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/his/ - History & Humanities

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Native Injuns had two whole continents.
The Americas are a geological nightmare. It's a miracle any sedentary society existed there at all.
You need to stop playing video games
> It's a miracle any sedentary society existed there at all
> is United States an instrument?
Poor 0/10 bait. Do not reply to me again.
The big east/west axis of Eurasia means that whatever advantageous crops and livestock you could get your hands on could propogate a huge distance and end up in the hands of people who could put it to work best.
After that it was just a matter of finding a nice river valley and developing some institutions that could stand the test of time.
And a 200,000 year delayed start to exploit them
I think they did pretty good all things considered
Euros because their three base components were subject to extremely thorough selective sweeps during the Ice Age after which emerged very capable very robust groups.

The beauty of the White race does not exist without the privations of the Ice Age selecting for the hardest and baddest men in the North.
> humanity 'develops' for 200 000 years in Africa and Eurasia
> one of the groups who shared with those developments moves to a new continent
> somehow this anullates the developments they have done for the last 200 000 years
Blow your retarded head with a shotgun you stupid lib.
If the guys from 200kya were also the guys who invaded the Americas then the answer to the OP's question is "there aren't any races"
You are so fat and retarded that you change subjects in the middle of a thought and don't notice it
If the pills don't help then nothing is ever going to help
Europeans and middle easteners
>somehow this anullates the developments they have done for the last 200 000 years
It's not only about le development retard, the first injuns that arrived to the Americas were a band of hunter gatherers consisting of like 150 people, the old world was always much more populated than the new world, also since they were hunter gatherers they had to independently invent agriculture too
Is this a trick question?
Obviously the Negrito race.
There was migrations from the Bering Strait into the Americas until 10 000 BC stop eating shit. Agriculture was very developped in the Americas, many staple food comes from there (potatoes, corn, only to name a few).
Chinese, Indians, Mesopotamians, and Mediterraneans
Mesopotamians obviously, they lie on an important route between East and West. If the Romans had taken control of Persia and were able to develop the ports of Mesopotamia we might very well have seen a far more sophisticated region today.
Natural disasters have cost the US 2 trillion since 1980 alone, retard. Before industrial society most Europeans who tried to settle it came down with horrible diseases and suffered drought.
Far less than China spent and lost to the routine massive floods killing millions ever decade. Womp womp
> 2 trillion since 1980
Amounting to a whole... 50 million people year? Are those damages equally distributed across all of the country? Can they be attributed to the collapse of societies? Is it possible that you are full of shit?
>Are those damages equally distributed across all of the country?
Earthquakes on the West Coast, the dust bowl, various hurricanes in South in the last 20 years alone..etc.
>Can they be attributed to the collapse of societies?
Yes. Cahokian societies were constantly beaten down by geological disaster in the area.
>Is it possible that you are full of shit?
No, you're just retarded.
Likely China or India.
> Yes. Cahokian societies were constantly beaten down by geological disaster in the area
Give me historical records of societies that collapsed to climate catastrophes.
Like there's been mountain villages destroyed by mud. The people are if possible evacuated, the mud destroys the village, and the people re-settle the village. If a village doesn't collapse to climate catastrophes, how can a whole civilization?
Europeans (especially around France and the region from Poland to Ukraine) and South Asians, it's not even close. It's actually embarrassing Europeans lagged behind for so long.
This isn't an American example, but I wouldn't be surprised if all the evidence for American civilizations being destroyed has been now buried by Walmart and shieet but
>Give me historical records of societies that collapsed to climate catastrophes.
The Bronze Age collapse.
Due to a combination of increased volcanic activity fucking up the weather, it ended in mass violent migrations into the civilizations of the fertile crescent, leading to the complete destruction of civilization as we know it in all of the nations there aside from Egypt.
> leading to the complete destruction of civilization as we know it in all of the nations there aside from Egypt
Will you finally stop spouting crap made up by Jews? The Bronze Age collapse didn't leave to the end of civilized life. People didn't return to living like stone age ooga boogas. As far as we know it, it only led to the end of stable government. Basically the Levant states devolved to anarchy. Most likely a series of revolutions and lefties usurping power was the cause.
Kek and then you make up copes and blame it on the climate.
Yea the most homogenous race on the planet destroyed by negro worshipping whites.
>first domesticated modern horse
>the first chariots with spokes
>the endless expanses of the Eurasian steppes
>control over all of Central Asia.
Andronovo Aryans are the most imbalanced and most reproductively successful culture today. I am shocked why they could not completely replace the Mongoloids from the eastern steppe, and also did not conquer the early Chinese farmers in their position.
advantage becomes disadvantage.
disadvantage becomes advantage.
you know that.
Whites. Our advantage was we had to struggle to survive under harsh eugenic conditions.
Hippocrates on how the climate of Asia selects for “pusillanimity and cowardice” while Europe selects for bravery.

>And with regard to the pusillanimity and cowardice of the inhabitants, the principal reason the Asiatics are more unwarlike and of gentler disposition than the Europeans is, the nature of the seasons, which do not undergo any great changes either to heat or cold, or the like; for there is neither excitement of the understanding nor any strong change of the body whereby the temper might be ruffled and they be roused to inconsiderate emotion and passion, rather than living as they do always in the state. It is changes of all kinds which arouse understanding of mankind, and do not allow them to get into a torpid condition. For these reasons, it appears to me, the Asiatic race is feeble, and further, owing to their laws; for monarchy prevails in the greater part of Asia, and where men are not their own masters nor independent, but are the slaves of others, it is not a matter of consideration with them how they may acquire military discipline, but how they may seem not to be warlike, for the dangers are not equally shared, since they must serve as soldiers, perhaps endure fatigue, and die for their masters, far from their children, their wives, and other friends; and whatever noble and manly actions they may perform lead only to the aggrandizement of their masters, whilst the fruits which they reap are dangers and death; and, in addition to all this, the lands of such persons must be laid waste by the enemy and want of culture. Thus, then, if any one be naturally warlike and courageous, his disposition will be changed by the institutions. As a strong proof of all this, such Greeks or barbarians in Asia as are not under a despotic form of government, but are independent, and enjoy the fruits of their own labors, are of all others the most warlike; for these encounter dangers on their own account, bear the prizes of their own valor
> As a strong proof of all this, such Greeks or barbarians in Asia as are not under a despotic form of government, but are independent, and enjoy the fruits of their own labors, are of all others the most warlike; for these encounter dangers on their own account, bear the prizes of their own valor, and in like manner endure the punishment of their own cowardice. And you will find the Asiatics differing from one another, for some are better and others more dastardly; of these differences, as I stated before, the changes of the seasons are the cause. Thus it is with Asia.
watch guns germs and steel the theory is that it was Europeans. that had stronger immune
systems due to keeping animals. they had swords and gun powder as well as a lot more mobility across the continent they came from so they found a lot more stuff that would have given them the advantage
Apparently, by Asia the Greeks meant modern Anatolia and Iran.
because the climate in Central Asia and especially in Siberia is incredibly extreme, compared to Europe.

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