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I want to have a Christian fellowship thread without orthodogs. I want to have a thread where all christians whatever denomination are welcome but Orthodox are not christians and therefore they are not welcome. Same goes obviously for other evil sects such as witnesses or Mormons. I'm personally non-denominational but I have great love for the catholic tradition. So. Do you believe we are in the end times? Do you believe there is a state of being saved that requires work and trembling and fear to achieve but is possible in this life? I do. Saint Paul clearly says he has done the work, he has achieved salvation. Read the bible.
Posting pornography (depiction of a prostitute) is not allowed on /his/.
Atheists and Jews or philosemites are not welcome in this thread.
Russian Orthodox here. Look, Lat(in), you can’t just exclude the East because you’re butthurt. Deal with Francis before you point fingers.
>Orthodox are not christians and therefore they are not welcome.
Can you elaborate on why you think that?
>Do you believe we are in the end times?
No, but I also don't think I'd know if we were. I also don't think it matters. What does it change, in terms of how we should live our lives, if the end comes tomorrow or in a million years? Nothing.
>Do you believe there is a state of being saved that requires work and trembling and fear to achieve but is possible in this life? I do. Saint Paul clearly says he has done the work, he has achieved salvation. Read the bible.
Don't know, don't care, don't think it matters. You should do good works regardless. If it saves you, great. If it doesn't, you've still helped make the world better. It's not like the Lord will be mad about that.

Theology is actually very simple if you take a brute force approach to things.
I am not catholic. I believe in true Christianity that was practiced by some early christians.
Don't care stop worshipping a jewish prostitute who looked like sarah silverman.
Orthodox do not have the sacred mystery of the christian faith. Nearly no one today has it anyways though.. not even western christians.
You keep Torah? Based.
Umm.. okay. She is extremely beautiful most likely the most beautiful woman who ever lived, according to the apparitions.
Nice try. No, I do not keep the Torah because I am not an Israelite. Remember maybe the first council?
>sarah silverman
>Most beautiful woman
Lmao should have gone to Specsavers
Sounds like you’re being deceived then.
True. It’s funny how quickly humans can be tricked by seemingly good and beautiful things.
>Someone sees the appearance of the most beautiful lady they have ever seen.
Damn that must be Satan. Yes? Of course buddy.
Yeah, sounds like a deceiver to me.
You know what, this sounds like gnosticism.
Who gives a fuck what it sounds like. Even your boy Paul says not to trust an angel of light just because it’s an angel of light. How can so many people grasp this, but not you?
>Christian fellowship
>without orthodogs
All that great Roman and Greek wisdom melted away because of barbarians and fanatics, what a shame.

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