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Was the bowing to Hindenburg supposed to signify deference to the state as embodied by the president? The NSDAP did away with the office after consolidating power yet they honored Hindenburg in various ways.
Hindenburg was a force of nature. A literal, actual saint. Not the made up kind Christians threw in a book somewhere and hoped someone would notice.
Hitler and the Nazis had been working very hard to make their party look legitimate and peaceful, as they had a reputation of being street hooligans who threatened civil society due to stuff like the beer hall putsch, riots in the streets etc

This act of deference was essentially to portray Hitler as a reasonable member of government. He is accepting Hindenberg as the more powerful figure.

It’s worth remembering that the main reason Hitler was made chancellor in a coalition government was that Hindenbergs conservative faction thought they could control him and the Nazis easier that way, and were more concerned with fighting the growing communist threat that they and the Nazis shared a hatred of.
Or as a military man Hindenburg was especially respected by a fellow military man following in his footsteps.
Go on. What made him stand out from his peers, say Ludendorff for example? Was it his demeanor and political choices?
Ludendorff was his equal. They're all national saints.
How did he outmaneuver them so easily? From the moment they got the Chancellery, the NSDAP received little to no pushback from German establishment.
Possible sure, but Hitler has a long history of thinking the classical upper class and nobility who occupied military ranks in Germany were stupid and out of touch. He didn’t even like his own generals who came from such backgrounds as they actively ignored his commands (usually fucking things up worse)
>but Hitler has a long history of thinking the classical upper class and nobility who occupied military ranks in Germany were stupid and out of touch

This is wildly inaccurate.

>He didn’t even like his own generals

This is also wildly inaccurate.

And it's obvious that you're trying to propagandize and exaggerate anything you can to make a derisive yet anti-historical point. You are not welcome here.
Yeah, being highly decorated himself, Hitler would have respected military authorities and rank. This does not seem to be a traditional military salute though. And Hitler had seen battle firsthand for years, I don't think he would have respected the rank unless he knew the person to be brave and steadfast.
Events and pressure. Events like the Reichstag fire allowed Hitler to successfully push for an act to gain dictatorial powers and immediately use them to round up and arrest all major communists which obviously destroyed them in the election soon after, to the Nazis benefit

And once hindenberg. A man in his 80’s, died. Hitler had little trouble transitioning this temporary dictatorship into a full consolidation of power.

Hitler leveraged vsrious main groups as a support base quite wide across the spectrum

>conservative voters who wanted normal conservative things
>nationalist voters who wanted a strong militarised Germany
>lower class voters who wanted reforms but didn’t want communism
>wealthy capitalists and nobility with assurances they would not lose their property and companies unlike if commies took power (instead they just had to do whatever Nazis said, factory owners in particular)

Only real opposition at that point was socialists and communists. A lot of socialists actually joined the Nazis for their economic policies, communists were small enough to be arrested or killed, with some fleeing the country

On top of this. Once Hitler began doing stuff like pushing back against the treaty of versaille without consequence, major public works, re arming, Anschluss etc. even those anti Hitler or sceptical of nazism had to admit they were doing a good job.

It’s one of the reasons Hitler kept all the Holocaust stuff as behind the scenes as possible. He knew the average German wouldn’t be happy to know about the mass genocide of the disabled or Jews or whoever. Even ardent anti semites rarely thought that was a good idea
Care to explain how it’s “propagandising”? Because this is hardly new information.

Or are you just a Hitler fanboy who can only spam
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>Was the bowing to Hindenburg supposed to signify deference to the state as embodied by the president?
Not at all, it was supposed to symbolize the "old" Reich acknowledging the new Third Reich. Hindenburg was tbe "Ersatzkaiser" (replacement Kaiser) in the eyes of the German old school right, while Hitler and the Nazis were still seen as sort of ruffian peasants. Having this symbolic act of Hindenburg acknowledging Hitler (even if privately he thought lowly of him) was a demonstration of acceptance by the Monarchist German Right and that Hitler was the future of German nationalism.
Goebbels organized a lot of that day's events and he was diligent in the details. Everything was supposed to symbolize a transfer of legitimacy from Fredrick the Great to Hindenburg to Hitler.
Hitler was basically the new Kaiser, or King, or Arminius, the Leader.
This is wildly inaccurate.
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where do you see that?
>care to explain
what do you want to know?
>this is not new information
do you have an answer to the question? if not, fuck off.
Nothing inaccurate about this, Hitler hated the aristocracy. He hated the multinational Austrian aristocracy and he hated the Prussian Junkers who were still more loyal to the deposed Kaiser than to him. The NSDAP also did still pay lip service to the Strasserist camp in somet details and they wanted to break the monopoly of "vons" in the Wehrmacht's leadership and introduce more men of peasant and burgher stock (peasantry in particular were idolized in Nazi propaganda as being the peak of the race, the purest representatives of Germanness)
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You're a braindead retard.


I've leafed through a couple pages of Mein Kampf and I'm not seeing any of that there. Could you point me to the verse number?
It certainly fits in with their ideology and self awareness in their historical role. What I wanted to know was why choose this moment when he is bowing and not one when both are standing or sitting to convey the transfer of power. Was that absolutely necessary?
Why do you seem so upset by the display of humility? Is it hurting your preconceptions and worldview in any way?
Not really, no. More interested in the subliminal meanings (if any) of this image in light of what happened before and after. It does not relate to me personally, as I have no direct connection to either party involved. I stated my question clearly in the op.
The message appears to be earnest humility and a rendering of honors. The recipient seems to be aware and accepting of this fact.
Pay lip service to his target audience in this. Hitler couldn't come out swinging say "ICH BIN JETZT DER FÜHRER" without triggering a reaction, but he could solidify himself in their minds as the "Crown Prince" so to speak
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Schizo post.
I can sew that side but also subordination to the presidency.
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He is clearly gesturing proudly and resolutely. Hindenburg is not genuflecting or anything of the sort. You're clearly flat out lying, about a picture we can all see ourselves. What a ridiculous thing to claim.
>no answers

Yep. It’s a stormfag.
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loling at that image
The Nazis did try to hide the extermination of Western Jews, but did nothing to hide the extermination of the Eastern ones. Most of the population was aware of the Holocaust by 43-44.

The NSDAP was a product of the German Revolutionary right wing that wanted to build a new order through reinventing German society, and they openly bashed the more traditional reactionary monarchist right. That is what allowed them to eat up the DNVP voter base, and motivated much of their ideology. Hitler mainly allied with the business and military elites to crush leftists and to prioritize rearmament, but he always distrusted said elites and wanted them under his boot, though he never wanted the full on 3rd positionist socialism of Rohm's SA and the Strasserists
>putting war criminals in prison is an extermination
Do you have any hard evidence anyone ever was gassed at Auschwitz?
should be easy to substantiate right?
(you) have to go back xir
>The Nazis did try to hide the extermination of Western Jews, but did nothing to hide the extermination of the Eastern ones.
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I see you're a man of culture as well.

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