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Is it better to receive Christ on the tongue or by hand?
>looks like a literal soijak
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I kneel and recieve on the tongue. But the Church allows for the hand or tongue, and doesn't put one higher than the other.

You should receive Christ in the way that is most loving to YOU. That's going to be different for each person, but something worth reflecting on.

Looking forward to other anon's thoughts and experience though.
Kneel in front of a man with a dress on, close your eyes open wide sticking out your tongue, you start drooling like a puppy waiting to receive the seed of the magic Jew. You accept his whole body in your mouth (including cock, balls, asshole) and go giddy with ecstacy.

Then you go online and rant about gays and trans people. Hmmmm makes you think.
can i get a zest check?
Ahegao face
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you only receive yushuas cum on your tongue
When I was Catholic I always received on the tongue since I didn’t like the idea of the Eucharist’s particles falling off my hand onto the ground. During Mass the priest actually washes his fingers with a cruet after distributing the hosts, so I knew for certain that if I received on the tongue the priest would dispose of every last piece. I liked the Orthodox way better though because I saw the Eucharist dropped way too many times and all it did was disturb me.
Wow, bro. I guess EVERYONE is a Jew, even if they're not.
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Ah yes, the spititual abomination which is a child of God, vessle for the Holy Spirit, receiving a false soul by way of the ritual of divinity consumption. Does anything more perfectly exemplify to fallen and lost state of what became of Christ's Church?
the best christschizos nowadays are without a doubt the Protestants since Catholics don’t canonize theirs anymore
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by spoon
>not a Christian
>is a Christian
So what happens to the transubstantiated bits of Christ once they work their way through your digestive system? Is it still the body of Christ when you shit it out 24 hours later? How much of Christ's body is currently flowing through the sewers?
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as you correctly deduced, the current practices are asinine and even clownish compared to how it once was performed, but the ritual is not something that should be done because of the commitment it requires from both the church and the person receiving the gift.
>I kneel and recieve on the tongue
Saying there are sex magical components to Christian symbolism is satanism though lmao
Didn't answer his question. That's also kind of an argument that some of the opponents of transubstantiation made, they mention the problem of the host being eaten by dogs and rats.
bro it's just Catholics.
99% of what they do is nowhere in the Bible and is either an innovation or a holdover from Late Roman Popular Religion.
It's almost every Christian sect and person in history. Even Luther believed the bread becomes Christ's body, he and Lutherans just call it a mystery and don't try to explain it instead of going full autist about it like Caths.
>99% of what they do is nowhere in the Bible
One of the relatively few things Catholic apologists say that's completely true is that a dogmatic 'if it's not in the Bible it's not Christian' approach makes no sense because the Bible was formed by the Church to begin with. Maybe not completely true lol since the canon was formed by church consensus more than 'the Magisterium' but you wouldn't have your KJV without the Nicene church. And you wouldn't have the dogmatics of the Fathers or ecumenical councils either, which if you belong to a normal Protestant church you are expected to believe fully or almost fully.
Also it kind of does have some biblical basis I would say, 1 Corinthians 11:29 is very hard to interpret if you think the body and blood are purely symbolic. That's a further problem with this 'only the Bible' approach to Christianity, the New Testament is a really dissonant corpus of books and you can find prooftexts and counter-prooftexts for all the basic theological debates. 'Apostolic' churches have some sort of system of religious authority worked out where that dissonance can be hammered into something coherent that everyone nominally accepts. Protestants don't, at least not to anywhere near the same extent, so Protestant history is a clusterfuck of a million sects exploding off from each other each time there's a disagreement.
please be joking
I once had a bowl of communion wafers for breakfast. It's gluttonous, I know.
No one in the early church thought that the bread and wine they were eating were continuously turning into human flesh which dies as you eat it. This is a contamination of Greek philosophical notions of substance.

They thought Christ's life was in the bread and wine similar to the change a Christian receives when his soul is saved by God or even similar to the change in a person when he goes from living to dead (but reversed in the case of the Eucharist).

The bread becomes alive; its substance does not change, nor does it turn into human flesh which dies as you digest it. This is a blasphemous idea as if you are killing Christ's flesh all over again but this time it doesn't resurrect. You are not killing Christ's flesh, you are receiving Christ's life and memorializing the truth that he conquered death by rising again.

Also the fact that Catholic priests can withhold the wine from the faithful is bizarre and preposterous.
The Eucharist is the manifestation of Jesus, so it definitely contains him in it.
The bread becomes alive and is Christ's life but it doesn't become cells which begin respirating only to be destroyed by your stomach acid. You are receiving Christ's life when you consume and this life is meant to empower you to live in a sin cursed world and also to remind you that you must be crucified with Christ; you no longer live, but Christ lives in you.
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>It's transubstantiation not transubstantiation
Prot cope?
pls be in london, I have something for you to receive too
>worship Jew
>follow Jewish traditions
>we're not jewish
How can this be?
Zoomers on 4chan taught me that Christians all look like square-jawed killing machines
>please be joking
Why would I? As a Lutheran, even before fully understanding transubstantiation, we always kneeled for communion. After coming back home to the Catholic church, it was a bt jarring to see people standing and handling the host with their own hands. Not judging others, but it's not something that I'M comfortable with.

My parish doesn't offer a kneeler, so I genuflect when going up for communion instead. There's really nothing that unusual about it.

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My pastor might not have time for me (he's still tired from organizing the Pride parade) but I'll ask the LGBTQ+ members of my church which one they prefer :)
>the pharisees but also gay

>lust-provoking image

If Catholics, like me, wish to get the next generation interested in Christ, we need to stop with this nitpicking of how to receive the eucharist or other derivatives of mass ceremony and start talking about how Freemasons have been waging a war on Catholicism for literally hundreds of years and Catholics just turn the other cheek and aren't vocal about it. Solzhenitsyn was right, we live in an age where force commands respect. We need more Catholics to know about Pope Leo XIII and to call out the lies that Marxists and Capitalists tell and how Freemasons unironically want the OPPOSITE of traditional Abrahamic, let alone Catholic values. In other words, they don't want a family union, they don't want a society that is charitable because they want everything as a commodity, down to your basic interactions with human beings.
you are so ecstatic about “receiving” something and connecting it with something you have no proof of, it kinda boggles my mind. im really not trying to be a hater, because its fine to be faithful, but all this extra shit about different body parts in receiving a lord is so far fetched to me, why is it even necessary if you can just pray to your lord??
no one on /his/ goes to these faggot churches though.
cathodox have to take OP seriously, however.
The Eucharist is without a doubt Jesus, not even a Christian. If you understood what it was you’d either stay away from it or beg desperately to have access to it.

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