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Either the old paganism or the modern neolarpagan movement.

What do you think paganism does better or worse than the big bad Christianity? Which brand of paganism is best (Hellenism, Druidism, Nordicism, Romuva)? What do anti-Christian Romeaboos like Richard Carrier think of Germanic/Slavic/Celtic paganism? Are they more civilized than Christians or are they at the same level of barbarism?
Talking about paganism is fucking boring sage
Were still finding ritually sacrificed blonde children preserved in pagan bogs in the Netherlands
what about greco-roman paganism? are they more civilized pagan movements? or are they just as barbaric, and Christianity did a favor replacing them?
Every neo-pagan I've ever seen has either been a chud or a lesbian, occasionally both.
I don't dislike ancient paganism, it is interesting. I am skeptical of modern European "paganism" because it's completely drenched in christian though. It's not their fault really, the ancient pagan mind set is so foreign and alien to us it is sort of like how modern historians still can't figure out how the Greeks really fought in a phalanx and we just have some guess. It's almost a pg rated parody of the original pagan practices.
Whether ancient Greeks ever actually practiced human sacrifice or if they just convinced themselves that they had by absorbing and altering some stories from the neighboring tribes that certainly did it is still dubious.
As is the matter of Octavian's execution of rebel leaders in a temple of deified Julius Caesar and if that should be considered an act of human sacrifice.
A lot of the pagan larp is kind of cringe, don't really mind them, just can't conceive as to how people aren't atheists nowadays
christianity unironically united christianity more than "paganism". why didnt the romans let the germanics in?
OOPS im retarded, christianity unironically united europe*
*sips Monster can*
I dislike how the pagan religions (or at least their modern fake incarnations) make ethnicity and worldly culture the focal point of their entire religion, and seem unconcerned with things beyond Earth, unconcerned with universal truth and contemplating the supreme being. Most of them don't even seem to believe in one.
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>What do you think paganism does better or worse than the big bad Christianity?
It's not jewish. It didn't keep them around parasiting off of everyone to fulfill made-up "prophecies" they wrote themselves
>Which brand of paganism is best (Hellenism, Druidism, Nordicism, Romuva)?
All of them. They're all better than marxism 1.0 aka Christianity

>make ethnicity and worldly culture the focal point of their entire religion
The entirety of christianity is about becoming a spiritual jew, god's chosen ethnicity, and establishing a global jewish kingdom lol. The word pagan is literally the christian equivalent of "goy". It's beyond cucked
>The entirety of christianity is about becoming a spiritual jew

I didn't even say anything about Christianity. If you hate Jesus so much it's baffling that you let him live in your head rent free.
Medieval Christianity permitted the father of a household to kill their sons. Where are those bodies?
"Paganism" is a christian concept, retard. You cant hate or love someone that doesn't exist
>"Paganism" is a christian concept, retard.

I equate "paganism" (indeed a made up word) and polytheism. All polytheism is small minded and refuses to acknowledge the supreme creator God.
Erm... announcing your sage is a bannable offence, chuddy
Don’t get your views from TikTok.

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