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>be me
>summer of 1918
>France, Allied front
>didn't even want to go to war, proud of my German-American heritage
>shit's fucking gay and miserable here
>write a letter home to my friend, tell him how fucking gay and miserable it is here
>tell him to avoid getting drafted if he can, otherwise he'll get stuck in this gay and miserable place, too
>US Army censors intercept my letter
>they're pissed
>demote me
>become filled with shame
>fast forward a few months
>November 11, 1918, 10:59am
>one minute to Armistice
>realize the clock is running out, still haven't regained my honor
>see a couple fucking krauts at a nearby roadblock
>fix bayonet
>they try to wave me off, the war is almost over
>I'm running faster than a nigger across the savanna
>seeing red, blindly firing shots
>my frens in my squad are yelling at me to stop, calling me a retard
>can't stop, won't stop
>I get stopped
>Germans light me up
>I die the most pointless death in human history
>mfw they posthumously restore my rank and award me for my gallantry
>mfw they call me an hero
Oh, I never knew the first part of the story. Thank for sharing it
Subsequent investigations revealed that on the last day of World War I, during the armistice negotiations in the railroad cars encampment at the Compiegne Forest, French commander-in-chief Marshal Foch refused to accede to the German negotiators' request to declare an immediate ceasefire or truce so that there would be no more useless waste of lives among the common soldiers. The failure to declare a truce, even between the signing of the documents for the Armistice and its entry into force "at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month", caused about 11,000 additional men to be wounded or killed – far more than usual, according to the military statistics.
>probably had a mental breakdown
>does something crazy
>dude a hero wow
Yeah homeboy was obviously trying to commit suicide by German. But uh, totally so courageous!
The armistice was a mistake. They should have waited for general Castelnau to launch is planned offensive. Germany was on the verge of breaking and a final push and a victory on the field would have prevented the idea of the backstab in german mind and the Treaty of Versailles would have been much more legitimate.
Maybe it would gave waste few more lives but it would have saved every single WWII victims.
Only a total victory can end a total war. French are forever guilty of not understand it

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