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Why aren't Europeans identifying themselves as "white" like Americans? When someone has lighter skin color but is of a specific ethnicity such as Asian, they are considered white.

All of Europe is white and they should be united.
>When someone has lighter skin color but is of a specific ethnicity such as Asian, they are considered white.
Americans identify as "Hispanic white" or "Non-Hispanic white," it's not just "white" here.
Only Swiss people and Brits are white.
All other are blatantly spoken, brown mutts who don't even value independancy and freedom (that's why they joined the EU).
Why does this thread get posted all the time? Even the same fucking image is there?
>Why aren't Europeans identifying themselves as "white" like Americans?
They do they literally invented the concept of white
>When someone has lighter skin color but is of a specific ethnicity such as Asian, they are considered white.
No they are not except for this shitty website for some reason everyone knows white=European

There. There is your answer.
> When someone has lighter skin color but is of a specific ethnicity such as Asian, they are considered white.

I like to make up complete nonsense too, anon.
>No they are not except for this shitty website for some reason everyone knows white=European


Only 100% Anglo-Saxons are White. The English are the greatest thing to come out of Europe in the past 400 years and no one is remotely close to us. Compared to us, you're not even a human, you're an animal that is barely above the nigger ape. Germans, Swedes, and other parts of central Europe are not considered White. Everyone else is considered Swarthy. Black hair, olive skin, and brown eyes weren't white. Imagine calling yourself white if you have brown eyes. Benjamin Franklin stated that.

>Spaniards, Italians, French, Portuguese
Romans. Not white.
Swarthy. Finns and Swedes are Asiatic
Not white
>Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia)
Balkan mystery meat and claims they're all Slavs anyway
Not white
"Mongol hordes", the "Asiatic flood" and the "Red beast"
Anglo's greatest ally

England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were giant, ethnically homogeneous, homeland for Anglo people with access to vast resources and agricultural land originally built by Anglos, for Anglos. John Curtin said, that Australia is an outpost of Britishness in the Pacific. America is literally an Anglo colony that got so powerful it decided to do its own thing. Anyone in america who isn't of anglo heritage or associated stock (dutch, huguenot, welsh) is not an american. simple as. Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles and Slav have always been undesirables
Touch grass and interact with people
It's a reddit libtard psyop that Europeans don't identify as White.
I am ethnically Dutch, I won't use Anglo terms like "White"
Because ethnicity is a major thing in Europe. The current ongoing conflict is partially motived by ethnicity.

You could ask the exact same thing about Africans and Asians.
The majorty of all conflicts in Africa are motivated by ethnic tension.
>Why aren't Europeans identifying themselves as "white" like Americans?
Because Europeans aren’t retarded faggots who think that a product of the American melting pot is real and applies to them. There’s no such thing as white. It was something invented in America. Like the cheese also named after it, it is the lowest quality trash you can find and no one wants it but retards and the cultureless ultrapoor who have been cut off from their historical roots.
>When someone has lighter skin color but is of a specific ethnicity such as Asian, they are considered white.
No they aren’t.
>All of Europe is white and they should be united.
Europe isn’t a melting pot of American cheese you call white, it’s a diverse grouping of ethnicities.
No, we don't, spics are not white.
>You could ask the exact same thing about Africans and Asians.
>The majorty of all conflicts in Africa are motivated by ethnic tension.

Literally every fucking government or healthcare document at this point asks if you're either "Hispanic white" or "Non-Hispanic white" or some variant of these two.
Am I Hispanic white if I'm a German Chilean?
Up to you what you want to put down in that case.
Still whiter than your average amerimutt.
Sure, but not as white as me, a Scottish-German-French-Russian with a lineage going back to the 18th century.
>Shona vs Ndebele in Zimbabwe
>Amhara vs Oromo vs Tigray in Ethiopia
>(Famously) Hutu vs Tutsi in Rwanda and currenly the Eastern DRC
>Anti-balaka people vs Seleka people in the C.A.R, although this is more religious than anything else so you can discount it
>Kikuyu vs Luo vs Kalenjin in Kenya
What about Nordics, Slavs and Asians?
Ahh, an amerimutt of culture I see.
I'm 25% west Europeann, 25% East European, and 50% Mediterranean so I'm the perfect European
You don't know about any of the ethnic tensions or struggles that have occured in Europe or Asia? Ever?
Its possible something like that might have happened, luckily we invented nations to arbitrarily divide people.
I'd rather not ejaculate in my trousers can you stop posting this?
So I'm not allowed to see pictures of pretty girls on 4chan because you can't learn the most basic fucking self-control?
it's my testosterone levels actually. I cant help it.
I cum and then I stay hard and can cum again
Can I get some of your testosterone?
you have to lift heavy weights and eat a lot of dietary cholesterol
> it's my testosterone levels actually. I cant help it.
> I cum and then I stay hard and can cum again
What nofap does to a mf
They can identify as whatever it is their nationality is.

The main difference here is if they think random people can just become "Irish" or "English" or "German". If they do not think people can just become their nationality than they are the equivalent of just saying "white". White as a descriptor only becomes relevant if people go around trying to claim that black people can be their nationality and at that point it is only necessary to say that migrants are not part of the nationality.
>Why aren't Europeans identifying themselves as "white" like Americans?
They are, throughout Europe, you just get told they're not by Communists, and because you're American, you have no concept of life beyond American shores. This means you are susceptible to propaganda. The difference between an Italian, a Spaniard, a Croat, an Englishman is not so dissimilar from how you distinguish between your states.
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> All of Europe is white and they should be united.
And yet white nationalists hate European Union for some reason.
Literally looks like a man with a wig.
Nah, "white" is a term used by amerimutts because they don't have a culture of their own.
>All of Europe is white
no one tell him it's not 2004 any longer
The same is true for many women. They wear makeup for a reason.
>amerimutts because they don't have a culture of their own.
your culture is tourism for burgers and chinks lmao
low T
neotonized/estrogenized facial features as well as smooth effeminate skin.
waist-to-hip ratio as well.
if you have low T you no longer even detect estrogenization correctly.
>porn brain'd coomers discover humans look like humans and not cartoonish visages

>inb4 you fuck ugly people
im hot and i fuck hot people, and i fuck a decent amount - especially for my age nowadays. then again im a fag so maybe thats cheating but still i have sex and you probably don't and that's what matters, please have sex unironically.

I encourage you with honest hope that you find yourself improving in any categories which you see fit. Whether it be in fiscal, physical, mental, or romantic aspects in life. I just want you to be better and not be a coomer that doesn't recognize what a fuckin person looks like lmfao
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>And yet white nationalists hate European Union for some reason.
12 stars in a circle is just a subliminal message that europe is Israel,- however, a romanized Israel.
Europe predates Israel however, because the Elohim of Osiris (Alvheim/Aesir) are the ones that gave Israel their name.
The bible is an Alexandrian-era compilation of scattered tribal lores that happened to live under Egypts/Alexanders dominion at the time, and the similarities and relations between them at this specific timewindow is a major reason for why the bible is what it is to this day.
>Why aren't Europeans identifying themselves as "white" like Americans?
Many do. Are you a dumb faggot?

>When someone has lighter skin color but is of a specific ethnicity such as Asian, they are considered white.

>All of Europe is white
Malta and Cyprus are not White by most definitions, as they are enormously Arabized and Turkified, respectively.
If I say American and you don’t think White then it’s all ready over
I don’t give a Jewish fuck what the government says. What’s this nigger tier obsession with making Hispanics white? That defeated the purpose of our identity in the first place. There’s a reason we have literal 99% white hispanic still identifying as not White. We see that shit all the time. Anglo racial terms are Jewish as they come.
Southern European men + Northern European women
Northern European men + Southern European women.
If Europeans swap women then Europe would become far more homogeneous and less infighting.
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If it weren't for americans and the soviets the euros would have their own version of the rwadan genocide
>Why aren't Europeans identifying themselves as "white" like Americans?
Categories exist to make useful distinctions between things. French, German and Czech people are separated by language and culture, not skin color, so they make distinctions based on nationality because those reflect closer on their differences.
>All of Europe is white and they should be united.
>anglo-saxons are not mixed
Malta literally has the same genetics as Sicily so it's white.
Because they’re not, most Europeans are swarthy
Touch my dick first
They’re not if they know what’s best for them
Because they don't have to dance around the "nation of immigrants" shit. Germans don't have to talk about White people when they can just talk about German people.
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Fucking retard, 'white' isn't an ethnicity or culture.
Europeans have no reason to do this since they still identity with specific ethnicities, English, Polish, Bavarian, etc. Identifying as "white" is just something you do when your previous and more narrow ethnic identity has been whittled away like in America. It's like how American blacks identify as "black" instead of Yoruba or Kongo, since they've lost their narrow identity and now need to fall back to a broader identity.
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they do identify as white, but when everyone is white that part becomes assumed and more regional identities are more useful for explaining where you come from

whiteness is as old a concept as you could hope to find
How about you do some self-reading instead of questioning everything faggot.
Your question could literally be answered by google and yet you have to burden us to look it up for you. I fucking hate retards like you.
Europe hasnt spend 400 years around the color brown.
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That's because we aren't mutts and rightfully consider miscegenation to be wrong. Finns and south-Italians should not commit miscegenation.
Greek cypriots have no turkish ancestry and maltese are the same as sicilians.
Cypriots are also geneticaly closer to ancient greeks than mainland greeks are.
Europeans indeed identify themselves by their national origin, not skin color. Skin color is a social construct created by colonialism and racism. So it is the result of oppression, not a feature of European nationalities.

The notion of "whites" is merely a way to divide humanity, the idea of uniting all European nationalities as "whites" is problematic and nonsensical.
Imagine being this mentally ill
You really can't see it?
They do
Terminally online faggots don’t
Every European colonial venture justified themselves with the white man’s burden, and European countries treated each other far differently than non-Europeans
Because the European is trying to destroy the European race they govern
anglo saxons have mid-facial prognathism bruh
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>Why aren't Europeans identifying themselves as "white" like Americans?
They do, they only claim they don't as a modern day redaction because it's seen as bad in today's morality to be white supremacist or even identified as such. But do not confuse this act for fact, the Germans in Namibia back in 1901 made direct reference to it being a "Black vs White" issue, the French in Algeria blatantly discriminated against Arabs but did not discriminate against Italians or Spaniards, and France right this moment is having a national meltdown over the Far-Right gaining ground explicitly due to non-European migration
See what?
She looks more feminine than the average woman.
Stop watching femboy porn dude.
I dont usually identify as white, even though I am white by american standards, german of old ancestry
I just identify as german
I do however identify niggers as niggers and other browns as browns
Also all slavs are paleskinned niggers, so you cant just call them white cause of their skin
Because the idea of white people was invented by american slave-owners. Europe has been assfucking itself for thousands of years, why would they suddenly be united. It has always been a ploy, blame the jews, blame the rich, but it's not real outside of burgerstan
Because we don't like each other enough to pretend we're all the same tribe.

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