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/his/ - History & Humanities

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I read we are returning to how the world was like pre-20th century, with spheres of influence and trade being eastern dominated. Are we simply returning to the norm? How does this affect the world?
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Why is French Guyana not blue too? Anyway there is no return to anything, the eastern dominated world was just asia except that time the mongols went to go hang out in europe and middle east.
>How does this affect the world?
swap americans for chinese in picrel
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death of humanity
>How does this affect the world?
We're gonna have World War III
Russia is the only country behaving like a 19th century power and it's losing everything and gaining nothing doing so
The old world is gone and isn't coming back
China can never play the game in the same way that the U.S. does, which is why their decision to copy everything of 1940s America wholesale and taken to its natural conclusion is rather stupid. You can't win economic alliances by building 37 different GMs.
We never left the norm. Spheres of influences always existed, it's just that recently the US's was so big that we thought we left the old system.
Multipolar world = clash of civilizations
End of Pax Anglo (Britain & American hegemony) = return to pre colonial age (1500s)
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There is another....
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>spheres of influence
Non-US spheres never went completely away, they were just very small (like China having North Korea as her only vassal)

>trade being eastern dominated
True to some extent, but this could change again if robots can compete with Third World workers in terms of economic efficiency
Why is Greenland red but Denmark is blue
based Panama
Pax Americana as we know it is probably coming to an end. Hegemony is nothing new to history. Like another anon said, small brains think hegemony is eternal, anyone who has opened a book knows it comes and goes. America won't go away though and will definitely keep being a large if not still the largest player.

What's actually interesting to discuss is how America will handle the situation. Will they pull back kicking and screaming or do the smart thing and be pragmatic and accept the new circumstances. It's all a numbers game in the end, where China, India, etc, have gigantic populations and thus economies that simply cannot be ignored.

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