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Is the philosopher Michael Huemer right about reincarnation? Specifically his claim that after death you will be re-born in the exact same birth year to the same birth parents in the same birthplace after the exact same conditions for your initial birth re-occur? Because time is infinite into the past and infinite into the future and space is infinite in all directions so everything that ever has occurred in the universe will eventually re-occur according to Huemer?

Because I really need him to be right. I messed up my life beyond repair and I'm genuinely going to die soon. Only in my late 20's too. I need to reincarnate to baby me in 1990's when I pass and get to watch Saturday morning cartoons like DBZ and Teen Titans again as a toddler. Grow and learn and experience again and not repeat my mistakes.
Why would you reincarnate as the exact same person with the exact same parents?
Eternal recurrence is weird man
>be kid born with severe defects
>live in agony for like 6 months and die
>repeats for eternity
>experience nothing but suffering for all eternity
This better not be true. Are you telling me I have to be an incel for all of eternity?
If he's right, won't you just repeat your past mistakes? Also aren't you already living in some other portion of space and watching cartoons as a kid, yet the you here and not is unsatisfied with that?
Idk how this whole thing is supposed to help you.
*the you here and now
Is this theory falsifiable in any meaningful way? it just feels like a statement made that can neither be proven or disproven, haven't watched the vid btw im at work
I still don't understand how reincarnation means you come back as the same person every time. Maybe you come back as a human every time, but the same exact individual, in the same exact circumstances? That seems like a stretch.
If I understand Huemer correctly, after you die, the universe goes on.. until Heat Death. Then the exact conditions for the Big Bang to initially occur re-occur exactly as they initially did (Big Bang 2), then the history of the universe re-occurs until the exact conditions for you to be re-born as yourself (You 2) to your same parents (Parents 2) occur again.
>If he's right, won't you just repeat your past mistakes?
Maybe not? If Mike 1 makes certain mistakes in his life, then dies, then is reborn exactly as he was initially born (Mike 2), Mike 2 could make different choices in his life and then, when he dies, be reborn again in the exact same circumstances as Mike 3... and so on forever. No? Because each number Mike from Mike 1 to Mike (n) with (n) being the set to infinity would exist in his own number Universe from Universe 1 to Universe (n). Right?

So Big Bang, history, Mike 1 is born, Mike 1 dies, Heat Death, Big Bang 2, history 2, Mike 2 is born, Mike 2 dies, Heat Death 2, Big Bang 3 etc. forever.
>If Mike 1 makes certain mistakes in his life, then dies, then is reborn exactly as he was initially born (Mike 2), Mike 2 could make different choices in his life and then, when he dies, be reborn again in the exact same circumstances as Mike 3
Huemer believes in libertarian free will so on his view this could be true, but it couldn't happen in each consecutive universe or anything like that. That would require you to make different choices every time, and everyone else to make the same choices every time (leading to your birth).
At the 16:30 minute mark in the first video OP linked, Huemer seems to say that you don't necessarily reincarnate as an "exact" copy of you now e.g maybe not the same time in history, hair color, whatever. He says that its possible you do but also possible you don't.
>That would require you to make different choices every time, and everyone else to make the same choices every time (leading to your birth).
The universes where everyone else makes different choices (which don't lead to your birth) would be the ones where you don't incarnate though, which aren't really relevant from Mike's incarnations' perspectives right? So Universe 2 (Mike's 2nd birth universe >>16807301 ) could still be the 2nd universe from the perspective of his being re-born exactly as he was initially born even if overall it's like the 50th, 100th, or 1,000th universe or so on. And other people like Bob (let's say) could be re-born in universes where Mike isn't, re-born in universes where Mike is, and even both, and so on and so forth for every single person that has ever been born and died in the past, present or future.
>*in the past, present or future.. forever for the infinite number of future universes with future Big Bangs and Heat Deaths.
Ever had a near death experience and then just carry on as normal?

You actually died.
Because it’s a materialist, quasi-Aristotelian conception of your essence as a specific pattern that is unique to you and can emerge in that form in those circumstances again. Not as an immortal immaterial soul that continues after death.
Karl Popper?
Mike huemer is a retard who relies way too much on his "intuitions". He literally claims objective moral facts exist because he... intuits them.
>The universes where everyone else makes different choices (which don't lead to your birth) would be the ones where you don't incarnate though, which aren't really relevant from Mike's incarnations' perspectives right?
Mike's incarnations' don't really have a perspective like that because they don't remember any of their previous incarnations.
>If Mike 1 makes certain mistakes in his life, then dies, then is reborn exactly as he was initially born (Mike 2), Mike 2 could make different choices in his life and then, when he dies, be reborn again in the exact same circumstances as Mike 3... and so on forever.
But if Mike 2 marries and has a child with a woman who would have married and had children with someone else otherwise, that child would not be the same and born to the same parents any more. So at best there are hard limits on the amount of divergence. At worst, no divergence is possible at all because the universe is a chaotic system and even the smallest possible change will inevitably lead to much bigger changes down then line.
So the universe splits into multiple timelines and you only get incernated in some of them? Interesting.
>So the universe splits into multiple timelines and you only get incernated in some of them?
More like the universe itself dies and reincarnates multiple times and you only get incarnated in some of its incarnations.
Why cant you become conscious after you die
But then what if, say, every subsequent universe from now on happens to omit me? Then I die for real, right?
Sure but how probable is that when there are infinite subsequent universes? Even if the chances of you being re-born are so small that there's a near 1 in ∞ chance that it happens in any particular universe, with ∞ universes that chance is bound to happen at least once (and probably much more than once) eventually. Roll an ∞-sided dice enough times (∞) and...
Morals are game theory that’s dependant on likely actions of other participants. They’re no more “objective” than the answer to an unspecified equation.
>is retard x right about retardation y?
But wouldn’t that also include all variations where you life sucks even more then now?
>relies way too much on his "intuitions"
I thought I couldn't lose any more respect for 'philosophy', but every time I hear a modern philosopher make an argument that rests on some retarded intuition I lose a little bit more
no, there's no reason to believe that even in the belief systems that account for reincarnation
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>I messed up my life beyond repair and I'm genuinely going to die soon. Only in my late 20's too.
Tell us what happened
Surely he has a lot of compelling data to substantiate this bold claim...right?
I went from being a strong, healthy, athletic young man with a lot of passions, interests, capabilities and friends last year to a guy who lost almost all his muscles, got ED, near total mutism apart from simple responses to verbal questions or commands, got fatter in midsection, lost ability to plan/think/strategize/set or stick to any kind of schedule, short-term and long-term memory loss, lost ability to emote, laugh, cry, get angry, etc, lost aggression/testosterone, lost ability to care for myself as an automatic process like humans do (like I used to do) + had 20-odd years worth of his experiences, memories, technical skills, EQ and IQ, academic and personal growth near totally obliterated right now in the present

It's over. Reincarnating as myself is the only thing that could save me besides time travel to last year. Or somehow regaining 20-odd years worth of experiences, memories, technical skills, EQ and IQ, academic and personal growth from nothing >>16809515

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