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How did they manage to convince most of the World that their War God was the only existing God?
Jesus threatened everyone who didn't worship him with eternal conscious torment. Other Gods in mythology weren't quite as megalomaniacally sociopathic and so early Christians became uniquely gifted at proselytization for this fact alone.
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Because theyre the masterace
Jesus never cared about proselyting gentiles thoughever, what you are talking about was established by the Catholic Church some centuries after that
Anyway why would anyone take this seriously? Eternal hell for everybody outside of a religion sounds just like insanity
Notice how in any argument you'll ever have with a Christian on 4chan, the threat of Hell will always be brought up when they're losing. That's because there's no good argument against it even if the premise itself is retarded. "There's a ton of different Hells in mythology besides the Christian one" doesn't really work when they can still just say, "but those Hells are fake and mine is real and you'll burn there forever for disagreeing with my religion." Most people buy into the fear porn because it's unfalsifiable.
not a word you nigger worshipper
It's basically one thoughbeit
Yeah pascal's wager. No other god was so cruel as to threaten you with eternal damnation for not believing in them.
>bix nood oogabooga
Try speaking english next time.
Reply to this post or your mother goes to hell tonight.
Mainly fear of Hell. No religion before Christianity proselytized as hard as Christians did, and none of them said you had to worship one God exclusively or you'll go to Hell.
It is even more impressive when you consider the Samaritans who number under 1000 achieved the same thing.
It's really sad when you realize Jews never actually wanted this, they gatekeep their religion to themselves pretty hard
Roman Polytheist tolerated all religions in a universalist syncretic manner, where as Jewish Monotheism rejected everyone else. The product of this confrontation was always going to be a universalist intolerant religion that incorporated everything.
if I'm not mistaken they didn't start gatekeeping until Christianity started or after their temple was destroyed, before that they were proselytising too
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how many times did christians kick jews out of various countries for being jewish?
Something I've never understood, is if the Jewish God was a war God, why was David forbidden from building his temple because he was a warrior?
Why do you believe in Jewish propaganda?

The idea of Heaven and Hell are not physical places, but the state of being. I will say it again, imagine if you are a Sword and you are placed in a furnace.
>If you love God, all of the slag (sin) will fall off, and you glow and have the same characteristic of that fire.
>If you HATE God, all the slag (sin) you keep, and you burn.

Judeans, before the split between Jews and Christians, they proselytize, so that 10-11% of Romans throughout the Empire were them.
Rokos Basilisk.
Because the hereditary priestly cast didn't like sharing pow... I mean because God works in mysterious ways of course.
Yahweh was undoubtedly a war God though.
>The Lord gave David victory wherever he went.
Matthew 25:46 uses the specific phrase "eternal punishment" which implies conscious torture.
"War God"?
They didn't though. The ones that followed after them that claimed that that god had a kid did.
Maybe because all the other pagan that surrounding the area added this god as a war god, because the Israelites always won. Basically syncretism of adding "God" into your pagan pantheon.
And you make your own hell. Because you God's love burns you.
>Jesus is a war God
in most of the anti-christian threads you guys like to say he was a weak pushover who told all his followers to be weak cucks
I think they finally gave up on that narrative.
dont listen to 99% of people discussing theology on 4chan or twitter
Then why was Solomon allowed to build it?
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>1 Book of Maccabees (12:6-18)
So is is YHWH actually Aries?
>It's your fault if you wind up getting tortured forever
See if you can solve this mystery:
>The next day they made sacrifices to the Lord and presented burnt offerings to him: a thousand bulls, a thousand rams and a thousand male lambs, together with their drink offerings, and other sacrifices in abundance for all Israel. 22 They ate and drank with great joy in the presence of the Lord that day.
>Then they acknowledged Solomon son of David as king a second time, anointing him before the Lord to be ruler and Zadok to be priest. 23 So Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord as king in place of his father David. He prospered and all Israel obeyed him. 24 All the officers and warriors, as well as all of King David’s sons, pledged their submission to King Solomon.
Huh? Can you explain what you mean?
I'm sure David offered plenty of sacrifices in his time, and Solomon was still only king because he was the son of David. I could understand if Solomon was some usurper who was backed by the priestly caste, but he wasn't.
Not really. If you love God you "don't burn". They only problem is that those that hate God never want to love Him. It's like this:
>God: I love you my son.

Spartans are a sons of Abraham, since the Israelites refer them as kindred and allies.
Except Jesus isn't God, he's a schizo with a God complex and so the entire basis of your argument is illusory.
Messiah had to come before 70 AD.

In the Old Testament we read prophecies about the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus our Lord; the promised Messiah.

Suffering of the Messiah, Isaiah chapter 53, Psalm 22:1-24; death of the Messiah in Daniel 9:26, Isaiah 53:8-9, resurrection of the Messiah Psalm 16:10, Isaiah 53:10-12. In Daniel chapter 9 we read about important events that were predetermined in heaven for the benefit of the Jewish People;

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Daniel 9:24 KJV

The angel Gabriel brought an important communique from heaven to Daniel, foretelling that sin would be atoned for in the future and that everlasting righteousness is available for those who have faith like Abraham. Gabriel prophesied that the Messiah would make an end of sin and finish transgression, and be put to death. Jesus our Savior redeemed us from the debt of our sin with His own blood. The prophet Isaiah wrote extensively of the suffering and crucifixion of God’s Righteous Servant, Jesus the promised Messiah in Isaiah chapter 53. Gabriel gives Daniel these significant points in Daniel chapter 9 verse 24;

To finish transgression.
To make an end of sin.
To atone for iniquity.
To bring in everlasting righteousness.
To seal up the vision.
To seal up prophecy.
To anoint the most Holy.

Then Gabriel explained that a decree would be made to restore and rebuild Jerusalem;
Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. Daniel 9:25 KJV

From the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah comes there will be a certain period of time. The period of time is given in weeks of years, similar to a decade only in seven year periods. There will be seven ‘sevens’ and sixty-two ‘sevens’, for a total of sixty-nine ‘sevens’. Sixty-nine ‘sevens’ or sixty nine weeks of years is equal to 483 years. So after the decree is issued to restore and rebuild Jerusalem there will be 483 years and then the Messiah will come.

From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem on March 14, 445 BC by Artaxerxes Longimanus until Jesus arrived and was presented in Jerusalem riding on a donkey as the Messianic King on April 6, 32 AD. This is celebrated by believers of Jesus the Messiah on Palm Sunday. We discover that when we calculate 69 weeks of years (or 483 years and correct for leap years) it figures out to be 173,880 days to the day.

Now consider His predicted death:
>their War God
because it wasn't "their" war God. And no, this isn't some Chud cope, even Jewish theologists will tell you the same thing. The Mosaic Narratives of the Torah/Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) which includes the creation myths were taken from multiple sources, including old Mesopotamian creation myths. That's why God has multiple names in the Hebrew Bible, because different sources called him by different names. This isn't exactly a controversial position. It's arguably the exact reason why Abrahamism became the dominant belief system in the world to begin with, because it can ultimately be traced to the earliest written religion in general
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. Daniel 9:26 KJV

So after the sixty-two ‘sevens’ and the before mentioned seven ‘seven’s (483 years) the Messiah will be put to death. Then the people of a future prince will come and destroy the city of Jerusalem and the Temple. YHVH Elohim sent Gabriel to tell His people that an Anointed Prince, who is the promised Messiah must come, atone for sin and be put to death before the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish temple. The destruction of Jerusalem and the second temple occurred in 70 AD, during the siege of Jerusalem; when the Roman legions fought under Titus Vespasian and the Roman army leveled the city. The Siege of Jerusalem in the year 70 AD was the catastrophic and crucial event of the First Jewish-Roman War. The Roman army, led by the future Emperor Titus and Tiberius Julius Alexander second-in-command, along with the enlisted soldier legionnaires in Judaea, conscripted provincial soldiers from Syria, other soldiers from Alexandria and in collaboration they besieged, destroyed and conquered the city of Jerusalem.
The siege ended with the sacking of the city and the destruction of the Second Temple. The destruction of both the first and second temples is mourned each year at the Jewish fast Tisha B’Av. The Arch of Titus, celebrating the Roman sack of Jerusalem and the Temple, still stands in Rome. The Arch of Titus, was built in 82 AD by his younger brother Emperor Domitian to commemorate Emperor Titus’ victories, including in the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

In the book of Daniel 9:26 we read how God sent the angel Gabriel to Daniel in response to his fasting, repentance and contrite prayer to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Gabriel told Daniel that the Mäshiach will come and be put to death before the destruction of the Jewish Temple and the city of Jerusalem. We know from history that the siege of Jerusalem by Emperor Titus happened in 70 AD; and this is when the temple and the city of Jerusalem were destroyed. So the Messiah had to come before 70 AD. Why then are so many Jewish people still looking for the coming of the Messiah now?

Is it because they put more faith in the oral traditions of the Talmud taught to them by the rabbinic community; rather than the Word of YHVH Elohim in the Tanakh?
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>Spartans are a sons of Abraham, since the Israelites refer them as kindred and allies.
How does that prove God = Aries?
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None of this proves Jesus was God, only that his followers had reason to believe he would fulfill the Messianic role he claimed to embody. The trouble is, Jesus didn't actually fulfill that prophecy. He told his followers he would in their lifetimes and didn't.

Matthew 24:34
>Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

When you read the context of Matthew, it becomes abundantly clear that the world ending signs of apocalypse Jesus predicted never actually occurred in his followers lifetimes.

>inb4 "this generation doesn't mean this specific generation, it means race of Jews"
No it doesn't. Look to the original Greek.
I... asking you guys. Refer to this >>16803543. He is a war god right?
No? Why are you asking me?
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The foreskin-munching kikels didn't convince anyone of anything. It's Christians that convinced most of the world that Jesus Christ is the Lord.
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>muh war God
You guys are retarded, Yahweh is clearly the equivalent of Set.
>God of storms, deserts and foreigners
This describes the book of Exodus perfectly.
Why is it always the plasticy ones who've been left in a tanning booth too long and have botox dripping off them that hasbara posts? Jewesses can actually be very hot but it's the fucked up rat Sicilian looking ones like Abigail Shapiro that people like, nobody besides boomers is impressed by IDF girls.
Yhwh is Jove, a European deity brought by the Sea People's.
>Yahu (Yhw) was known to Egyptians as early as the 14th century BC as the god of the nomadic tribes living in Northwestern Arabia and Sinai (the “tribes of Yhw”), presumably the ancestors of later Israelites.
I don't know if Yahu has any links to the name of Seth.
I wasn't arguing etymology, simply that Yahweh was seen as an equivalent to Set according to Interpretatio Romana. The Greeks, Romans and Egyptians all thought that the Hebrews were Setites, which is why Yahweh and Jesus were often caricatured as a man with a donkey head.
>Two Egyptian texts, one dated to the period of Amenhotep III (14th century BCE), the other to the age of Ramesses II (13th century BCE), refer to tꜣ šꜣśw yhwꜣ, i.e. "The Land of the Shasu yhwꜣ", in which yhwꜣ (also rendered as yhw) or Yahu, is a toponym.

Since the date of these letters occurs when Egypt ruled the levant, Shasu Yhw has to be elsewhere. Likely Europe. Yahu is likely where Jehu comes from, and he wears a a phrygian hat and worships a foreign god altogether.
I've never heard of Yahweh being described as a war God. He's always described as a storm God.
>I've never heard of Yahweh being described as a war God
Very true. He tells Moses to go east and avoid the north because people there are always at war. Then there's the whole iron chariots thing.
That makes less sense than him being a fire deity. However none of these pagan archetypes of deities truly fits,
>das rite, we wuz them joos n shiet!

is this the newest christian wignat cope?
>how many times did christians kick jews out of various countries for being jewish?
Less times than they brought them in, and barely killed them at all, you dumb kike lover.
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Other way around. Maccabees has the Jews LARPing as Dorics when their leader claims they're related to the Spartans. Makes sense. After all, the Sea Peoples did invade during the Doric Invasion period.
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It's not new, it's called British Israelism or Christian Identity. The ironic thing is even though Christian Identity was historically linked with anti-Semitism it indirectly influenced the American Evangelical Zionist movement. They're part of the reason boomers think Israel is our greatest ally and the foundation of Western civilization, the other half being dispensationalism and the Scofield Bible.
yep, average christcuck, tragic
>It's like this:
>>God: I love you my son.
Do you think people in Hell begging for forgiveness and mercy will get it?
True Christians knows the OT God is just a projection man made.
Jesus came to make Christians understand the real meaning of the Sacred Scripture.
the point is that at no stage in wanting their suffering to stop, they begin to love god
>I'm sure David offered plenty of sacrifices in his time
None as big as "a thousand bulls, a thousand rams" etc. Of course it's probably hyperbole (and the whole thing is probably fictional anyway) but the big sacrifices from which priests took their cuts is a notable detail, as was Solomon being anointed as priest by Zadok

>I could understand if Solomon was some usurper who was backed by the priestly caste, but he wasn't.
But he literally was. David's eldest surviving son Adonijah had set himself up as king, backed up by "all the kings' sons and the commanders of the army", while the young Solomon was backed by the High Priest Zadok and the prophet Nathan. (1 Kings 1)
The bible claims David had promised Solomon would become king and yet somehow did nothing to stop Adonijah because of his old age or whatever but he repeated to Nathan (in private) that Solomon should become king. It's so obvious.
noooo not my mammy plz
Isn't that just survival of the fittest? The beast that is Christianity maximized its spreading potential with an uniquely brutal doctrine, and stamped out all of its competitors without mercy. Now it's going extinct.
Isn't it more like:
>god: hi! you're dead, Anon. now that you're here you should make me a sandwich. chop chop!
>sinner: hi... so you're real... whoah! uh, i dunno how to cook, mom always made those. you can't ask me to make a sandwich because i'm not a woman
>god: do it or i spawn a hillful of angry fire ants to eat your ass from inside out
>sinner: o-ok
>god: ...you forgot pickles! pickles are my favourite! you fucking BITCH! *smashes plate against Anon's face* now clean this mess and come downstairs if you know what's good for you!
>sinner: oh god i'm s-so sorry! waah-haah-haah! *pees self in fear* wha-what's under there?
>god: let's just say that you forget about the fire ants
>sinner: but-
>god: SHUT THE FUCK UP! door's locked by the way, don't even think about it.

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