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There is no evidence God exists therefore I do not believe in God. Its really that simple.

>But but but evidential reasoning is le bad because my fee fees
Religious people aren't intelligent, if they were they wouldn't be religious.
This is shown on every IQ test btw.
God hides from you because you are evil.
Why would he hide? Is he scared?
He doesn't want you to believe.
You denying actual evidence while pretending your hallucinations are real evidence is because you have a low>>16805386
>You denying actual evidence
Okay what evidence.
>Inb4 muh fee fees
Why should we believe this?
My feelings matter more. Next!
What is evidence to a talking monkey who still hasn't figured out it is nasty to stick his peeppee in other people's poopoo, is completely ruled by his most basic animalistic instincts, who licks anuses and even drinks semen and pussy fluids, proving they are barely above an animal?

What makes youthink you're smart enough to be able to understand evidence of God even if it was presented to you? You don't even understand the most basic scientific evidence that you claim to believe in, you just have blind faith that the other talking monkeys with white labcoats know what they're talking about.
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>What is evidence to a talking monkey who still hasn't figured out it is nasty to stick his peeppee in other people's poopoo, is completely ruled by his most basic animalistic instincts, who licks anuses and even drinks semen and pussy fluids, proving they are barely above an animal?
None of this is accurate. You attack strawmen and caricatures because you can't argue with the actual point.
>What makes youthink you're smart enough to be able to understand evidence of God even if it was presented to you?
I have an IQ at least a standard deviation greater than yours
>You don't even understand the most basic scientific evidence that you claim to believe in, you just have blind faith that the other talking monkeys with white labcoats know what they're talking about.
I have a master of science in the field.
Should you not embrace justice,
you who hate good and love evil;
who tear the skin from my people
and the flesh from their bones;
who eat my people’s flesh,
strip off their skin
and break their bones in pieces;
who chop them up like meat for the pan,
like flesh for the pot?”

Then they will cry out to the Lord,
but he will not answer them.
At that time he will hide his face from them
because of the evil they have done.
Self fellating self Worshipper.
>You don't even understand the most basic scientific evidence that you claim to believe in!!!
>Actually I have a degree in that field
Why do you hate evolution?
Why does evolution make you so angry? I don't get it
Go ahead and present the evidence that proves humans came from a fish that mutated legs and the abulity to breath oxygen. Explain with yournown high IQ words.
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There is a difference between proof and evidence. Understanding how that difference works in the context of free will is a good place for you to start
The evidence and proofs have been presented to creationists multiple times and you guys just pretend it isn't.
Why do humans have the same genes for gills as fish and why do human fetuses have gills? If God made us part fish that contradicts that humans were made different from the animals.
Humans share DNA with bananas, does that mean we evolve from bananas?
It means that humans and bananas descend from a common ancestor, yes. In this case it goes back to the splitting of the first eukaryotes.
Humans and bananas, animals and plants in general, do in fact descend from a common ancestor of little single celled eukaryotes, which split into the mitochondria-only branch which became animals and fungi, and the mitochondria and chloroplast branch which became plants.
>free will
Not biblically supported
Of course it is, the bible is all about free will. Adam and Eve in the garden, not only choosing but being allowed the capacity to choose; the nations who choose or not to follow the world; the modern world, who chooses or not chooses to follow Christ or Muhammed or whoever.

As for passages, Deuteronomy 30:19:
> I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

we, as humans, are presented with the choices, between doing good, and doing evil. We are the ones who choose; we are the ones who are allowed to choose (as opposed to being mindless unquestioning robots). It is the choosing of good which brings the salvation; it is the choosing of the good which is the message of most religions
tell them anime nigger, anime niggers are the worst scum, and yet christcucks are still below them
>Humans deacend from banana
These are the people calling religion insane.
I literally wrote the exact opposite retard. Humans and bananas descend from a common ancestor which split into animals and plants.
You and your cousin share DNA but you don't descend from your cousin. However you both do in fact descend from a common ancestor.
Everyone can read what I just wrote you moron. There is no point in lying or strawmanning it when it's right there.
And yes, religious evolution deniers are unintelligent
>Humans are banans.
You're insane.
Where did I say humans are bananas? You're having a schizophrenic episode
the alleged conflict between religion and science is a myth, a side effect of self-conscious clerics using power to avoid admitting a lack of knowledge
> cleric: our decision is as clear as the sun going around the earth
> anon: I'm sorry, but the sun does not go around the earth
> cleric: but the policy is sound
> anon: ya, but I'm simply saying the earth goes around the sun, you're wrong about that part
> cleric: heretic!

I tend to think of it in terms of a parent giving a child information. So, when your 1 year old asks where babies come from, you might avoid the whole discussion of DNA, and simply say "the stork brings it". Likewise, we started in a garden with a talking snake and an apple.

Any attempt to create a conflict between God and Science is simply an unrecognized ability to understand that God is smarter than you
The alleged conflict is because we've proven that life evolved and evolution is the origin of species, and that humans evolved from a common ancestor with chimps and other apes, but religious people deny this and pretend the entire fields of genetics and biology and anthropology and archeological and geology etc. Are fake.
If they didn't do that and accepted reality then there'd be no problem.
>Verification not required.
It was crazy enough when you claimed humans evolved from a monkey who evolved from a fish and now say all creatures on the universe came from a random eukaryotes that magically popped out of nowhere and this is supposed to make more sense than a creator simply created us.

We have seen the evolution of single cell organisms in embryos becoming a fetus and them babies, no fetus has suddenly split into a non human organism instead of a baby.
>but religious people deny this
not true. A certain portion of the religious population deny this, but a certain portion of the US population also believes the world is flat.

Let's not fall into the common ploy used in politics, where we take the worse that one side has to offer, and then attempt to prop them up as an example of the entire group.
>It was crazy enough when you claimed humans evolved from a monkey who evolved from a fish
We've proven it. Again, why do we have the exact same genes which code for gills and why do human fetuses have gills? Why did God make us part fish? If you're saying "it's not common descent it's common design" then you're contradicting the claim that humans are created separately from animals. In either case biblical creationis is false.
The first cells weren't eukaryotes.
The creation myth doesn't work because its falsified by the proven age of the earth, the migratory pattern of humans, and the genetic and biological evidence of life.
>We have seen the evolution of single cell organisms in embryos becoming a fetus and them babies, no fetus has suddenly split into a non human organism instead of a baby.
Again, that's not how it works. We DO see strange mutations like polydactyly which gives you 6 fingers, or the different phenotypes of people which are adaptations to different environments.
>You wouldn't be smart enough to understand evidence of God in the first place
>Therefore you should believe in God
>not true. A certain portion of the religious population deny this, but a certain portion of the US population also believes the world is flat.
You are right. But on this board and in this thread there are evolution deniers. I'm arguing with one right now
a bunch a babble to make yourself seem enlightened lol
Yet you believe you are a woman purely based on the fact you took hormones and chopped your dick off. Curious.
>you just have blind faith that the other talking monkeys with white labcoats know what they're talking about.
I am the talking monkey in the white labcoat.
why do u keep putting words in their mouth? you deserve to be burnt in hell for eternity for plainly lying maliciously
Hilarious and telling christoid talking point #3757 - “I don’t understand science so you must not either”
He literally did not say that and refuted the concept. You are too stupid to comprehend basic biology written in laymen’s terms and that’s why you’re Christian in the first place.
Thats big talk from someone who violates little boys
They’re in this thread right now, creationists are not rare in the US brotha. The US is notorious for this national embarrassment.
>creationists are not rare in the US brotha
the point I was making is that there is no conflict between being a creationist and believing in science/evolution
> creationist as in original sourcing; not as in 'humans rode dinosaurs as pets"
Because the one who created the one also created the other using the same materials. We share the dame designer, we have the same creator.
You have proven nothing, correlation does not equal causation, just because humans may or may not develop something similar to gills while growing in the womb is not proof that a fish one day grew legs, came out of the water and learned how to breath oxygen and then evntually became a human but also a lion and a frog and a giraffe and a eagle and a horse and a wolf.

You don't know the age of the earth, some people smarter than you claim they do based on evidence you do not understand but blindly believe because they are your idols and you trust them. Nobody can corroborate with full certainty that it is accurate and in 100 years we might discover that 90% of what they claim was wrong.
The amount of anti-intellectual sentiment in America doesn't paint a pretty picture for the future.
There's plenty of evidence for a malevolent god
Embryonic development isn’t evolution dumbass
Righteousness seems like wickedness to the wicked. Criminals always think justice is evil and rules are oppressive. God only seems evil to evil people who experience his punishments.
So 9 month old children with bone cancer are vile criminals and the satanic elite turbopedos arent, gotcha
It’s been said a million times but you need to further integrate it into your understanding to accept why they’re like this.
They’re dumber than you.
Yeah. I don't believe in a God but considering the way the world is ordered. If there is a God they have to be either apathetic or slightly malevolent.
I already made this point. If God created humans with the same genes as fish then we weren't created separately from the animals.
And it's not correlation, it is causation. The genes cause the development of gills. That's not correlation.
>just because humans may or may not develop something similar to gills while growing in the womb is not proof that a fish one day grew legs, came out of the water and learned how to breath oxygen
Yes, it is. And we have species like lungfish and mud fish as well as the amphibians to show similar transitional forms (note that these modern species aren't the same as tiktaalik and such but they are proof that fish going to land and amphibious creatures which go between water and land etc are real and thus there's no argument that mutations can't allow for slow transitions from the water to the mud to the land).
>You don't know the age of the earth,
Yes we do

Here's where you can actually make an argument: explain how your literal biblical creationism where everyone is the descendant of the 3 sons of Noah makes sense on a young earth. Explain how only a few thousand years ago all 16 of Noah's grandsons went out and formed all the various populations, and explain how NONE OF THESE POPULATIONS REMEMBERED THEIR OWB HISTORY until a bunch of jews from the Levant came and told them their own ancestry.
Why do the Chinese not remember being descended from Madai or whatever? That was only 4 thousand years ago yet there's no ancient Chinese writing on it. Why did the Aryans forget they come from Gomer? Why did the native Americans forget that they sailed across the Atlantic only a few thousand years ago? Why did the Egyptians have a completely different religion when they are right there and wouldn't have forgotten they are descendents from Ham?

Under literal biblical creationism only 4 thousand years ago the 16 grandsons of Noah went out and formed all the people of the world, and yet NONE OF THEM have ANY MEMORY OF THIS. How?
If you hate God and do what he consides evil why should he protect your children from diseawws caused by your own corrupted and unhealthy practices abd lifestyles? If you are evil and do wicked things, don't complain when God curses the evil and wicked of earth and that curse falls on you.
Good Christians and Muslims have children with cancer as well
Is there any way to somehow cull atheists?
t.former atheist
you just have to worship a jew raised by a cuck really hard
How about you come up with a single argument against anything written ITT
Actually producing arguments and evidence will do what you want. However you're failing at it
Oh please. The way you’re talking you obviously don’t believe in Christianity either, start with yourself
>t.former atheist
Yes when you were born you were technically an atheist.
>no creationist can answer this
Why couldn't have God reused genes when creating fish and humans?

A fish that can live on both water and land is not proof that they evolved to become amphibious through a mutation and weren't simply created a amphibian from the beginning.

If they did not descend from the children of Noah and descend from other peoples then why cant they remember those people either? It's not that they don't remember descending from Noah 4000 years ago, but that they don't remeber anything at all from 4000 years ago. Who does? Who has record for 4000 years of ancestry?

The Ancient Israelite prophets were chosen by God to keep written record of it, they were given strict rules that made them holy and purified enough so that God could dwell with them and they could have direct communication with him. And through visions and stories spoken by God the truth was made aware to them and they wrote it down.

You may not believe they were chosen for it but if God wanted to reveal wisdom and knowledge to someone on earth he had to chose someone no? So why couldn't he had chosen them? No matter who he had chosen you would have the same argument against them because it wasn't you who he chose.

So many theories and religious history have been written by many cultures and have been lost and discredited and not been popularized but somehow the story of the jews from the Levant has managed to survive and spread all over the world and dominate over every other ancient writing, maybe because it actually comes from God and he's the one preserving and spreading this knowledge through the world.
>There is no evidence God exists therefore I do not believe in God. Its really that simple.
>>But but but evidential reasoning is le bad because my fee fees
>There is no evidence God exists therefore I do not believe in God. Its really that simple.
>>But but but evidential reasoning is le bad because my fee fees
>>>16805346 (OP)
>Religious people aren't intelligent, if they were they wouldn't be religious.
>This is shown on every IQ test btw.
>Why would he hide? Is he scared?
>You denying actual evidence while pretending your hallucinations are real evidence is because you have a low>>16805386
>>You denying actual evidence
>Okay what evidence.
>>Inb4 muh fee fees
>Why should we believe this?
>>>16805346 (OP)
>My feelings matter more. Next!
>>What is evidence to a talking monkey who still hasn't figured out it is nasty to stick his peeppee in other people's poopoo, is completely ruled by his most basic animalistic instincts, who licks anuses and even drinks semen and pussy fluids, proving they are barely above an animal?
>None of this is accurate. You attack strawmen and caricatures because you can't argue with the actual point.
>>What makes youthink you're smart enough to be able to understand evidence of God even if it was presented to you?
>I have an IQ at least a standard deviation greater than yours
>>You don't even understand the most basic scientific evidence that you claim to believe in, you just have blind faith that the other talking monkeys with white labcoats know what they're talking about.
>I have a master of science in the field.
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>Why couldn't have God reused genes when creating fish and humans?
>A fish that can live on both water and land is not proof that they evolved to become amphibious through a mutation and weren't simply created a amphibian from the beginning.
>If they did not descend from the children of Noah and descend from other peoples then why cant they remember those people either? It's not that they don't remember descending from Noah 4000 years ago, but that they don't remeber anything at all from 4000 years ago. Who does? Who has record for 4000 years of ancestry?
>The Ancient Israelite prophets were chosen by God to keep written record of it, they were given strict rules that made them holy and purified enough so that God could dwell with them and they could have direct communication with him. And through visions and stories spoken by God the truth was made aware to them and they wrote it down.
>You may not believe they were chosen for it but if God wanted to reveal wisdom and knowledge to someone on earth he had to chose someone no? So why couldn't he had chosen them? No matter who he had chosen you would have the same argument against them because it wasn't you who he chose.
>So many theories and religious history have been written by many cultures and have been lost and discredited and not been popularized but somehow the story of the jews from the Levant has managed to survive and spread all over the world and dominate over every other ancient writing, maybe because it actually comes from God and he's the one preserving and spreading this knowledge through the world.
Being a Christian or Muslim or Jewish does not automatically makes you a righteous and God-fearing person who obeys God and does not do evil and wickedness. People must be judged individually by their heart and not by what organization or tribe they belong to. Unfortunately only God knows the hearts of men so only he knows who is good and who is evil. Appearances can fool you.
>Should you not embrace justice,
>you who hate good and love evil;
>who tear the skin from my people
>and the flesh from their bones;
>who eat my people’s flesh,
>strip off their skin
>and break their bones in pieces;
>who chop them up like meat for the pan,
>like flesh for the pot?”
>Then they will cry out to the Lord,
>but he will not answer them.
>At that time he will hide his face from them
>because of the evil they have done.
>Self fellating self Worshipper.
>>You don't even understand the most basic scientific evidence that you claim to believe in!!!
>>Actually I have a degree in that field
>Why do you hate evolution?
>Why does evolution make you so angry? I don't get it
>>>16805346 (OP)
>There is a difference between proof and evidence. Understanding how that difference works in the context of free will is a good place for you to start
>The evidence and proofs have been presented to creationists multiple times and you guys just pretend it isn't.
>Why do humans have the same genes for gills as fish and why do human fetuses have gills? If God made us part fish that contradicts that humans were made different from the animals.
>It means that humans and bananas descend from a common ancestor, yes. In this case it goes back to the splitting of the first eukaryotes.
>Humans and bananas, animals and plants in general, do in fact descend from a common ancestor of little single celled eukaryotes, which split into the mitochondria-only branch which became animals and fungi, and the mitochondria and chloroplast branch which became plants.
>Why couldn't have God reused genes when creating fish and humans?
Then we weren't created separately, by definition.
>A fish that can live on both water and land is not proof that they evolved to become amphibious through a mutation
It proves that there is nothing stopping fish from growing lungs through mutation.
>weren't simply created a amphibian from the beginning.
So now you're moving the goalposts. They weren't created that way from the beginning they evolved that way through the same mutation mechanism that geneticists study.
>If they did not descend from the children of Noah and descend from other peoples then why cant they remember those people either?
Because the ACTUAL history of humanity is hundreds of thousand of years old, not only a few thousand which started off with people with writing and technological civilization. If people came from Noah and already knew how to read and write and build ships and such and they only migrated a few hundred years ago they'd REMEMBER IT. Yet they all have completely different stories because that didn't happen.
>'s not that they don't remember descending from Noah 4000 years ago, but that they don't remeber anything at all from 4000 years ago. Who does? Who has record for 4000 years of ancestry?
We literally have written records from that Era in mesopatamia and China and egypt and Greece and India you moron.
NONE OF THEM TALK ABOUT your pseudo religious mythology. Because it isn't real.
The rest of your post is just religious cope.
Great post can't wait to see where this one takes us.
Reasonable position, infuriates posters here for some stupid reasons
>le evil sexhavers!!!!
every time
>Then we weren't created separately, by definition
Why so you keep insisting in this? Those the bible claims humans are completely separate being from every other animal or something?

What proof you have that they evolved lungs through mutation and they did not always had them?

Show me proof of humans from hundreds of thousands of years old.
*slow clap*
>Those the bible claims humans are completely separate being from every other animal or something?
>What proof you have that they evolved lungs through mutation
They have the genes for lungs that other animals with lungs have while being fish, they serve as a direct "transitional species" that you creationists pretend don't exist. Now your argument is to pretend they aren't transitional because you're literally a religious cultists who will NEVER accept evidence when given to you. I've already given you multiple pieces of evidence and argument for why creationism is proved false and evolution true and you still won't accept it.
>Show me proof of humans from hundreds of thousands of years old.
This thread furthers my theory that Christians on 4chan have a kind of masochism fetish. Just repeating dumb questions to someone who has clearly demonstrated their superiority over you on the subject,
if there were evidence god exists you would know he exists, you wouldn't have to believe
What do you think evidence for God would look like?
Is this the schizo thread?
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thats reasonable but besides programms who can fall into time cores tis realy falsifyable their are non. its mathematical profable
>this supposedly all powerful god is scared of mere mortals
Not a good look for him
Yeah that's pretty much what I've surmised. He lets us have the evil we want until we know better or die. I'm far passed blaming Him. I just want help.
Do you believe a virgin gave birth to a magic jew?
Where does it say that?

What proofndo you have that those animals mutated lungs and didn't always had lungs. What proof you have that they are transitional animals and werent simply always amphibious.

You're a TV Worshipper don't talk to me about religuous cults. You literally believe men landed and walked on the moon in the 60s and then managed to launch back from the moon to earth and broadcasted it live on TV yet today with their advanced tech they just can't even reach the athmosphere. Just because your god TV said it was true.
Which God should be believed in, and why?
Everyone is evil tho. There is not one righteous, correct?
Of course there are righteous people, thats some Christian nonsense from Paul taking psalms out of context like always.

David wrote a song in his frustration complaining about the lack of good people in the land so he said:

The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
there is no one who does good.
God looks down from heaven
on all mankind
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God.
Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.
Do all these evildoers know nothing?

Then Paul took this psalm and twisted it out of context saying: "as it is written: none is righteous, not even one"
To make it seem like it nobody is righteous and being righteous is impossible. But David himself who wrote that psalm was righteous. Many people in the old testament have been called righteous and good and even blameless by God. Noah, Abraham, Job, Daniel being the most righteous ones who have ever lived. God even demands that men be righteous and blameless many times, so how can being righteous be impossible of God is asking men to be righteous? God wouldn't demand the impossible from people.

Paul is antigod. All his words are rebellion against God's laws and instructions.
Well when you put it that way I guess it makes sense.
>What do you think evidence for God would look like?
Like evidence. For instance, if you take it at face value that their is infact a "god" there is plenty of evidence that they are apathetic or slightly malevolent by looking at the nature of the world they created.
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>itt seething christoids

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