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Jews are important in the history of silly, foolish, incomplete, and wrong ideas. Why this should be is a study in itself. The monomaniacal attack on their children must be one reason: the historical fact that just one or two books were forced on children for many years, at a time when lifespans were shorter and manuscripts and books fewer. The feedback effect of 'reward' for this activity must have had a reinforcing effect, as must the effect of mutual recommendation and feeble criticism. So must the internal 'memes' thoughtfully put in to deter any other exploration. Freud, Kafka, Boas, Marx, Jewish anarchists, Marcuse, Derrida are just a very few modern-ish names. Some mimic literature, some mimic art, some mimic religion, some mimic science (for example Einstein and whole groups of nuclear 'researchers'), some, such as 'political correctness', mimic ethics. I'm wording this bluntly, to try to get across the idea that Jewish writings and speeches have a quality which ought to put people on their guard. Any vague or imprecise region of thought is liable to be colonised by Jewish mal-thought.
The heart of all these things is parasitic behaviour: either waste the time of goyim, or try to plant confusions, or aim to fill paid positions, or direct attention away from Jews. Academic economics has an almost complete taboo on discussing the 'Fed', for example. 'Media Studies' and journalism courses avoid ownership issues. Science is now corrupted on a huge scale by Jewish paper and e-money. War and peace issues barely touch on the activities of Jews.
List (which doesn't include lower staff levels) of Jews in Clinton administration. (updated 1/4/1998): Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State) | Robert Rubin (Secretary of Treasury) | William Cohen (Secretary of Defense) | Dan Glickman (Secretary of Agriculture) | George Tenet (CIA Chief) | Samuel Berger (Head National Security Council) | Evelyn Lieberman (Deputy Chief of Staff) | Stuart Eizenstat (Under Secretary of State) | Charlene Barshefsky (U.S. Trade Representative) | Susan Thomases (Aide to First Lady) | Joel Klein (Assistant Attorney General) | Gene Sperling (National Economic Council) | Ira Magaziner (National Health Care) | Peter Tarnoff (Deputy Secretary of State) | Alice Rivlin (Economic Advisory) | Janet Yellen (Chairwoman, National Economic Council) | Rahm Emanuel (Policy Advisor) | Doug Sosnik (Counsel to President) | Jim Steinberg (Deputy to National Security Chief) | Jay Footlik (Special Liason to the Jewish Community; no other group has a special liason) | Robert Nash (Personal Chief) | Jane Sherburne (President's Lawyer) | Mark Penn (Asia Expert to NEC) | Sandy Kristoff (Health Care Chief) | Robert Boorstin (Communications Aide) | Keith Boykin (Communications Aide) | Jeff Eller (Special Assistant to Clinton) | Tom Epstein (Health Care Adviser) | Judith Feder (National Security Council) | Richard Feinberg (Assistant Secretary Veterans) | Hershel Gober (Food and Drug Administration) | Steve Kessler (White House Counsel) | Ron Klein (Assistant Secretary Education) | Madeleine Kunin (Communications Aide) | David Kusnet (Dept. AIDS Program) | Margaret Hamburg (Dir. Press Conferences) | Many Grunwald (Liason to Jewish Leaders) | Karen Adler (Dir. State Dept. Policy) | Samuel Lewis (National Security Council) | Stanley Ross (National Security Council) | Dan Schifter (Director Peace Corps.)
| Eli Segal (Deputy Chief of Staff) | Alan Greenspan (Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank) | Robert Weiner (Drug Policy Coordinator) | Jack Lew (Deputy Director Management and Budget) | James P. Rubin (Under Secretary of State) | David Lipton (Under Secretary of The Treasury) | Lanny P. Breuer (Special Counsel to The President) | Richard Holbrooke (Special Representative to NATO) | Kenneth Apfel (Chief of Social Security) | Joel Klein (Deputy White House Counsel) | Sidney Blumenthal (Special Advisor to First Lady) | David Kessler (Chief of Food & Drug Admininistration) | Seth Waxman (Acting Solicitor General) | Mark Penn (Presidential Pollster) | Dennis Ross (Special Middle East Representative) | Howard Shapiro (General Counsel for the FBI) | Lanny Davis (White House Special Counsel) | Sally Katzen (Secretary of Management and Budget) | Kathleen Koch (Heads FBI Equal Opportunity Office) | John Podesta (Deputy Chief of Staff) | Alan Blinder (Vice Chairman of Federal Reserve) | Janet Yellen (Heads Council of Economic Advisors) | Ron Klain (Chief of Staff for Al Gore)
Who's your favorite Clinton Jew? Mine is Robert Reich.
let me give a little 'consider the following'
Most jewish scriptures that entered into monotheistic text over the centuries, contained refferences to culling and murder and eugenics, abject violence and direct genocide, same as we see today and as our foreberers have seen for centuries
But, and this is a really big but, the general gist of what is taught publicly and has been taught for countless generations, is being nice, being nonviolent, and generaly not beng a major problem to the powers that be
Same as you would teach a cow or a sheep that is to be butchered
Silly that... Strange even... Oh well....
>Most jewish scriptures that entered into monotheistic text
Are you retarded or something? The Old Testament is most of the Bible. It didn't just 'enter into monotheistic texts', but is the foundation of the world's largest monotheistic faith.

>being nice, being nonviolent, and generaly not beng a major problem
Either quit drinking or slow down when you type. Those are the ideas that most (re: non-Orthodox) Jews hold on to, and associate with their religion. There are many Reform, Reconstructionist, Renewal, and Humanistic synagogues which share a building with hippie Unitarian Christian and Episcopalian churches. When you walk into prayer services on any given day, it's virtually impossible to figure out which religious group is leading them. Hell, Reform, Reconstructionist, Renewal and Humanistic Rabbinical Colleges literally teach their students to discard all aspects of Jewish texts and tradition - including the Old Testament - that could be considered tribalistic, ethnocentric, or sexist.

The Conservative Rabbinical Colleges pretty much do the same thing, except they also teach their students that such elements of the religion are valuable cultural artifacts that can be used to better understand scripture and the historical context in which Judaism developed, so they can't be entirely discarded. All five of the movements I mentioned (which, when combined, represent the vast majority of Jews in the world), also enthusiastically teach biblical criticism, and ordain female and LGBT clergy members.

Reform, Renewal, Reconstructionist, and Humanistic Jews also tend to be loudly anti-racist and anti-Israel. Conservative Jews are a bit of a mixed bag depending on the community, but their governing bodies have adopted most of the same sociopolitical positions from the other non-Orthodox branches since the early 2000s (except on Israel). These are ideas that the overwhelming majority of non-orthodox Jews, for better or worse, strongly believe in.
You literaly just agreed with what i sayid
I think only Catholicism has the right answer: unfortunately or fortunately a jew convert is the best convert
but the regular jew has the sign of the Beast, just like all other non-Catholics, but in the jew it is worse
Not with your implication that they don't believe in these things themselves, but teach them to others as part of some nefarious plot. Those types of Jews 100% believe in what we call "social justice" ideology, and have since the mid 20th century. They have, effectively, been dismantling and deracinating their own religion and their own communities for almost a century now. The only place where most Jews have stopped committing suicide is Israel, but even then, there are still cities like Tel Aviv where most Jews would like nothing better than to erase their own identity, and assimilate into some fantasy utopian version of greater Middle Eastern society. Outside of Israel, it is only the Orthodox, and the older generation of Conservative Jews (60+) that seem disinterested in wiping their own people off the face of the earth.

I think that within 200 years, the only people identifying as Jewish will be Orthodox, and they will likely completely die off outside of Israel and New York (and that's only if Israel still exists, and if New York hasn't been completely destroyed by a constant influx of immigration and drug-addicted blacks). It is mind-blowing to me that ~70% of an ethnoreligious group is hell-bent on noping themselves out of existence.
what is judaism anyway? Even if you study Talmud and follow a rabbi, it has no answer for salvation, it's as vague as hinduism
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hey guys I'm posting jews again
guys check it out jews
jews niggers nigger dick
jews did the holocaust
guys look what I'm posting again
guys jews get it
Talmudic Judaism was a medieval cult like Scientology that existed based on dictator rabbis keeping their people as serfs in a shtetl and telling them if they ever tried to leave the insect hive the Gentiles would fuck their shit up. It could not survive the modern world and everyone basically knows it.
t. Tel Aviv porn producer
what is modern judaism?
>Judaism holds that adherents do not need personal salvation as Christians believe. Jews do not subscribe to the doctrine of original sin.
So it's empty. No wonder why they spent past hundreds of years developing psychotic stuff like proto-satanism and holistic medicine

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