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/his/ - History & Humanities

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What kind of history do these guys have?
They’re prehistoric, I’m not even trying to be funny or rude.
"ooga booga we're objectively evil."
same as all other SSA
To be pedantic, they're more exactly parahistoric, because they're recognized, documented and considered significant by contemporaneous historical people.
Throw spear, be scared at earthquake and tsunami, eat fish, see boat people, kill boat people, get tormented by outsider boatman, kill outsider boat man, go to sleep along village campfire.
you forgot
>dies of diseases civilized people can deal with no problem

And we're also supposed to believe this is somehow a bad thing despite being told to believe in evolution/survival of the fittest
You’re right, as soon as a civilization came into contact with them they entered history. Fascinating concept, thanks for introducing it to me.
Do we know for sure that they have no form of keeping records though?
I’m one of the inhabitants. We don’t have computers iPhones but we do have androids.
are they kinda like japanese during yayoi period? since the only records of japan during that time were from china
Yeah, or northern barbarians to the Greco-Romans.
I doubt they have much in the way of record keeping save for oral tradition.
idk let's drone them in a Glock 40 and bottle of whisky
I want to take over their island and once communication is reached with them, convert them to Juche theory and become their France-Albert Rene.
Why not just use drones and become their immortal god using elaborate illusions?
I want to befriend enemy regimes so that I can attain weapons from them and go down in history for destroying Washington and Joe Biden.
Extremely dense chronicles detailing millions of years right back to tbe beginning of the Earth, where these lads were keeping sentinel.
Thank them for creating civilization, as they showed Babylon agriculture. They do.not use it themselves their technology is far greater
would be neat if they kept written records but i doubt it
All of india used to be like them, then the iranian neolithic farmers came and mixed with the mainlanders and created the dravidian race and then the aryans came and rapebabied the Dravidians
All the tribal histories are the same, they are just oral histories of random stuff that happened.
The Sentinelese maintain their ancient duty, guarding the portal to the underworld and frequently closing up the doorway to hell with the bodies of their warriors. The reason the governments of the world strongly advise against tourists visiting the island is that they all know what horrors lie underneath The Sentinel Islands, and have agreed with the requests from the islanders diplomatic representatives to keep people away, they don't want to be softened by exposure to the weak cultures of the world they sweat, bleed, and die to protect.
If even Easter Islanders in the middle of nowhere could create Rongaronga, what makes you think these people don't? Even if they did though I doubt we would ever be able to decrypt them unless we took someone who already knew.
What I find interesting is that over the years they've had plenty of people and items from the civilized world wash up on their island. In 1867 there was an Indian ship that ran aground there, and the crew successfully fought off the natives until the British came and rescued them. Then in 1880 an explorer came, explored the island, took six natives to another island, then returned four of them after the other two had died of disease. After Indian independence the Indian government also tried to establish contact with the natives. Then in 1977 and 1981 there were two more shipwrecks, and footage seems to show that the natives harvested those shipwrecks for materials, including iron. Finally, in 1991 the Indian government made contact with them and gave them gifts, but later on, in 2006 and 2018, they killed a total of three visitors to the island, two fishermen and a missionary.

So on the one hand they live like hunter-gatherers, much like they have for tens of thousands of years. But on the other hand they have access to plastic containers, iron, and whatever cargo the ship that ran aground in 1977 was carrying. I really want to know how they talk about these interactions with people and strange items amongst themselves. Perhaps they see them as gifts from their gods, or from some mysterious spirit world. Or perhaps they see them as bad omens, because usually when strangers approach something bad is about to happen, like the 2004 earthquake and tsunami, which hit the island hard just a few years after the last Indian delegation visited the island, or the capture of six of their people and the death of two of them in 1880.

Another interesting thing is that they can build boats - they were observed doing so by the crew of one of the stranded ships, who correctly surmised that they planned to attack - but they don't use these boats to visit other islands.
Given all of that they've probably gone full on Cargo Cult by now.
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There is also an interesting new theory about common symbols in cave paintings found around the world. They might simply be patterns that humans everywhere thought were fun to make, but the level of abstraction and the amount of similarities across sites that are far apart suggests that there might be more to them. They might be a form of proto-writing - not indicating words or syllables, but visual messages passed between bands of humans across time and place, like "there is water here", "there are trees here", "caution, there are dangerous animals here", or "there is good flint for making tools nearby". We know many of these caves were used periodically by the same bands of people for up to 20,000 years, so there would have been a good use case for symbols to indicate things like that.

Right? One part of me says "leave them the hell alone", but another part really wants to know what their beliefs and world view are.
>but another part really wants to know what their beliefs and world view are.
I can absolutely respect that impulse. But, at the same time, leave the poor bastards alone. They've got lives they're happy with, and who the hell are we to interfere with that?
Do their beliefs even matter? It’s something primitive, arcane and stupid. You don’t need to know the specifics.
I want to know the specifics, and if we're being cynical here, isn't that enough of a reason? Still, I agree with >>16805711.
we can only speculate at the moment, without reliable information about what they actually believe. But, as I said here >>16805711 who the fuck are you or I to interfere with their calm and internally consistent worldview? Sure, it's primitive bullshit, but if they're not causing us trouble why should we bother them?
The benefits of making them think were their gods are many
>endless supply of mandated poon
>animal sacrifices to feed us
>cool temples
>poems written about us
What could go wrong?
>>endless supply of mandated poon
It's called a bar, or 'dating app' if you're pathetic.
>>animal sacrifices to feed us
anybody in possession of more braincells than eyeballs can make enough salary to pay their bills, indulge in their (moderate) vices, and still put something away every month in savings.
>>cool temples
If your own bedroom is not already a temple then you have nobody to blame but yourself.
>>poems written about us
They've got AI stuff now.

tl;dr - leave the poor bastards alone.
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They likely used to have contact with other Andamanese peoples, specifically Onge, but isolated themselves hundreds or thousands of years ago.
You sound gay and modern.
>nooo you can’t exploit these savages you can do all these things yourself
No, in fact I almost want to go over there and fuck with these people now.
Sometimes I think Satan is just sitting down with pen and paper, just observing and taking notes from us.
>I almost want to go over there and fuck with these people now.
Have fun. Let us know how your adventurism goes, assuming you get home in one piece of course.
>prehistoric Europeans had Nintendo Switches
What about the Andamadese?
Retvrn to tradition
We could use a small, stealthy spy drone to study and record them. Have you seen animal documentaries? It's crazy how close we can get to record animals without overly interfering with them.
We also use robots loosely disguised as animals to study social dynamics among them. Now, Sentinelese are smarter than even the closest primates, so they wouldn't fall a simulacrum of a human, but all we need is to give them some kind of object that they won't feel like immediately destroying but that contains a camera and microphone.
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Wow, I'm glad I made this comment otherwise I wouldn't have gotten this reply. How recent are these findings? And is there anywhere else online where I can read about this? It reminds me of the symbols homeless people used to communicate with each other about a specific location.
>One part of me says "leave them the hell alone", but another part really wants to know what their beliefs and world view are.
I forgot to leave this in my previous reply, but is there not a more ethical way to do this? Just use drones to leave hidden cameras and microphones around, far easier said than done though, and I am also interested in their population genetics, and it would be borderline impossible to get their DNA without disturbing the islands inhabitants.
They aren't genetically African.
There image mentions some authors. If you want a brief introduction, the first one mentioned, Genevieve von Petzinger, had a TED talk, which you can find online.

If that's not enough, J. David Lewis-Williams has an extensive bibliography focused mostly on southern Africa. There's also Natalie R. Franklin, who focuses on Australia, and works with Phillip J. Habgood from time to time. A lot of what those three do is also focused on human cognitive development, which is a related topic. Von Petzinger has a pop-sci book called 'The first signs: Unlocking the mysteries of the world's oldest symbols'. She's done the deepest dive (literally) on caves in Europe, in and around the Pyrenees and in Spain and Portugal. She also goes a bit further than others in suggesting that there's something more to the abstract symbols.
>It reminds me of the symbols homeless people used to communicate with each other about a specific location.
I think hobo signs were an invention, but it is an idea that people seem to come up with regularly, across the world. It may be hoboes, thieves, murderers, witches, voodoo practitioners - there are always rumors that some other is leaving symbols that mean something. I think that actually makes it more plausible that such a signage system may have existed prior to the invention of conventional writing.
Thank you,
>They've got lives they're happy with
They can build boats and choose to leave their island any time they like, and don't.
>>dies of diseases civilized people can deal with no problem
They have better health than your average industrial cuck.
That could be because they fear the unknown. I mean, they do violently attack anything that comes by.
None, they are truly free from the burden of history.
On par with Finland.
A prehistoric time up until 1960 and then arrows.
They're genetically far closer to you than they would be to any sub saharan African. They're Eurasians lol
>Then in 1880 an explorer came, explored the island, took six natives to another island, then returned four of them after the other two had died of disease
I wonder if the four they returned spread an epidemic on return. That'd do a lot to reinforce isolationism.
Or maybe they just brought back stories about how much the outside world sucked.
Potential nuke
Iranians will literally fuck anything
They are guarding alien technology.
They probably do a performance every new moon of their version of Fire in the Sky but instead of aliens it’s British people

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