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Why did Harry Truman desegregate the U.S. military?
Is coffee good for you?
Look man, niggers this niggers that, I get it. But a lot more has to go wrong, historically speaking, to get to this point than just
>negroes exist
First time I've ever been tempted to fight for Uncle Sam.
Just pay the guys more and they'll join.
If enlisting started your payment at say 80k+ per year plus health insurance plus free college, a LOT more guys would enlist.
I like my women like I like my coffee.
Embrace monke
Correct, you would also have to place said niggers into key leadership positions, say under the guise of "diversity, equity, and inclusion", and apply this to every political, commercial, and educational institution, which we have already done.
Man you can't be paying the fucking average grunt 80k a year, that's way too much, you'd bankrupt the military.
Sometimes I'd like to be a nigger and have sexo with this. Of course as a white man I could do it too but it would be miscegination. But if I was a nigger I'd probably be banging hot black chicks every single day.
Most Niggers would fuck uggos, you can bang hot black chicks just by being white.
You do know that you’re a nigger right?
> you can bang hot black chicks just by being white
I call bs.
Made for skinny white boys.
I'm white and can confirm, black girls love white guys, I think it might be because black men just tend to be... not good.
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She needs a BWC between those mangos.
Never got stabbed by a bunch of niggers for going with a bantu female? In any way there's no reason to believe any black woman that hasn't had black cock inside her.
greasy and aromatic
I was in college and she was one of my roommates, she was slightly on the nerdier side and didn't hang out with gangbangers.
Although she was friends another guy who was one of those Nation of Islam types who clearly didn't like me because I was having with her, so I might have accidentally created another Yakub. He apparently tried showing her a bunch of videos about it but thought they were stupid.
Basically every effective military in human history going back to the Roman period is a true meritocracy. In these meritocratic environments, minorities do very well, because your ability to kill people and not be killed supercedes any sort of racial or linguistic discrimination. This is why the Roman military had many German military officers, the Byzantine Empire had many Armenian ones, and the Ottoman Empire had many Balkan ones. Desegregation of the military lets people who are better at killing the enemy be in places where they are more useful.
>bantu female?
Black Americans aren't bantu.
Not like you make them not be a part of those structures. Only way you can "omit" them is if you were making said institutions extremely gatekept but that would also exclude anyone who wasn't born into certain families or wealth circles.
good thing the army budget is gorillions of dollars and the federal reserve doesnt give two shits about printing more money
Our greatest ally Israel hands conscripts equipment from the 90s and they still curbstomp Palestinians daily. The US military can afford pay more.
when a loaf of bread costs 80k you will no longer have a military
Yep, no one should ever listen to you here after.
Special interest groups hate white people and wanted to punish white nationalists any way they can.
We can't even afford our current budget, we're 34 trillion in debt.
Cry some more. What he said how any military worth a shit operated. The minute key officer positions are used as a position of inheritance or a political token to garner the support of elites with jobs is when it goes to shit.
>Special interest groups hate white people.
>and wanted to punish white nationalists any way they can.
The guys who often bared their fangs at anyone white or black and often antagonized anyone? Those WNs?
Yes, go take your military culture from Arab states, and witness how well they do against Israel and the West.
>minorities do well in meritocratic environments
not him, but here, I outlined the problem with your post
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> When the beatings and murders of recently returned African American World War II veterans in the South captured national attention, Truman, who assumed the presidency after Franklin Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, was moved to act.
> “My stomach turned over when I learned that Negro soldiers, just back from overseas, were being dumped out of army trucks in Mississippi and beaten,” Truman said. “Whatever my inclinations as a native of Missouri might have been, as president I know this is bad. I shall fight to end evils like this.” In response to the lynchings, and under pressure from Black civil rights groups, Truman formed the President’s Committee on Civil Rights in late 1946. It produced a report, To Secure These Rights, which condemned all forms of segregation and asked for an immediate end to discrimination and segregation in all branches of the armed services.
> Despite the Dixiecrat defections, Truman’s aides convinced him that a winning coalition included Black voters, whose leaders saw the integration of the armed forces as a major election issue. Months before the election, 20 African American organizations, including the NAACP and the National Urban League, issued a “Declaration of Negro Voters,” which included desegregating the armed forces among its demands.
> A month later, with an election looming and under intense pressure from civil rights leaders, Truman signed Executive Order 9981—and created the President’s Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Forces, popularly known as the Fahy Committee, to oversee the process.
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Modern America is the most absurdly anti-white regime to ever exist, which is why nothing works anymore.
>but here, I outlined the problem with your post
Not really. When in settings that don't or can't exactly discriminate in ways to set one back it often means that minorities tend to enter it as a source if opportunities. Like military, sports, art, middle men trade etc.
>Modern America is the most absurdly anti-white regime to ever exist
Lmao I can guarantee you are brown Twitter gremlin.
The entire point of DEI mandates is that minorities are retarded and cannot compete with whites.
If you actually believed that you would be sucking my dick like the leftist cuckold that you are.
The goal of militaries is to kill the enemy. If you are better at this, you get promoted, if you are bad at this, you're probably dead. That's meritocracy
Yes, and minorities are bad at that, and do not excel in a meritocracy. At best they're warm bodies to be used as canon fodder while the actual (white) troops get the job done.
>The entire point of DEI mandates is that minorities are retarded and cannot compete with whites.
Lmao companies constantly defy "DEI" and fyi many don't even do it at all. What's with the autistic fixation chuds have with acronyms?

>If you actually believed that you would be sucking my dick like the leftist cuckold that you are.
Lol this dog is hollering.
>At best they're warm bodies to be used as canon fodder while the actual (white) troops get the job done.
Another Twitter take
You can say that all you like, it's not gonna change the fact of numerous historical examples of minorities being effective in military environments. To give another example, Sikhs are a minority group in India, and were also a minority in the British Empire, and it both they were extremely overrepresented in the military.

Cope and sneed
After our brief interaction, I am even more confident in my position than I was previously. Consider that while you go dilate to BLACKED.com porn or however you leftists spend your time.
None of us brought up Blacked.com. (You) did.
Correct, I'm not sure why you felt the need to confirm that you read my post, but I'm going to make an educated guess that it's a mix of low functioning autism combined with HRT.
You realize that when someone uses the word "minority" they aren't necessarily talking about black or brown people, or even white people, right? Minority just means any group of people who are a small fraction of the population of the country compared to the majority. On visual inspection a guy living in Constantinople in 1200 or whatever is not going to look very different from an Armenian this doesn't have anything to do with black people...
>You realize that when someone uses the word "minority" they aren't necessarily talking about black or brown people, or even white people, right?
Yes, they are.
They aren't. Why did you mentally beeline towards towards a solely American context?
You also use it to talk about black and brown people.
So an Albanian who's family lived MENA for generations and operating as a trader in Syria circa 1910 is "black and brown people.". Lol
You're a white American.
Anyone who isn't a fucking Syrian in Syria is a minority group in Syria
>Anyone who isn't a fucking Syrian in Syria is a minority group in Syria
Religious minorities are a thing. Lets not forget rural and nomadic Syrians either lol
What's wrong with that? She'll attract a ton of high T dudes to the military, precisely the kinds of guys who should be in there.
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Are you ready to die for Israel go- err I mean fellow White person?
more like redpilledfest
Hot black and lots of it
The kikes who control America through ZOG want more Goyim to become their golems and die for Israel and Khazaria.
More like Uncle Shmuel.
ZOGbottery summarized
He was literally a turbo feminist before pulling a JK Rowling and become obsessed with Trannys
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So he hasn't changed, leftytroons have.
Does that not make his comment more credible rather than less?
question: why does this matter?
Does not matter, you cannot black what is already black.
Because it shows that /pol/tards have no real ideological consistency and will literally shill anyone so long as they support their views
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I consistently shill for people when they support my views.
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So you support pic related?
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No, which is why I don't have that one saved.
Yes because your a newfag who wasn't around when everyone made fun of him for becoming a Radfem and ruining his comic
And? We still fuck your women?
400 years of being at the bottom will take a toil.

We're not Bantus
Post bbc larper
Good gawd, you have my attention ZOG.

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