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Historically, why does it seem so different from other """midwestern""" states? It feels nothing like Illinois or Michigan or Iowa or Minnesota. It kind of just feels like Kentucky or West Virginia but with smaller hills.
>feels like Kentucky or West Virginia
Because it is. We carved a state out of what is essentially just the greater-WV and KY area
Also nothing ever happened there so they never developed any culture lol
I think the Indy 500 counts as culture. Mental that it and NASCAR both mog F1 so brutally. Euros don't know how to make good motorsports.
Indiana is a transition between two different kinds of boring, forgotten hick-infested rustic landscapes, Appalachian and Midwestern. It has the negative qualities of both while having no discernable positives.
One city and it's a small, boring piece of crap. No interesting musical tradition, no legendary sports or outdoors scene, no mineral wealth to be exploited, no Wild West shit, basically a hole in a map full of dumb hicks
>No interesting musical tradition
Michael Jackson doesn't count?
No, one kid getting ass fingered and brutally beaten by his dad for a few years before they all moved to California doesn't count.
Unless there's been steady business of musical acts coming out of Gary that I just don't know about
A lot of Kentuckians lived in Indiana when they invented bluegrass, like Bill Monroe. In fact, bluegrass as a genre basically only exists because of rural Kentuckians leaving for cities in Indiana and Ohio, where they changed up traditional Appalachian folk music, they grew up with to be faster and added some blues elements to it.
the most famous Indianan alive today is Mike Pence which is pretty bad
Sounds like Indiana is the least important part of this story, also there is exactly one city there
John Mellencamp and half of GNR were from Indiana.
I was born in elkhart. I left because of all the meth. most of my old friends dropped out of highschool and have been in jail at least once. The biggest thing our town ever did was ICP hallowicked which ended in a shooting and multiple cars burned.
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Steve Judy, a true representative of the Indiana way of life.
the distinguishing characteristic of all these people being that they left Indiana and went to California shortly after high school
He did that woman and her kids a favor. By murdering them he ensured they no longer had to live in Indiana.
I would mention Indianapolis 500 as a big event, but you probably don't have a 3 hour attention span.
VGH, imagine if Kentucky, West Virginia and Indiana were our own country. The level of hillbilly inbreeding we'd achieve would truly stun the world.
Based sister-cousin appreciator
also the bitch he killed had 3 kids before the age of 25. that's Indiana. (^:
Three hours of nearly identical cars driving in a circle?
he had the humanity to abandon Drumpf at least
Three hours of not sòying out. I know it might be hard for you to imagine.
I'd like to know where the hate is coming from. Which state are you people from? Indiana is a pretty average state with not much to hate or like about. Yet I see plenty of hate here.
I think its just one guy, I'm OP and I don't hate Indiana.
Can't see the number of posters anymore sadly.
buddy i dont know how to break this to you, but most of people watching that definitely don't have long attention spans
Given all the "hillbilly" and "hick" comments, I assume it's coming from leftist trannies who are still mad about growing up in a red state where people largely don't approve of their lifestyle.
Indiana is populated by Kentucky methbillies who tried to move to Chicago but were too lazy to. South Indianapolis is full of uber-redneck methhead good ol' boys who have Confederate flag bumper stickers on their Silverados and go fishing every weekend to escape their ugly as shit nagging landwhale tattoed wife, her mixed race kids, and their mangy dogs with skin diseases. About once every year one of them kills another guy in a drug deal gone wrong and leaves the corpse in the bathtub for a week because he couldn't find anyone to help him dispose of it, or steals a TV from a shitty motel and then runs from the cops in a high speed chase until barreling through an intersection and killing some old people in a huge wreck, or wrecks his bike on a drunken Saturday night and his wife's sister is on the back because he was fucking her and so there's a screeching fight at the funeral.
VGH. Appalachian excellence.
Most of the guns in Chicago come directly from Indiana gun runners associated with the Aryan Brotherhood Over 93% of all the weapons that flow from Indy to Chicago are illegal weapons as well. It's literally white rednecks supplying the tools to commit crime. The police in Indiana turn a blind eye to it as well as they get a cut.

This has always been this way. the biggest exports from Indiana has always been guns, meth and children. You should keep your ears to the ground.
>Hoosierchads singlehandedly extincting black Americans via gun running, fulfilling Abraham Lincoln's white nationalist democracy dream.

Indiana bros, how are you this based?
The Midwest is full of ethnic nondescripts descended from the indentured servants from Virginia spilled over from the Appalachians in the early 1800s or southern Germans from around the same time. No heritage, no real back story, just sort of existing in the most nondescript part of the US. Midwesterners are an ahistorical race sitting in their own filth doing meth till they die. His problem was being born and bred in Indiana.
Chicago is an overrated and meh city full of people who think they're hot shit. It only seems great against every other population center in the Midwest. It looks amazing compared to Indianapolis, Cleveland, or Milwaukee but against NYC, LA, or Seattle it's just meh. At least it's full of hot women and there's great dating opportunities. There are no hot women anywhere else in the Midwest, all the hot girls go to Chicago after high school and what's left is trailer trash.
Why are you seething about real Americans? Scots-Irish/German Protestants from Indiana are way better than wopmickslovak mutts from Chicago or the northeast.
Brown hands typed this post.
I am a pasty ginger.
Still longer than that guy's.
Bro Illinois has a lower IQ than Indiana. Shitcago, being a yuuge city is an IQ grinder.

Minnesota women mog all other Midwestern women.
how odd
Peru was the birthplace of Cole Porter although like most Indianans who aspired to anything more than being a 90 IQ redneck he left Indiana and only came back to be buried there.
Again, Indiana has a higher average IQ than Illinois and California. If what you say is true, the leaches aren't sucking enough blood to cover up their own shortcomings.
I've done a shitload of genealogical research and looked at probably thousands of people in censuses from the 19th century at this point. The lower midwest was populated by people from both the northern and southern portions of the eastern seabord. Just as many people came there from Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, etc. as there were from Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina. The northern parts of the midwest had almost exclusively yankee settlers though.
they put on a hell of a show, at least they did back in the day
New England had poor soil and was overpopulated in the early 19th century so all the surplus went west. Those states weren't particularly happy about losing a huge chunk of their labor force and opposed the addition of new states.
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Maybe go to the northern part of the state or cities. Indiana has a large part of the state called Michiana.
It’s a quaint little lake and university town. Much better than the African country it shares a name with.
my forebearers came from Germany some time before the Revolutionary War and settled in Pennsylvania. at some point they went out to Illinois and farmed there.
The entire eastern seabord had become overpopulated by the early 1800's, frankly. The push to move west was already a factor in causing the revolution and the war of 1812. Population dynamics and movements in the US have becone something of a niche historical interest of mine. Once you start to see how people moved and mingled in history it adds a lot of perspective for the events that happened.
Beginning in 1828, the British Parliament lifted restrictions on emigration from Ireland which caused the sudden mass migration of Irish to the US while before there had been almost none, immigrants were Protestant Scots-Irish.
The Lower Midwest definitely trends majority butternutter (Southern) ancestry, with Southern German immigrants in the mix as well, not as many from the north came, and when they did it was mostly Western Pennsylvania which was sort of the heimat of southern hillbilly culture anyway.
Is this fucking for real?
Different parts of your state do daylight saving time differently?
You really are a bunch of fuckin' retards
>southwest turning into mexico expanded
>chinese satellites like san francisco
>muslim caliphates like minneapolis and detroit
what will all these empty corn field states look like in 200 years?
The South would have been predominantly lower class Scots-Irish practicing sects like Baptism and Pentecostalism while the plantation elite were the descendants of third stringer English gentry who were mostly Episcopalian, and there were small pockets of other minorities like French Huguenots, Jews, and Louisiana Creoles.
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Eugene Debs' home state. I think I've met one person in my life from Indiana and he was the only self-described communist I've met who actually seemed like he lived up to it, as in: multi-generational proud Teamster who wore shirts with a giant skull on it that said "Teamster Till I Die," worked a blue-collar job with his hands and actually organized the shop when they went on strike and led the striking workers, would get into fights with neo-Nazi skinhead punks growing up in Indiana, and was socially to the left as well but without being cringe about it.
It makes sense. The northwest part of the state is heavily tied to Chicago instead of New York City. People either commute from The Region to Chicago for work or businesses are tied to Chicago in the Region. So it is better for that part of the State to have the same time as Chicago. For the southern part central time more closely follows the suns path and farmers there wanted to be on central time for that reason.
This over-exaggerates a lot and is plain incorrect at times.

I do too, and desu, I usually see a mix of Southern (Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee especially) and 1840s-1865 German Protestant immigrant in about 90% of Southern Indianans with basically nothing else.
you should do a more straightforward, rigorously fact-checked graphical guide to indiana so that nobody except you can give a fuck even harder
Why are you seething so much lmfao?
I assumed that indianapolis was full of indians
yeah calling it a hole on the map full of hicks was pretty uncalled for. I for one appreciate that it has many peaceful and open land areas.
Not a leftist tyranny, I only crossdress while having sex and don't hate the Midwest.
I agree with the people defending Indiana, the guy saying that Indiana is full of hicks is probably a fucking fag and we need to hang him from a tree so all the other queers and blacks and fags know that we hate them
Unironically what was the purpose of this

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