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Nobody really thinks that. There is that one book, called
>How the Irish Saved Civilisation
but its role in Irish acadaemia is basically "one guy had a notion about this." It's hyperbole, because most of the book is framed around the fact that Ireland was a literary powerhouse (true) and that had some disaster destroyed other centres of literature Ireland could have helped preserve a lot of it.

That's it.
The truth is that yes, Irish monks were hugely influential in the spread of literature and christianity across Europe, and were often found at centres of learning. They were highly valued by Royal Courts for this reason. But that isn't as fun to talk about as le funny save the world meme
I believe it, they saved civilization in Northwest Europe. The whole theological, intellectual and artistic production of Northwest Europe was focused in Ireland.
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The irish were literally more advanced than the anglo saxons
Reminder that aside from churches, there were no stone buildings in england before the norman invasion. no castles, no fortified houses, no stone walls. there were no two storey buildings in england before the norman invasion
Meanwhile the dark ages irish were building huge ringforts and irish round towers, the tallest buildings in the british isles at the time
Anglo saxons found roman buildings, they found stonemasonry, and they did nothing with it. they were pagan savages in wolfskins before the irish finally christianised them
meanwhile the irish, without the influence of rome built the tallest buildings in the british isles and built huge proto-castles
>the "dark ages"

no such thing
Diaspora communities are so fucking annoying because they write larp shit like this
Yes they did. Monastic institution was a god send that the Buddhist created and the tradition got transmitted to Christianity. In both traditions monastics kept built liberaries, kept books, became a university to teach tens of thousands of students from around the world.

It was crucial to preserving knowledge, creating knowledge, and transmitting knowledge.
Further the Jesuits and their universities were essential to lift Europe from the so called "dark ages" by becoming a repository of world knowledge in the age of exploration. The jesuit scholars didnt just record what they saw, they actively learned, dialogued, argued, and archived their knowledge of the world they lived in which kick started the age of enlightenment as many of the famous thinkers had deep connections to Jesuit colleges/monastics community and learned from them
early middle ages (500-1000 ad) is a "dark age" from the fact that there are very few physical records compared to height of rome
wew imagine coping like this when ireland has virtually nothing that pre-dates the anglo-normans
the bulk of the round towers in ireland today are 11th century, and of those that date to before then only the bases are original
england has churches of various styles and sizes dating back to the 6th century, and that's not even accounting for the fact the major churches (westminster abbey and winchester cathedral) were rebuilt on even grander scale in the later middle ages, and are bigger than anything the irish have ever possessed
ringforts are literally prehistoric and made of dry stone wall lol

what an embarrassing post lmao
either way, it's the normans who brought the brits back to civilization
>americans living vicariously through paddies by talking about the english
yep it's another day on /his/
It was recently revealed that the vast majority of "ugh...muh irish nation...right wing celtic paradise..." posters on twitter were from America. They LARP so much. We fucking hate them.
Cool. Ireland is a pretty interesting place.
>We fucking hate them.

Ok, Nigel.
I'm not British, anon! Anti "Irish-American" sentiment is extremely widespread in Ireland and almost entirely directed toward the LARPing east coast weirdos that pretend to be Irish Nationalists on the internet despite having zero tangible connections to any actual Irish Nationalist or Republican movement.
>Anti "Irish-American" sentiment is extremely widespread in Ireland

I'm from Ireland and have never come across it other than from faggots on r/ireland. I doubt you're from Ireland yourself.
nobody uses that shit except le epic chicken fillet roll faggots. on every other social media platform with a large Irish presence, they are mocked ruthlessly and only really endured by teenagers who LARP about some great retvrn of their lost diaspora or whatever

to everyone else they are annoying piggybanks
I'm on twitter and FB and don't see it there either. I feel like you have an agenda are trying to sow division. You don't deny you're not from Ireland.
I do deny that I'm not from Ireland, because I'm from here. I see it constantly on twitter. I don't use FB. Not that I want to have a back and forth over whether or not people loathe Irish Americans weighing in on Irish politics (they do), but:
>have an agenda
Yeah, I don't like retarded Americans weighing in on the history/politics of a nation they don't understand whatsoever.
>sow division
Between whom? Anonymous people on 4chan? wise up
Tell me more about Ireland and its history.
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Sure anon, anything specific you'd like to know? Short version:

>Island of petty Gaelic Kingdoms squabbling with each other
>Christianity arrives
>Island of petty Gaelic Kingdoms squabbling with each other, but now they are writing a lot of stuff down and their laws are getting weirdly advanced
>Pretty cool place
>Vikings show up and trash the place
>Gaels learn to do bigwar instead of small duels, kick the shit out of the Vikings
>Island of petty Gaelic Kingdoms squabbling amongst each other that on rare occasions unifies into 1 Kingdom (then shatters again)
>Normans invade England
>Normans invade Ireland
>Island of petty Gaelic Kingdoms squabbling with one another and also with the Normans
>Normans also get assimilated often
>England becomes Protestant
>Now England hates both the Gaels and the Normans in Ireland
>England starts colonising the shit out of Ireland
>Takes all the land off the mostly Catholic Irish population
>Removes all political power from them too
>Skullfucks any resistance into oblivion
>Implements very strict anti-catholic laws
>Converts the entire island into an incredibly inefficient shitshow of farms to bleed rent from
>Some of the Protestant landed class don't like how bad England is at running shit
>They threaten rebellion, win some concessions
>French Revolution happens
>Some other Protestant landed class REALLY don't like how bad England is at running shit
>They create a movement that unites Catholics+Protestants against British rule
>They rebel with support from France, except without the French support
>Rebellion fails
>Ireland absorbed by Act of Union into United Kingdom
>Few more rebellions+constitutional nationalism grows once anti-catholic laws are loosened
>big protestant population in northeast opposes nationalism
>radical republicanism overtakes nationalism
>ireland split into Northern Ireland (NI) and Irish Free State
>Free State becomes modern Republic of Ireland
>NI is NI
The Irish monks did preserve a few works that would've otherwise been lost... but that's not the same thing as 'saving civilization'. Civilization is more than just words on a page.
Cool. Thanks for the writeup. The Irish and Viking wars were interesting. And the Normans as well.

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