, look, these anti-clerical pseuds seethe about jesuits, I connect anti-clericalism with freemasons, ergo anti-clerical freemasons forced the pope to ban the jesuits!
Hispachan isn't sending its best

It is a well known fact that le Grand Orient' was heavily involved in the founding of the Jacobin clubs across France, that Madame de Pompadour was the single most important patron of Voltaire but for Frederick II of Prussia himself, that Benjamin Franklin personally arranged for Voltaire's initiation into continental Freemasonry ANNO 1778, and that his direct successors among the so-called philosophist faction would escalate the violence of terror beyond toleration.
George Washington made Master Mason in the Scottish Rite, one month after turning 21 ANNO 1753, less than a year before he started the Seven Years War in the Jumonville ambush.
Google the Black Legend
>muh Jesuits are good because of contemporary meme politics
The Jesuits were the original totalitarians in the church. They invented ultramontanism.
>slavery and the rest
See >>16801907 and >>16801711
Except they also did this hyper skepticism to other Catholics who went against them too.
The Jesuits are the quintessential archetype of a benevolent dictator. They’re very nice to their slaves and people they rule, like natives for example, but they rule them with an iron fist.
I’ll say this about science too, since they have a reputation for that. The jesuits are imperialists about science. If they discover something they support it, if someone who isn’t a Jesuit discovers something then they’re against it.
>contemporary meme politics
>See >16801907 and >16801711

Suck my dick. There’s an enormous wave of bad revisionist history trying to claim anyone with a tenuous history of opposing things like slavery is good. It’s like what happens with Thomas Jefferson only it’s libs who are doing it, but you don’t like reality very much do you.
Product of Jesuit fostered hyper scepticism
Many Jesuits were also Masons
>campaign to dechristianize France and suppress the Catholic church
Jesuits may have started as Catholics trying to defeat Protestants but by that time they had become so subverted that they weren't friendly either to their own church or Christianity. Why even Catholics don't like the Jesuit Order.
>Jesuits were also Masons

"la fable de la Franc-Maonnerie Jsuitique"

Illuminati lies, MJ12 agent detected.
they got too powerful, started outright becoming politicians and noblemen
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>Why do they have such a bad reputation?
well you see, the indians were only protected as long as they abandoned their people's beliefs and adopted both christianity and white western culture

most indians think that was mean, or whatever
"Muh judaeo-Masonic conspiracy"
A 500 year old conspiracy theory started by the Vatican/Society of Jesus that internet nazis still believe to this day.
The Jesuits initiated a global underground, glownigger war against Freemasonry and other orders that continued for centuries and is still raging to this day
>many Jesuits were also masons

Its almost as if the Jesuits spent centuries in a clandestine glownigger war against the Freemasons attempting to infiltrate their lodges and subvert and
splinter them up
They literally funded Georgetown through the sale of slaves. I like and was educated by the Jesuits and I think anti-Jesuit sentiment is bullshit. But they were literally making money off slavery, not stopping it.

Not sure why this thread devolved into freemason schizo shit.
It’s just a prottie versus catlick war over who has the more evil secret society. A bunch of “no u’s” being traded back and forth
>but what about atheists
You guys have the Davos institute
>Not sure why this thread devolved into freemason schizo shit.

maybe it's because someone who is definitely a Mason blamed them for the French Revolution because guilty parties are known for deflecting blame from themselves by accusing the innocent

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