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The Chinese are right, europeans just make up shit in order to pretend they were significant, just like when Heinrich Schliemann forged a bunch of fake artifacts from his imagination. Don't believe shit any european tells you about history, they fake so much of it.
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why this then
It's a serious problem around the world, fake archaeology is.
It's the opposite, non westerners just make shit up in accordance with their nationalist fairy tales, westerners require corroborating sources, and archeological evidence. Do you just get a kick out of pretending the opposite of reality is true?
>hehe these real languages prove my made up language is real
your using the argument for magic, which you don't even believe in channeling
pie is a complete made up a language with fake words nobody ever said, there is no "reconstruction" because you have nothing.
White "people" and their shit ideas need to not be coddled anymore
"durr im so smart because im totally objective and totally not trying to prove europeans are super extra important with my proven fake artifacts and 0 evidence for my fake ancient aryan language
Weak bait
Yes he does and you are absolutely right.

It's kind of like how someone will say the Iliad can't be true and it's all fake because it mentions Gods and then in the very next breathe tell you how Tiglath-Pilesur son of Baal, Prince of the Universe, Master of the four corners of the Earth was totally a real figure who slayed a million Persians and two million Egyptians because that's what the stone says.
reminder that 90% of anti-European topics are made by people who live south of Rio Bravo
Don't respond to this kind of fake bait
Too late I'm riled up time to disprove Israeli fake anti-history.
theres no fucking PIE stones, just the imagination of a group of stupid ugly white dudes with tin penises making up stories about a made up culture and pretend language
Sounds based
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Their penises were bronze or marble not tin
Yeah, it was socially normal to be a straight up KKK nazi racist like 20 years ago, in 1800s people were super racist like negroid mongoloid tier pseudosciences.

imagine how much history was perverted by snooty anglos who wanted to rewrite history that ancient greeks were "white" people and not the turko-arab looking mediterranean dagos they really were. And that was just one example.
that's funny coming from the chinese
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His nose looks European and his tan looks like the kind white construction workers get here in the US.
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>His nose looks European
>His nose looks European
Euros don't have a patent on that shape. Especially when many if not most don't have it or an approximate lol.
Side profile? Let's see it!

It's definitely not Semitic. Also why is his hair blue? The only people using blue dye historically of that type were the British who used woad and other variants blues and greens. Is this Minoan a British transplant?

Also his eyes are blue.
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do you really believe these languages just appeared out of nowhere and by coincidence shared similar vocabulary, seems more likely they share an origin, this is not "magic", it is logic

this thread seems like bait
>durr its not invalid to make up words and claim it came from a made up language and made up culture, white peoples objectivity strikes again lmao!
none of the protoindoeuropean words actually exist it was all made up, showing existing words doesnt validate a complete speculation
Chinese confirmed cannot into abstract knowledge and hypotheticals.
>I don't believe in evolution!
>Show me the missing link NOW.
>No not that missing link...
>No not that one either...
>I need more links...
one name: Leonhard Euler
PIE doesn't have missing links u fuck, its like archeologists finding nothing and claiming they found sound something, and then "reconstructing" the nothing
Greek and Avestan are two missing links that go straight back to the second millennium, when the Aryan pulse migrations were still going strong. You are in need of therapy.
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>Leonhard Euler
lmao what the fuck is this? PIE virgins making AI pics and claiming its real too!
>durr i just used other languages as examples for a language with no evidence to prove my super big penis superior white aryan speculation language created entirely from imagination! im so smart
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>my super big penis superior white aryan
>*slaps your face with it*
Yes only white mans mind can comprehend abstract fields such as comparative linguistics. Don't you have some nigger sneakers to make, Cheng?
thats so fuggn gay, ur never getting a gf

>comparative linguistics
>comparing real languages to something that doesnt exist..
you're getting worse fat then the "death camps" you're going to have to sit there and post shit you don't believe in the slightest, working is a worse fate than death for a jew, sorry, not sorry
Proto indo European has been proved to exist
Genetics and linguistics prove the Aryan migrations
>it was real in my mind
they were not aryan, and your grandkids are gonna be black so kys
You have a strange fetish.
your the cis man on the cuckold website
Seek help. I'm serious, like actually worried for you.
There are multiple genetic papers on the topic
>they were not aryan
What do you mean?
i just need black cock
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What does Euler have to do with thread
The greatest mind to ever exist is a White European one
Idk blud there seems to be a lot of corroborating evidence. Archaeologists and geneticists agree that the Indo-European language family was spread across Eurasia by *cough* Indo-European people. And if you need physical and historiographic proof that it happened;
Anyway, you're a faggot and this is a bait thread. Go back to plagiarizing Western fighter jet, electric car, and mobile phone designs.
>ermmm... well... the reason the Graeco-Roman, Norse, Zoroastrian, and Hindu mythos all feature the same stories but with minor aesthetic differences is... erm... JUST A COINCIDENCE!
>ermmm... well... the reason the Graeco-Roman, Norse, Zoroastrian, and Hindu mythos all feature the same philosophical teachings but with minor semiotic differences is... erm... JUST A COINCIDENCE!
>the guy who revolutionized geometry and complex analysis had some thoughts on the ancient Indo-Europeans
Okay, I need to get tapped in. Redpill me on Euler.
Please do your parents a favor and end yourself, thank you.
oh you mad, u gonna cry lil tiny dick indieuropean THEORIST?
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That is not a nigger, it is a southern European Mediterranean.
skin isn't close to being as dark
>51 replies
all you have to tell faggots like OP are "dilate jew" and never reply again
Why do we all have Sunday and Monday? Funny the 7 day cycle is basically the same in all cultures.
The further back in history you go, the more you have to rely on fictional/fantasy stories to find out what really happened.
>europeans made up evidence of the proto-indo european language
what would the purpose of this even be?
Proto-Indo-Europeans don't match up with anyone's nationalist fairy tales though. Do you think any european nationality wants to be related to the people they spent centuries fighting?
If there was no shared Indo-European cultural and linguistic ancestor then the only other explanation for people from Scandinavia to Bengal worshiping the same Gods is that ours are the real ones and they didn't like anyone else enough to talk to them.
>The further back in history you go, the more you have to rely on accurate/true stories to find out what really happened.
there fixed it
>europeans just make up shit in order to pretend they were significant
>by researching a language family that stemmed from the middle east and erased all previous european languages except for Basque
BRICSmonkeys hear "European" and go ballistics, talk about mindbroken

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