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>that's right little timmy, you go take on the Red Army with your panzerfaust while I scurry on down to the cuck bunker and put a bullet in my head

Historically speaking, what do chuds find so inspiring about this?
>Literal child soldier
>Inflicts positive k/d's on Elite Soviet troops
lmaoooo. A dead kraut and 5 dead Slavs is always a boost to humanity
They wanted to keep fighting until the end. That was the issue they had with the versailles treaty "why the fuck did we give away half the country without being occupied first". After they were occupied they were a lot more comfortable with giving away half the country.
>Historically speaking, what do chuds find so inspiring about this?
Because its a larp that last 8 years and they cant get over it. the war was lost by late 1942/early 43
Lol no, the entirety of the National Socialist ideology was centered around autarky to better the race and secure its prosperity. No Nazi would abandon the ideas of eastern Lebensraum.
In my opinion the krauts should have taken its living space in central Europe which would be met by approval by Stalin and only meek protests by the UK after a peace is signed with France crushed.
The Pannonian basin was ripe for German colonialism with the Hungarians that passed racial criteria to be Germanized ontop, securing German food stability and access to the vast resources of the former Austrian empire. But in all honestly Hitler was naturally opposed to the idea because he was a cucked Austrian who deep down fetishized the Magyars and slavs of the former empire which is why he never once attempted to enact Germanization policies on the Czechs which other members of the partied argued for. Hitler even wrote off the Danuban Germans as Hungarians who spoke German like the cucked Austrian he was.
The funny thing is little timmy was so pink and feminine that he was probably used a sex toy for the steppe orcs if they captured him alive
Homosexuality was subject to the death penalty in Stalin's Soviet Union, fuck off fag
It showed how loyal his followers which says a lot about Hitler's leadership. Also, the Hitlerjugend fought on the western front at the very end and the American GIs even noted that they were having a hard time against them. The last battles on the Western Front is where the Americans suffered the most casualties compared to other battles.
Sorry anon but in real life, leaders don't lead armies into meat grinders. Sorry that Hollywood lied to you.
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That's because the Hitler youth had semi weekly marksman and survival training. This put them well above the average Russian conscript and (only) fresh Americans in training and morale due to their brain washing. Only youth who completed the marksman training were allowed to serve too.
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>Glorifying child soldiers: The post
>Omg Hitler was so heckling based he even made children fight for him which is undeniably an incredible feat and shows the superiority of national socialism.

Fucking nigger behaviour really once you remove all the fancy words.
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>and the American GIs even noted that they were having a hard time against them.
Child soldiers takes unexpected risks that will most likely result in their deaths because their minds are not mentally developed yet to comprehend risk, mortality or clear judgement.
Why are you trying to spin this as something positive? It makes you look like an asshole and also very desperate trying to defend Hitler even in the most absurd scenarios.

The last paragraph of your post was complete bullshit as well. The last battles in Western Germany were not the bloodiest battles for the allies. Not only are you an asshole, you're also uneducated. Funny how this usually walks hand-in-hand with those trying to whitewash Hitler.
>It showed how loyal his followers which says a lot about Hitler's leadership.
Drug fuelled psychopathic cult leader?
Nobody wanted war in the East, it was inevitable
The Allies on both sides of the European front disliked having to fight children and elderly men and actively sought alternatives to convince them to surrender.
The Nazis succeeded where the monarchy failed (in crushing France) and squandered that energy in an unwinnable two front war. That's even worse than Versailles.
sorry chuddy, the wii has wii fit
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>It showed how loyal his followers which says a lot about Hitler's leadership. Also, the Hitlerjugend fought on the western front at the very end and the American GIs even noted that they were having a hard time against them.
A lot of Germans felt that Hitler had given them their pride back. This is also true btw, my grandfather's U.S. Army battalion got caught by surprise at night by a Hitler Youth unit very late in the war. It might have been an accidental thing where the Hitler Youth didn't know the Americans were there and they just ran into them, but the Hitler Youth were heavily armed and had some hodge podge of vehicles and in the confusion overran the Americans, captured some prisoners, and the rest of the U.S. battalion retreated. But then the Hitler Youth surrendered en masse the next day and returned the prisoners (the war wasn't officially over yet but it was basically a wrap and German units were surrendering all over).

Also the pic of Hitler with that young kid >>16802983 is shocking on account of the kid's appearance and probably very young age, but the Hitler Youth in the back look a bit older, 15-17, and capable of being a deadly enemy.

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