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Anyone hate how commies think that poor people are gonna ever change the world and will unite under a common struggle of the proletariat

When most of humanities problems have been Due to poor people chimping out

>workers of the world unite

Have none of them ever hanged out with real working class people. The reason they're poor is cause they're dumb and too lazy to make any use of their lives . The only thing they have to offer this world is their labor and commies think that Joe from Arkansas that falls for Qanon schizophrenic theories will help run a company .
And what about all the middle-class folks who are just as complicit in the system? They're not immune to the influences of power and privilege just 'cause they got a few extra bucks in their pockets. And don't even get me started on the upper crust - they're the ones who're pulling the strings and keeping everyone else down.

You can't just scapegoat one group and expect to solve all our problems. It's time to take a step back and look at the big picture. We need to work together as a collective, acknowledge our shared struggles, and fight for real change. Don't dismiss the potential for progress just 'cause some people might not be as "educated" or "disciplined" as others. That's just a cope out, dude.
Anyone working for a pay check is poor imo

Your really no different from a slave if your dependent on a wage
>waaah I have to go to WORK?
>im literally like a cotton picking nigger getting whipped in the 1860’s

commutroons are so melodramatic
Im not a commie anyone working for a wage is a slave

Your dependent on your master for your shelter , food and well being

Just cause you get more vacation days and get Monopoly money to buy stuff owned by your masters doesn't mean you aren't a slave anymore . Anyone dependent on someone else for their livelihood is a slave

Corporation can replace you easily while you might have to go weeks /months looking for a new master to take you in
>Anyone hate how commies think that poor people are gonna ever change the world and will unite under a common struggle of the proletariat

No. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanguardism

>Have none of them ever hanged out with real working class people


The thing about marxism is there are lots of words that are taken from it and mean something completely different.

"Working class" in marxism means your livelihood depends on salary. Which is the vast majority of people. It doesn't mean "you are a construction worker" etc.

"x Class" is all psyops in liberal capitalism. In communist terms, there is people who work, and there is people who pay the workers because they "own" everything, they're the "owners" who don't have to get up to go to work in the morning because they can live off investments, dividends, stocks, assets, rents, rights, etc. You probably already know about the meme "the rich don't pay taxes" because they can just get a low interest loans on their assets as collateral which is considered taxable income. That's just an example.
Once post-scarcity occurs and the technology gets to such a point where most jobs which currently exist are phased out (think about all the icemen and horse and buggy drivers from the early 1900s) there will be no choice but to achieve communism because money will be unfeasible by then.
Nah dumbass they will literally kill most of the population once their labor is no longer needed.
Who is “they?”
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>Anyone hate how commies think that poor people are gonna ever change the world
No, that's a fact
>and will unite under a common struggle of the proletariat
That is retarded I agree. Poors are too wise to fall for that.
>When most of humanities problems have been Due to poor people chimping out
Name one instance.
>Have none of them ever hanged out with real working class people.
Yes, but then they always act like jew and say they're dumb because they don't act like a faggot.
>The reason they're poor is cause they're dumb and too lazy to make any use of their lives .
Maybe welfare feeding city poors (who are mostly niggers), but most white poors have jobs taken by Mexicans and diversity hires.
>The only thing they have to offer this world is their labor
This is false. They (the redneck ones you're winging about) often go on to own businesses and start families. Not to mention they have historically fought in most wars as well.
>and commies think that Joe from Arkansas that falls for Qanon schizophrenic theories will help run a company .
Never heard a commie say that, but yes a nigger crack addict won't be useful so you do make a point that lack of wealth doesn't inherently prove usefulness.
I like how this /pol/ thread is just fucking here and mods aren't doing shit lmao
>implying mods do anything about the countless /pol/ threads posted here daily
Anon, I....
Class is genetic. That's a brutal truth commies can never accept. Most people can't accept it because they harbor residual leftism.
>Im not a commie anyone working for a wage is a slave
>Anyone dependent on someone else for their livelihood is a slave
>Corporation can replace you easily while you might have to go weeks /months looking for a new master to take you
At worst you are describing being a type of corporate Ronin. A slave has no agency. You're comparing apples with oranges.
>Post scarcity
We can only achieve that through mass cullings
Alright bud it's clear you have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and do not want workers to unite because then you would not be able to maintain your feudal lord standard of living and power. So don't talk about communism. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Already have enough food and housing for everyone (in US anyways)

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