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Couldn't he have made his point without killing a bunch of literal whos?
Best way to get famous i guess
This he Could spread his manifesto easily
Nobody would've read or even heard about his manifesto if he didn't blackmail The New York Times and The Washington Post into publishing it for him (through the threat of more bombings).
That’s the beauty. He was a radical, and smart enough to realize that the only way to make a difference is by utilizing extreme measures. Absolutely nobody would have remembered him if he wasn’t infamous. Think about it: what better way to make a point then to commit heinous crimes against humanity, then outsmart the FBI for an entire 17 years.
It would have just collected dust, read only by the occasional academic
he wanted to kill people. He enjoyed it. their lives had no value to him.
The truth is that he just hated people. It had nothing to do with technology or the industrial revolution. He had always struggled to connect with others and his isolation in the woods only turned that struggle into resentment. He's not thst much different from modern day school shooters who lash out at society for feeling like outcasts.
When asked, he would claim that it was, in part and mostly, done to get back at the "system." His corpus radiates severe mental illness, that being said, if you have not, you should read him, and that is applicable to all; his work provides enthralling and pertinent critiques. But ultimately, I am not an enemy of industrial society.
He could have kept doing his thing in Harvard, become a famed mathematician or whatever the fuck, and when he felt like he had an adequate enough platform to posit his worldview to the general public, he could have started an interesting intellectual movement about the dangers of technological progress. And yet, he didn't do that. Now, that entire discussion is tainted because he murdered people. What a waste of IQ.
potentially, but the odds of anybody giving much of a shit about what some random maths professor was saying were pretty slim. Remember, even after he started the bombing campaign he still needed to take extra steps to get the mainstream press to take his manifesto seriously.

>What a waste of IQ.
Another crime to add to the pile the CIA has to answer for.
>he could have started an interesting intellectual movement
How do you imagine a normal person to "start an intellectual movement"? Become a Twitter influencer? Get a grip.
He, like all trannies was self righteous and delusional
He would have had the same exposure as the crazy bum waving an “end is nigh” sign in the middle of Manhattan

It’s unfortunate but there’s no realistic way he could have spread his manifesto as far and wide as he did without his terrorist actions before hand. Millions of people read it in a world before widespread internet. After the Internet was widespread, the notoriety of the Unabomber made many more seek out what exactly he wrote

For another comparison. There are a shit load of Neo Nazi manifestos online from random nobodies. How many people read these? Maybe 20 if they have a few buddies.

But when that New Zealand shooter killed an entire mosque on livestream and posted a manifesto, hundreds of thousands to millions viewed it. And the many news coverings after kept promoting it by mentioning its existence.

Same thing with Anders Behring Breivik

Of course the problem with this if you genuinely believe it, is that very few people will think the content should be taken as seriously if the person who made it is a murderer let alone a mass murdering terrorist.

Americans have a soft spot if it’s the IRA though, they all are part Irish and from clan Fugowwi
If anything he didn't kill enough.
No, a third-rate thinker at best, would have zero notoriety without his crimes.
Not at all, he was just pointing at humans enjoying themselves and going "NOOOOO YOU NEED TO BASH THE SKULL OF A MAMMOTH IN WITH A ROCK NOOOO", he had no respect for art, literature or history.
>muh high iq
He was a mathematician, mathematicians lack compassion towards human beings, it is why they are communists.
This is what happens when you don't allow troons to troon out
>Society is fine the way it is and the way it's heading
You don't need high iq to realise that's false retard.
your message might spread like this but it won't be liked.
You don’t just believe every single thing he wrote. You analyze it and apply it in your own new, unique way. Synthesis.
I.e. you should seek out power processes as much as you can, even within* industrial society. You don’t have to abandon all technology. More like, if you don’t have* to use some gizmo or gadget, then DONT.
The inability to entertain theses (neither fully affirming nor rejecting them) seems to be a massive filter for intellect.

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