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-Surah Al Kafirun (Qur'an 109:6)

Now please tell me how Islam promotes forced conversion when this line literally exists
I Wish i could get breed by a strong muslim man
That would show these jews
I'm just saying that the mods are oddly active when it comes to deleting threads that expose islam.
No muslim cares about the Quran. You don't have the right to interpret it on your own, you must rely on classical fiqh, wich says you can attack nations even if they don't attack you.
Its a real aryan religion with strong powerful hot man in it
really enjoying all the taqiyya on this board lately.
Jewish Propaganda
Those religiously pluralistic verses are generally interpreted as having been abrogated. If you look at the actual fiqh the only religions there's legal tolerance for in Islam are Jews and Christians. And Sabians but nobody even knows who those are. 'Pagans' (also a vague and shaky term if you take some time to stop and think about it) can't pay jizya which means their blood is never anything but halal and their only options are to convert or be conquered and culturally genocided. Which, again there are respected, mainstream, classical fiqh books explicitly saying you can do this in jihad, can involve actions that we would consider physical genocide today like killing all adult men even if they're not combatants and then enslaving the women and kids. This is why in practice the legal category of People of the Book got expanded to include religions like Zoroastrians and Hindus who it just wasn't politically viable to treat like Islam says you should treat pagans.
>classical fiqh, wich says you can attack nations even if they don't attack you
It goes a lot further actually, it is a minority opinion that it's permissible for the Islamic ruler to cease expanding against non-Muslims. Respectable minority, it does exist and you can hold it while adhering to classical fiqh, but the mainstream position in fiqh is that the Islamic state is in a state of war with the entire non-Muslim world by default and that this state is temporarily broken by truces or broken with a specific political entity/people through jizya if they're People of the Book or conversion if they're pagan. Or conversion if they're People of the Book, I know there is at least an opinion that you have to send missionaries to a country and demand they become Muslim before you attack it, but as you can imagine this never worked outside the context of tribal wars in Arabia during Muhammad's lifetime.
It also has the sword verse and many many more aggressive ones. So what's taking precedence?
>can involve actions that we would consider physical genocide today like killing all adult men even if they're not combatants and then enslaving the women and kids
Also before some Muslim says this was normal for the medieval era, it absolutely fucking wasn't. This is Bronze Age shit basically lol and some of the rules of jihad like it being halal to execute POWs were harsher than the standards of pre-Islamic Arabia according to the traditional sira account. Even the we're at war with the entire world by default thing was seriously retrograde, everyone was conquering and it was pretty normal to boast about those conquests with a lot less shame or apology than cultures in modernity do. But there was still in Western Europe at least a perceived need to justify war on the grounds of having been attacked or some ally having been attacked or whatever else, this is why just war theory (which is not the equivalent of the fiqh of jihad despite what Muslim apologists say) developed. Even the fucking Roman Republic was doing it.
Yes we know, muslims are faggots.
>And Sabians but nobody even knows who those are
Mandaeans in all likelihood.
My knowledge on muslim states and history isn't very vast but didn't followers of the book still have to pay cum tax
Possible but there have been a ton of different explanations by Islamic scholars themselves and by critical scholars. Ultimately unless there's some big find we're not gonna know for sure, the Quran doesn't give you anything to go on besides a name.
The kafir are useful for tax monies, jizya tax.
>Now please tell me how Islam promotes forced conversion when this line literally exists
It doesn't promote forced conversion. It creates a society that puts huge amounts of pressure on nonbelievers in order to encourage conversion.

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