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What evolutionary step caused East Asians to act like a hivemind and be prone to authoritarian leaders and high pressure work driven societies?
Not really an accurate take.
>What evolutionary step caused East Asians to act like a hivemind and be prone to authoritarian leaders and high pressure work driven societies?
That's literally every major society. Europe in the West with their emphasis on divine right and later authoritarian ideologies like fascism and communism. The MENA and Northern India with Islam and the idea of total submission. I honestly can't think of one major civilization where people don't act like a hivemind.
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It's really just the Mongoloid dna, all their customs and religions revolve around subservience and they never got any equivalent to the Protestant reformation or real social liberation in their cultural mindset. Even the communism in these areas are not about the workers at all and prioritize drone behavior which even the USSR under Stalin didnt do.
Wrong on every account, even Muslim culture rewards counter authority behavior as long as it falls in line with their faith. You will never have an Islamic revolution tier reconstruction of society in say China which their own revolution revolved around self hatred and become slaves to a central figure once again as they were under the Manchu
These libertarian fags love lawless countries from the comfort of their Western nations but would never live in one.
There’s a clear difference in the individualism-hivemind scale between West Europeans and East Asians.
Yellow Turban Rebellion, An Lushan Rebellion, Red Turban Rebellion, Taiping Rebellion, Boxer Rebellion? Chinese History is littered with rebellions against the ruling class that caused millions of deaths. Don't talk about history if you know nothing about it.
All revolved around changing one totalitarian ruler for another. No such self cucking ever occurred by the masses in Europe or the middle east
East Asian hivemind vs West Asian individualism
>No such self cucking ever occurred by the masses in Europe or the middle east
Lmao the sheer delusion.
So I bring rebellions and you change the topic. The Protestant Reformation brought on...a century of religious wars that tried to exterminate each other. The French Rebellion which was about DEMOCRACY and EGALITERIANISM brought on...a fucking emperor controlling most of Europe. The Communist Rebellion in Russia brought on...a dictator that slaughtered millions of people. Need I go on with more?
>Islamic revolution tier reconstruction of society
ESL tier reading lmao
Show me an example where the masses fought to install a totalitarian dictator knowingly, even the SOVIET Union was fought to install a multi level system of Soviet democratic unions
>Show me an example where the masses fought to install a totalitarian dictator knowingly
A good amount of the post Soviet rulers had a stranglehold on politics and used the momentum from the Sovuet collapse to make their move by riding the democracy wave.
Show me a clear example where they fought for a total dictatorship. You using people democratically voting for a wealthy person is not a mass uprising such as those seen in China where millions routinely rose and died to install another total monarchy or theocracy
>Show me an example where the masses fought to install a totalitarian dictator knowingly, even the SOVIET Union was fought to install a multi level system of Soviet democratic unions
Tell me you don't know Chinese history without telling me you don't know Chinese history. Even if they didn't achieve the goal, the original goal of the Xinhai Revolution was to establish a democratic government.
It wasn’t and it was to install a Han total monarchy with kickbacks for the warlords. And you wont be able to ever prove it was for a democracy, best you could do is to show it was for a authoritarian republic that was only supported by western educated strong men lol
The real answer is Confucianism
A guy coming into power and holding onto it for years is not totalitarian?
The epic "rugged individualists" is an Anglo-Saxon meme
Buddhism & Communism
No it isn't
The America I grew up in made room for the eccentrics. - Tucker Carlsen.

Chinese eccentric: screams and kills people
American eccentric: invents things to help humanity, writes beautiful poetry
State counter examples.
You have to swindle people in the west, In China they throw themselves by the millions to die to be a bootlicker
Still better than living in an authoritarian dystopia
Sir stop trying to get him to think abstractly. He's incapable. They are good at numbers, not philosophy.
Both invent things, write poetry and kill people. American exceptionalism holds no water here.
So both are swindled?
I want to talk to someone who is not a deluded hive mind member (not you). The reason you'll never go higher and need places like Russia is that you deny basic facts due to hubris.
Why make them feel bad about it? Allowing them to live delusional about being the Borg race has it's benefits.
Look up hydraulic civilizations. Basically all the civilizations before Greece and Rome (Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, China) all required massive amounts of water to sustain their crops either because they lived in arid climates with little rain or because they were growing rice rather than wheat which requires constant flooding. This basically created a situation where the king would easily be able to control the people by controlling their water supply, and if people tried to rebel they would fight amongst each other over dams and starve to death. In Europe on the other hand the fact that they were growing wheat which requires less water than rice and the fact that they had regular rainfall which made river access unnecessary this limited the power of despots over their subjects and created a decentralized, individualistic environment.
nta but:
1. Western religions are just as herd-like
2. East Asian thought is ontologically different and does not acknowledge the individual vs. collective dichotomy
I figured that much in his reply, but that didn’t answer my question: How?
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Explosive diarrhea would be the least of your concern there even if you were a dragon lizard.
How what?
How exactly are western countries “just as herd-like”? How is East Asian thought different and why does it not acknowledge the individual vs collective dichotomy?
nta but he clearly wants to know WHY and HOW the East Asians arent hive minded, you stating "East Asian thought is ontologically different and does not acknowledge the individual vs. collective dichotomy" is not helping your case, just confuses him further
>How exactly are western countries “just as herd-like”?
Look at the French Revolution or the Salem witch trials or even the BLM movement today and tell me we don't have problems with herd mentality too.

>How is East Asian thought different and why does it not acknowledge the individual vs collective dichotomy?
East Asia never had a Zoroaster or a Plato. They skipped over the problem of good versus evil and light versus dark from the beginning. Tao means "way" or "path" and is more Heraclitean and did away with beingness and God from the onset.
French revolution is the exact opposite of typical Han herd mentality and revolved around the destruction of ancient order in favor of a new regime headed by the public who being blood thirst does not detract from the main Jacobin ideology
And wooo a small TOWN wow soo widespread lol
Shut the fuck up and learn history.
No, I definitely don’t think that is on the same level as the work driven societies of East Asia.
Also how does their history of philosophy in their countries suddenly change the fact that they are objectively hive-like societies?
>hive-like societies?
The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Wow another example of tiny incidents in towns and rural bumfuck hicks doing dumb stuff. We have a more concrete example of massive Chinese cities and routine massive cannibalism streaks. lmao
Western history is literally full of this shit you imbecile, and Christianity itself is a herd religion that worships a fucking shepherd.
So show big examples, dont be a pedantic cuck and use very isolated villages to try and prove your point when literally any wikipedia tard can show examples in China done by millions lmao
>you stating "East Asian thought is ontologically different and does not acknowledge the individual vs. collective dichotomy" is not helping your case, just confuses him further
It doesn't really have a strict yes or no answer.
Are you asian by any chance? It was pretty clear what I meant.
Christianity is your big example.
>1. Western religions are just as herd-like

This isn't about religion specifically. Japan, China and Korea all have/had Supreme Leaders people literally worship. You wouldn't find such immense personality cults anywhere in the West, expect for Hitler.
Christianity revolves around the salvation of the individual by the personal sacrifice of Christ. Christianity is about loving and accepting your neighbor and not holding them in contempt. All qualities that are mirrored in east Asian society
>You wouldn't find such immense personality cults anywhere in the West
Show it, even the modern tankies hate most of their leaders and only defend it to own the chuds. And no one is denying they're hive minded like you are for your hive
Who is worshipped like Kim, Mao or Hirohito in the West, barring the one example I gave?
Biden and Trump. Pretty much both sides are propping up literally senile old men and trying to act like they actually are cognizant of what is going on and both are rapidly defended like they are religious figures.
lmao no, both sides hate them. They just rather this retard be leader over the other. Migatards are rediculed by libs and cuckservants alike, just as much as blue no matter who fags are
You are profoundly retarded.
You are not western, stop pretending.
Bugs can't think, they evolve instead. Bugs know how to build anthills and gather food, but it would never occur to them to build a mound in order to reach food on a shelf above them. They don't have the machinery that would make it possible to do so any more than a regular human can flap his arms really hard and go up into the air.
They can do what they've evolved to do: Obey an evil authority and inflict its will on their neighbors, family and friends. Fail to react when abberant bugs are mashed up and recycled. The alternative is chaos and devastation.
Rice farming vs wheat farming
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Nah more like, high t and iq pastoralist vs low iq farming. China has barely begun to adopt the mass ranch systems of the west but they cant ditch their bug mentality that easily.
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It's about the Orb
>does not acknowledge the individual vs. collective dichotomy
Yes, that's exactly what I'd expect from a collectivist drone species.
The west is individualist and look at the state of their society today.
Ah so the west is cucked by the 15 non whites they’ve shipped in but 100% non white china with even more cucked sjw laws is le based because they’re such a shithole that no one would immigrate there? lmao
>15 non whites
lol, lmao, lmfao
Spoken like someone who has truly never been to or lived in any of these countries.
How about you state first how western cultures are not vulnerable to authoritarian leaders or high-pressure work driven societies
Unless you're not actually interested in discussion and want to just bait and name-call... in which case: eat shit fucknuts
How did those non-whites get there retard? Individuals within your society (who are very likely white) decided they cared more about the production of the dollar than they do the preservation of their communities. That is because they think in terms of the individual instead of terms of the community.
You have it backwards. Authoritarian leaders and high pressure society was invented in response to evolution producing an incredibly uncooperative and rebellious people. East Asians are fiercely independent by nature and will not cooperate unless actively forced to, so they had to invent Legalism.
China would gladly import migrants in if they could. Hell the CCP literally encourages mixed raced couples for their workers in Africa, you’re just too poor to be swarmed by them. And that aint a flex, poorfag
>never been to or lived in any of these countries.
You don’t have to in order to know this.
>how western cultures are not vulnerable to authoritarian leaders
Never claimed they weren’t.
Any society that gets swarmed by foreigners had that happen to it because the elites sat back and let it happen sometimes, they even encourage.
These. Confucianism and rice farming
And China would encourage it too, stop acting trad when you’re commie bug men
I'm not Chinese I'm American
Western philosophy : black and white outlook, triumph of good over evil = dragon as evil beast to be slain
Eastern philosophy : yin and yang, balance and harmony focus = dragon as benevolent guardian spirit
Meant for >>16806802
>You wouldn't find such immense personality cults anywhere in the West, expect for Hitler.
Is this fucking bait?
>list one example other than the one example I gave
Augustus was deified in Rome, you fucking idiot. You've never read a history book in your life, have you?

Even ignoring your autism about east vs west, You could also look at the middle east and how the Persian kings were worshipped by the masses and were seen as divine. So were the Pharaohs of Egypt. So your terrible attempt to claim this kind of ideology is exclusive to east Asians is laughable. Even heroes in Greece were partially worshipped, going back to the west.

Shut up, retard.
Neo-Confucianism was some what similar to scholasticism/Enlightenment/the Reformation
You forgot the biggest personality cults in Europe and MENA. Jesus and Mohammad. Quite controversial to say, but in the end they are two humans that have been seen as having some sort of divinity for centuries.
>both sides hate them.
wrong, uniparty leftards love trump despite what they say
>wake up and immediately think about trump
>talk with all the other leftards about how much you "hate" him
>turn on the news to watch cnn talk about what fox said about trump
>go to sleep thinking about him
...and its central figure is literally a shepherd. It's a religion for the herd. But this is just fucking retarded, this notion that somehow homo sapiens born in a different geographic region can't be collectivist. Where did communist theory originate again, you dumb fuck? Use your fucking brain motherfucker.

Taoism isn't collectivism.
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>dragon as evil beast to be slain
Their enemies dragons are evil not theirs.
Nah western religion, or rather post-Calvin religion, is turbo individualistic. This is best seen in America, where they even managed to hijack Buddhism and produce a litany of what are basically Protestant Buddhist sects that cannot agree on what Buddhism even is. Asia is the opposite, they managed to take evangelical Christianity and turn it into god emprah hive mind cult shit like the Moonies or the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.
Well said, even Catholicm got reformed to match the publics feelings that were evolving to be more individualistic throughout the late 1800’s and 1900’s where it became unrecognizable from previous forms. Orthodoxy was crippled hard due to the collapse and suppression of it all along the eastern bloc
>eat shit fucknuts
Holy fucking redditor.

Those are literally 2000 years old figures. I was clearly talking about more recent history. Japanese were worshipping their Emperor as a God less than 100 years ago.
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Chinese history is full of rebellions against authority, Mao's revolution was not unusual in Chinese history nor were the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward.
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There is wheat farming across asia, where do you think noodles come from.

The problem is, whether you farm wheat along the shallow banks of the Yellow river or pick rice in the terraced paddies of southern China, your entire community needs to be meticulous in maintaining the complex water works needed and it only takes one gang of bandits to fuck everything up and cause a famine, so likewise society became very strict and orderly and those who couldn't stay in line were picked off.
Rebellions often followed famine where you had to form an army and raid your neighbor's granaries so you don't have to watch your children starve.
High population density forces you to do that in order to compete for limited resources
Labor-intesive rice farms with multiple harvests a year.
That pic is so retarded I believe it to be satire.

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