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I want to gather a group of mercenaries and take over this island and foment a communist revolution. Then once the natives are subdued, we make ties with both North Korea and Putinist Russia in exchange for using the island as a military base and then use the island as a strategic area to threaten the main G7 powers of the world.

If I went down in history I think that would be a cool biography to have.
None of this makes sense from a logistical stance. Ignoring all the political and logistical problems, the biggest flaw in your master plan is the island is going to be underwater in like 50 years.
Go down there in modernized full body knight armour (plastic/aluminum/kevlar) with a glock and a mace and just go wild.
China was interested at least in setting up based on the Seychelles nominally to catch pirates. Obviously, they probably wanted it for greater economic and military control of the region and catching pirates is just a smokescreen for that.

>In 2011, the Seychelles government offered to China the possibility of establishing a port in Seychelles to supply ships fighting piracy off the coast of Somalia.[3]


The idea would be to find a non-aligned nation interested in setting up weapons and bases in the region and then using them as a threat to control the area and threaten the forces of Washington and nato.

My idol is France-Albert Rene. I want to take over Sentinel island and become like a Fuhrer to them and make Sentinel island a popular country among the non-aligned movement.
It's Indian territory you dickhead.
They'd wipe you out before you even got close to Nth Sentinel.
Find something else to jack off about.
There’s 39 people on the island. Theoretically, if you snuck in somehow you could off all of them without anyone catching wise. Are you gonna really miss 39 people living in dirt?
Yes they are incredibly incompetent.

You could easily sneak in with enough money to buy the right equipment. Low visibility vessels that the cartel uses to smuggle drugs could work.
Who would win? Some overweight myopic dude thinking he's a god cause he has a boomstick in a primitive environment and will probably back off at the first sign of inconvenience (aka the average man now). Or a tribe where every man is also a warrior, has a very physically demanding lifestyle, who know the land by heart, and will probably fight to the death.

Oh and I should also add that the North Sentinel Islanders now have iron age weapons they made on their own in case anyone thinks they're homo erectus or some shit.
The idea is you hire real mercenaries to do that shit and then you become Prime minister once the island is granted autonomy. Think of the scenario more as Mike Hoare and his guys vs the Iron Age pajeets and you see how my plan makes sense.
>The idea is you hire real mercenaries to do that shit and then you become Prime minister once the island is granted autonomy
And what's stopping the mercenaries from killing you if the guy hiring them is an unfit loser? Besides who exactly are you gonna rule over if you eliminated the entire population? imported jeets? Do you really want that?
>the Iron Age pajeets
The North Sentinel Islanders do not look or even act like the average Indian. Surprisingly they actually look very African despite being genetically close to other Asian groups.
They’re negritos like the ones around them. duh

My plan is entirely theoretical but in it you get really trustworthy Mercs to do it and you start a Juche revolution in Sentinel Island and once you do the remaining people either agree with you or are dead and imprisoned and you use your relations to NK to bring in weapons and make the world powers cower.
>dude hire mercs
those guys aren't cheap, plus they probably won't even stick around even if you somehow manage to convince to even go there since now you have to deal with the pajeet task force, and even with pajeets being retarded there is no way you are winning that
>but muh nk and russia
nk has no real way of actually helping you, or any desire, and Russia has even less reason since India is one of the few relevant states that still somewhat likes them so they really aren't in a position to piss them off, especially over a place thats only relevances was being a scientific observation for studying tribal humans
> Then once the natives are subdued, we make ties with both North Korea and Putinist Russia in exchange for using the island as a military base and then use the island as a strategic area to threaten the main G7 powers of the world.
I will be charitable and assume you are thirteen. I will try to explain in a simple way why this is dumb: Setting aside all the obvious logistical hurdles, if you were to succeed, you would not be establishing your own country, and by no means would you be making contact with any foreign states (except the Indian military/police). What you just pulled off is, at best, an act of piracy, and genocide at worst. You took a gaggle of craiglist tacticool corks and shot bunch of tribals on an Island that is officially indian territory, immediately after, the Indian government will send a response to arrest you, your retards and your accomplices. Assuming you are American, you may narrowly avoid getting the death penalty. You would also be reviled planetwide. And the longest lasting effect of your expedition would Indians spamming wignats with pictures and videos of you being beaten up or hanged at worst.

>If I went down in history I think that would be a cool biography to have.
It would, I was also your age once upon a time, it passes.
No PMC is going to take a job like this, man, especially not from some rando.
> then you become Prime minister once the island is granted autonomy.
Never going to happen. The Indian military garrison in Andaman would easily extricate you off the Island.
Okay, level with me. Say somehow that all 39 of the inhabitants are non-violently subdued and taken back to the other Andaman Islands where the locals attempt to communicate and eventually we learn each others tongues.

Then we introduce to the Sentinelese the ideas of Karl Marx and Kim Il Sung and we explain why we need to use the island as a gateway to spreading communism.

The idea that 39 men and women can be subdued without much bloodshed is entirely feasible and rational.
Unfortunately, the boomstick would win since war hasn't been about physical might for a long time now.
>Then once the natives are subdued
Imperialism? Big yikes.
So you take over the Island and then what?
The Indian armed forces do nothing?

You're dead in a few hours stupid.
How long would it take for them to realize something is up? In this scenario, you could keep some of them alive and reeducate them to worship you and follow you. There are only 39 people. You could control that level.
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>It's Indian territory you dickhead.
Who says so? If the USN docked there India wouldn't be able to do a thing about it
>They'd wipe you out before you even got close to Nth Sentinel.
I doubt any Indian weapon works. They'd probably all jam from all the poo.
Also, China is setting up naval bases right next to India and India doesn't dare do anything, so you're empirically wrong about "before you even got close".
This entire thread was started because I read about the Chinese wishing to start up ports in the Seychells islands and I think North Sentinel if it were captured into private hands could be used lucratively. The Indian claim to the island is extremely faulty. None of the actual inhabitants would understand it or defend the claim.
China already unofficially owns Myanmar's Cocos islands nearby
If it does ever escalate to a clash the PLAN would likely annihilate the barely functional Indian navy within the Indian ocean.
Indian military is a joke but I’m pretty sure 50 thousand poorly trained pajeets with 70’s era guns and boats will still destroy some incel mercenary group trying to occupy a small island with no real strategic importance

Also there’s a big reason nobody has forced the islanders off or to integrate into the wider world so far. It’s not a strategically important location. It has no valuable resources.

If it did the ancient kingdoms would have captured it and built a fort and port. Or the various colonial empires,mOr the British. Or the Indians post independence.
considering that island is checked up on frequently you really wouldn't have much time, made worse by the fact translating an unknown language is not easy for even the most talented people, and I doubt you or any would be merc have skills in doing that
I reckon a single type 052d destroyer can take out whatever the Indian navy throws at it. Just try to buy one from China.
The island isn't some independent state. It's administratively part of India due the Andaman islands being lumped in after Britain left. The Indians let the Sentinelese do what they like, but they are responsible for the island's security.
It should be noted that the island is well within artillery range of Great Andaman, too.
Explain how you would be able to hide a non-trivial international alliance operating off the island from the nation that the island belongs to.
Indian artillery is only good at blowing itself up
We should kidnap one North Sentinelese with a helicopter and let him walk around downtown Tokyo then put him back.

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