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>Average Ashkenazi IQ: 112
>American Jew birth rate: 1.4

>Average Parsi IQ: 117
>Parsi birth rate: 0.8

>Average Japanese IQ: 107
>Japanese birth rate: 1.3

Why do smart people everywhere have less kids? What can be done about this?
Maybe its necessary to bring humanity back to a mentally and hormonally balanced median.

The world is stupid enough already. Why would you want to make humanity more mediocre and hold back human progress?
why do you think that? from my perspective, its a middle ground. yeah u dont want people to be monke but u also dont want hyperintelligent subsets that create economic/military superiority because they want to control other humans, either.
Those hyperintelligent subsets can raise the average, save millions of lives through things like medicine, and contribute to overall civilizational and cultural progress
yes i agree intelligence can lead ro many beneficial advancements. Keyword, can. humanity goes through cycles where it is not just intelligence as the sole factor in creating fulfilling development for humanity.

in order to correct itself and perfect itself. in some of these cycles, the intelligence “quota” is preferred, leading to development, but also disparities. the reverse cycle puts emphasis on the genetic and cultural quota, which leads to equity. both are necessary. for the last many hundreds of years we have been in the first cycle, and scientific development exploded, but remained in the hands of the intelligent/geographically blessed.
I don't think disparities are necessarily a bad thing if everyone gets more. The average person today lives a much better life than the average person did five hundred years ago, despite the world becoming more technically unequal.
because they actually think longterms, in other words they reframe from kids until they are certain they can handle the various responsibilities and needs of a child both in terms of raising said child and ensuring they have a decent chance at a good future
True. I have 2 friends that are both smart. One is in the navy and works in the nuclear engines on aircraft carriers. And the other one works as a nurse. Both hate kids. They think it's a lot of recources and energy to raise a kid and don't think it's worth it. Can't blame them. I came to the same conclusion. Just don't have that need to have kids either.
Normgroids will tell you that all humans are K-selective even though a simple, thousand-times-replicable experiment you can conduct with nothing your own eyes will tell you otherwise. Smart people/patricians/nobles have less kids but plan the entire 18-year process of raising a kid in advance and invest more effort into raising each one. Dumb people/plebeians/commoners fuck irresponsibly, have unplanned pregnancies, and hope for the best.
>*nothing but your own eyes
Another Farrokh thread? C'mon buddy, you were exposed on the Cyrus created human rights myths and at the Persians were against slavery myth, you were humiliated on the existence of Persian mathematics prior to the Islamic expansion, you were humiliated in the Greeks vs Persian military debate, in the artistic one, in the intellectual one, in all sorts of aspects. Can you stop with the wewuz shit and narcistic delusion now?
they are thinking about other things such as their own personal life as well. I agree that those who have too many kids are not thinking enough, however all the variables in your position are not specifically related to just raising kids.
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I thought this is a history board?
people of all classes and races has historically has a ton of kids. Fertility rates of industrialzed nations was high until the latter half of 20th century when it fell
Japan has 125 million people. How do you think they get there in the first place? They were having 5 children on average even as a high iq race in the early 20th century
It's more that modern industrialized life has greatly complicated the process of building a family. You can see the evidence of this in the fertility rates of rural, Amish in America vs in the cities

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