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/his/ - History & Humanities

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>christian identity
>not even once
America means "land of the plumed serpent"
Amerigo (Vespucci) > America
Literally fake history.
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Christian Identity may be misguided, and I think unnecessary. Traditional Christianity is better.
Most Christians don't believe that
Being a Christian isn't an alternative to racial/ethnic pride
If the gripe is with Christian Identity people, why attack Christianity on the whole?
>Christian Identity may be misguided, and I think unnecessary.
what's your view on why it's getting maniacally shilled lately particularly on /his/?
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The "maniacally shilled" part is a good hint.
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This is what atheists spamming the board actually believe.
christcucks are one of most mindbroken groups I ever had to interact with
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yes, I can cherrypick holier than thous, faggots who are atheist have excuse for being faggots, you do not, christcuck
Settle down moishe. Gentiles are trying to have a civilized discussion.
gentiles have paganic gods at worst, you're the one with jewish admixture, no other explanation for shilling kike on a stick like a faggot
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>y-you are one of us
indeed, you will never be one of us christcuck, once Israel falls, I will go outside and start killing christians, because the only thing stopping me is literally gone.
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ok, deal. Let's see your pagan vanguard lead the charge and I will bring my Christian legion to support your brave warriors. Then we can fight it out once the yids are gone. Now denounce the talmud.
>average Christian
That isn't the average Christian
You first!
my legion? It's just me and my 5$ hammer that will hit your head from behind
shalom rabbi
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you won't do shit you little dysgenic inbred semitic rat
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He's a kvetching jew who hates Christianity. I wonder why.
that's not very nice to talk about your lawyer like that, luckily I can kill you after your lawyers are gone
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>making empty threats on anonymous basket-weaving forums
kvetch harder. that is all (you) can do.
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>they arrive
>they spam the thread
>they call everyone a jew who doesn't worship a jew
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Shalom aleichem goy kunarion
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>oy vey goyim stop believing in Christ or else you're (((us)))
pretty low IQ take rabbi
>inb4 rabbi Yeshua
that's not what your talmud says
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Dualistic gods are separate from creation yes.
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I'm just not going to worship Jews
ugh it's just I don't care about Jew books is all
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>african americans who claim descent from the ancient israelites
>white supremacist interpretation of christianity

only one of those is considered terrorism and criminal by the likely groups
This. It comes from Amaruca.
Yep fakee history, if it was true it would be Ameriga, with accent on I, entirely different pronunciation.
kek good luck getting outside of your basement
>All that fuming and the catholic church still used every inch of its power to protect the jews and ensure that jews would have a monopoly on banking in as large an area as possible
This is obviously in the context of essenes and pharisees having a power struggle, which makes this passage really funny, since it shows how many segments of the gospels are just yeshua flinging random insults with no thought or coherence, since other passages make it clear he considers the pharisees ethnic jews, whom he considered superior to the goyim.
christianity, at least in /his/, is a mental illness
I am completely serious when I say that abrahamic religion should probably be considered a type of mental illness, and it's actually notable that schizophrenia as it exists in abrahamic countries does not exist in pagan ones.
Probably because those groups have actually committed right wing terrorism.
If the ADL told you not to eat lead paint chips, would you start eating them?
>CI shill
>Not already eating lead paint
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Isn't LARPing as jews and breeding jews the solution to the jewish problem? There are about 100 million Anglos and a billion white people but only 15.7 million jews and most of them are partly racemixed anyway. By marrying a jew you also get a faithful traditional jewish wife, high IQ children and entrance into her family's business clique.
Jews are pretty rare and often they domt marry gentiles
And even if they wont accept you
What do you know about Christian Identity? I saw you mention in the archives they were big on amateur radio
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>This is what the Christians spamming this board actually believe
it isn't, but you're just mad and I find that funny
I think it's funny that White Shariah was such a complete failure that they had to go back to Christian Identity. Islam has aggressively shilled on 4chan for years by bad faith actors yet it's gained almost zero traction among Whites.
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Christianity is for the children of God, the bloodlines of the fallen who required salvation from the blood of God, the Christ.
Islam is for the rest so that although they have no part of the Holy Spirit, they may also worship the one true God.

the two are created by the sword of God, which cleaves the flesh of the earth in two and joins it together into one

whenever I see a negro following Islam I am gladdened because they have found their proper place

They're also on the ADL list
You're making up some kind of autistic worldbuilding
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>the christkike self-owns again
>Christianity is when you kill niggers and worship Hitler
/pol/tranny cope
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>whenever I see a negro following Islam I am gladdened
>you kill niggers and worship Hitler
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>implying Christ lied
>implying they didn't kill Him
>implying they didn't persecute His followers everywhere they could for centuries
>400-410 A.D. - Telia, Byzantine Empire
>Jews slaughtered after a Jewish attempt to betray a city to the Persians is discovered during Roman-Perisan War; Jews actually dug a tunnel starting in their synagogue under the city walls which the Persians used to breach the city of Telia, near Edessa (James Parkes, ‘The Conflict Of The Church and The Synagogue’, p. 257-258).
It's complicated. Vatican II will be reversed.
Lmao reading comprehension fail. He said negroes can be saved if they follow Islam, you went and kvetched about Hitler who wasn't even mentioned.
Ya alright bro?
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jews are racemixing in record numbers, eventually the only pure jews left will be fundamentalists like hasidics who are poor and low IQ
Amerigo is Italian. America is Latin. You have a small brain
Lol no it won't.
Brown and black people are more fervently Christian than White people and one of the first to be converted to the Way of Jesus WHO WASN'T A JEW was a Ethiopian eunuch.
It's bullshit cope for Jesus being a Jew.
ok rabbi. Thanks for your input.
>It's bullshit cope for Jesus being a Jew.
OK but like... who the fuck's spreading it? Is it really white boomers or the Aryan Prison Gang?
This is the best jumping off point I've found for the history of CI / BI: https://www.cdamm.org/articles/british-israelism

These take second and third place, respectively:
>who the fuck's spreading it?
Terminally online schizo vloggers and retards who skulk around dying forums like Stormfront.
umm.... didn't Stormfront turn out to be some sort of honeypot by a half-asian guy?
Idiots on the Internet and also prison outreach ministries by places like the LaPorte Church of Christ.
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>White Shariah was such a complete failure
>that they had to go back to Christian Identity
are you saying these two were being pushed by the same *they* ?? why?? like what's the goal?
all white identity movements are opposed by (them), especially the one that suggests Christianity has always identified white people as the intended group which Jesus was meant to save
It has served as a honeypot for a long time. That didn't stop millions of people from being regulars there between the late 90s and early-mid 2000s, and it doesn't stop the hanger-ons from hanging on now (though many moved over to the chan that shall not be named, along with /pol/, and alternative traditional forums like VNN and Bob Whitaker's B.U.G.S. sites). You can check the archives on Stormfront for posts circa 2012, to witness their discovery of /pol/, and their enthusiasm for it.

>half-asian guy
No. Look up Don Black.
>Amerigo is Italian. America is Latin
Literally not an argument, you're the one being stupid here.
Miguel Serrano and esoteric Hitlerism is more interesting than racialist Christianity. I miss the Hyperborea edits, they were 1000x more entertaining than the shitty Wojak memes spammed by Christians here. I think that's the thing I don't like the most about Christians and Muslims, they can't create memes. It's just the same endless bell curve and Wojak shit.

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