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>Jewish people use communism as a means of restructuring the social and economic order of countries with themselves as a favored group
>Most prolific case of communism in history has an antisemitic gentile take full control and then purge the jews and bankers
>High profile jews are still some of communism's biggest advocates to this day and push marxist rhetoric worldwide despite this obvious colossal backfire
>Cut to today where the average young leftist calls for the dismantling of Israel
What the hell did they mean by this?
No, Marx was not a practicing jew and hated jews with a burning passion. Communism attracts people who are self hating and the claim they were ran by jews is retarded when the "jews" that were in the party were beyond happy to let the anti jew pogroms continue because like i said, they are self hating as the Ukrainians were during the Holodomor too when they eagerly requested even more grain quotas
They tried to do something but they failed.
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hey guys jews
guys I'm posting jews again
guys check it out
jews niggers nigger dick
jews did the holocaust because of niggers
guys look jews
guys check out what I'm posting again
Why are they still trying?
Jews couldn't help themselves from killing lenin
>Jewish people use communism as a means of restructuring the social and economic order of countries with themselves as a favored group
Many Jews believe that equality is the only way for themselves to remain safe in the longterm, which is why they support all forms of Liberalism, especially those which explicitly espouse egalitarian beliefs. This leads to them supporting Communism, an ideology that states true liberty can only be brought through true equality on an economic level which will bring all other forms of categorization to a stasis, for most of its history.
>Most prolific case of communism in history has an antisemitic gentile take full control and then purge the jews
Irrespective of the fact that many of the OG commies may have been antisemitic, Jews would of course flock to such a radical ideology. communism is essentially impossible, so true a communist victory can never be achieved, therefore, no "prolific case of communism" can be achieved. Stalin originally espoused orthodox commie views such as "antisemitism is le greatest evil" before solidifying power and influence and replacing the old Soviet regime; which consisted disproportionally, and I mean disproportionally, of Jews.
>and bankers
He was always going to do that, it's a commie rite of passage
>High profile jews are still some of communism's biggest advocates to this day and push marxist rhetoric worldwide despite this obvious colossal backfire
Of course they would. Besides the previous points, they could and do just say that "Stalin wasn't real communism". His second successor did just that.
>Cut to today where the average young leftist calls for the dismantling of Israel
Most leftists are nonwhites who think Jews are White. White leftists either feel "White guilt" or see what Israel is doing as genocidal. The logical conclusion for both groups is to call for the dismantling of Israel. It should also be noted that leftists aren't communists
I'd go as far as to say that not even most self-described communists aren't really communist, but just progressive
I look like this but I don't say that
>High profile jews are still some of communism's biggest advocates to this day
Eh, I think that ship sailed awhile ago. On that, Alain Finkielkraut, a French Jewish intellectual, has been saying he'll vote for the National Rally of Le Pen if it came down to a choice between them and the left-wing party. Serge Klarsfeld too, a Holocaust historian and Nazi hunter.
Always backfires. Wonder why.
Finkielkraut has been consistently anti-Islam while making right-leaning statements on race so that's unsurprising. Jews don't have to be exclusively leftist to be majority leftist. Serge Klarsfeld is basically a neocon
>Stalin originally espoused orthodox commie views such as "antisemitism is le greatest evil" before solidifying power and influence and replacing the old Soviet regime; which consisted disproportionally, and I mean disproportionally, of Jews.
An important thing is that the Soviet Union initially promoted a kind of multicultural affirmative action for ethnicities that had suffered under the Russian empire. But the way they did this (and which will matter a lot later) is by ethnically designated different groups in "ethno-units." So, like, here are the Buryats, the Mordovians, Tatars, Tuvans... each with their own (semi-)autonomous SSR with national territories marked and and local governments which operated according to the local language which was codified (and in some cases the state helping produce a written alphabet for languages that had none in particularly far-flung areas where an ethnic group would've been a bunch of nomads wandering around). Your ethnic group was marked on your internal passport.

Jew was also one of these ethno units.

So, for awhile, this was also a career boost. Jews really rose up in Soviet society in the 1920s and 1930s and were among the strongest supporters of the government, then the Great Terror came which targeted people who had been the most loyal which included many Jews but including a whole helluva lot of people who were not Jews either. This ethnic designation also now made them vulnerable, sometimes they were construed as dangerous foreigners like the Volga Germans, and later as political enemies or supporters of Zionism. But the USSR also discreetly supported Israel in 1948, and when Golda Meir (Israel's first ambassador to the USSR) showed up in Moscow, 5,000 Jews came out to greet her (which probably didn't discourage Stalin's paranoia).
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>Serge Klarsfeld is basically a neocon
That's interesting. I wasn't familiar with their thinking because I'm in the Anglosphere, it's just something I read. In Britain, Douglas Murray is not Jewish but you can kind of see a left-to-neocon pipeline through guys like him (and Christopher Hitchens previously, although Hitchens didn't like Israel). But you have Jewish liberals (really, I'm sorry to OP, but most are not communists) who marched with Black Lives Matter and now these leftists are out chanting "globalize the intifada" and "Yemen make us proud" and talking about the power of the "Zionist lobby" and, like... lmao. So, of course, those Jewish liberals are not going to be into that for the most part.

The Israelis use this to their advantage too. They certainly message to the right in Western countries but they also try to peel people off who are on the left but can't square that with Hamas or Houthi ideology. There's one Israeli propaganda channel hosted by a British-Israeli named Eylon Levy who had a gay Yemeni ex-Muslim on his channel (who had secured political asylum in Sweden) who was, like, the Houthis are fascists and they just shoot gay people in the back of the head in public where I'm from, and oh you better believe they hate the Jews:
>leftists aren't communists
I meant leftists aren't inherently communist. Communism is a leftist ideology
NTA but left and right are kind of relative, they exist in relation to the other. You can have a "left" and "right" within the same party. Like, a Catholic party could have a right and left. Fascists and national socialists also had their rights and lefts. You could meaningful say that communism was a left-wing party (certainly in relation to their enemies) but once communists took power, it turned toward a peculiar form of conservatism. But this conservatism was the product of communists having won and now, once in power, trying to preserve the kind of regime they had set up, but which also required all kinds of tactical compromises based on the situation that didn't go how the utopian, left-wing, radicals who helped make it happen had envisioned it.

There were new forms of inequality, for example. (Wage differentials were actually rather high under Stalin, like between ordinary workers and engineers, they were reduced somewhat under Khrushchev.) The Soviet government basically became the potentate of a bloc of Eastern European countries against their will (you'd get in deep shit if you called this a new form of imperialism). The USSR squashed freedom of expression and speech for sure. Racism still existed (if officially denied). Obscurantism still existed. Even worse, official Soviet dogma became a new form of obscurantism, but for awhile the party bigwigs coasted on the inertia of the system.

So this produced a bunch of dissident left-wing types within communism who wanted change. There were dissident Marxist, Soviet '68ers, intellectual circles who had some similar ideas to the New Left in Western countries, and there was an upheavel that year in both Prague and Paris with people looking for a way out of the Cold War deadlock and considering democratic socialist ideas, anarchism, and situationism. Anyways, I think for the left to be the left, it has to have an attitude that "nothing is sacred."
There are indeed lefts and rights in relation to any party orthodoxy. Ignoring historical definitions, I think the best way to define 'Left' and 'Right' in a universal sense is by equality, with leftists being believers in the idea that equality is possible if not natural while rightists believe that inequality is natural and/or preferable to equality. Communism would be the furthest left position in this case. "Nothing is sacred" definitely applies to the position of favoring equality over inequality in this equation
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>Most prolific case of communism in history has an antisemitic gentile take full control and then purge the jews and bankers
>Joseph Dzhugashvili (literally pronounced "Jewgashvili")
Stalin owerjewed the Jews.
>High profile jews are still some of communism's biggest advocates to this day and push marxist rhetoric worldwide despite this obvious colossal backfire
Most often in the Trotskyist or pre-Stalinist version. Marxism has many denominations.
>But the way they did this (and which will matter a lot later) is by ethnically designated different groups in "ethno-units." So, like, here are the Buryats, the Mordovians, Tatars, Tuvans... each with their own (semi-)autonomous SSR with national territories marked and and local governments which operated according to the local language which was codified
Yes people miss the fact that National Republics didn't exist in Russian Empire. People think that these Ukraine, Belorassia, Kazakhstan (and other stans) existed forever... but they didn't. In Russian Empire territorial division was administrativly based, not national division (minus several kingdoms included as while like Poland). Lenin and Jewgashvili literally made up these national republics in USSR to counter "Russian privilege" (sounds familiar to modern West huh?) and USSR eventually fell apart exactly along borders created by commies.
They aren't trying anymore though. They no longer thing class based movement are a route to power for them, this is why they have moved on to "cultural marxism". They realized it didn't work so they made different ideas to try to obtain power.
This should tell you that it's not the joooos doing it.
Marx was raised in a Christian household by a Christian convert. His On The Jewish Question is enough to tell you how much he fucking hated Jews.
He wasn't gentle for sure, but he was a gentile.

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