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Was the reichstag fire an inside job by the Nazis or an actual communist terror attack?

It’s very difficult to find real sources. It seems like a highly politicised event on both sides

>nazis have massive incentive to portray it as being some wide ranging communist conspiracy
>anti Nazi academics have incentive to claim the communists dindu nuffin and it was the Nazis doing a false flag attack to justify their anti communist laws afterwards

Is there enough evidence to support any of this?
It was an actual communist terror attack that the nazis first incited and then allowed to happen so that they could exploit the situation
>that the nazis first incited
You mean by defending themselves from street attacks? They were terrorists. Always had been.
there is literally no evidence that it was an inside job and there was an actual trial for a kpd member where he confessed to doing it but also the nazis obviously did take advantage of the situation to further their political goals
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The perpetrator was literally a schizo who had a criminal record in both the Netherlands and Germany of attempted arson.

My guess is that he did in fact do it, but was put up to it by Nazi sympathizers and spies in the KPD (of which there were a lot, at one most, over half of SA men in Berlin were ex-Rotfront members), hence the extremely convenient timing of the fire.
Given how many trials were show trials it’s hard to know whether that specific communist kid did do it though.

They also charged four other communists who were acquitted.

I think the logical explanation is it was a communist, but not some plot by a larger communist group.

After all setting fire to an old building isn’t something that needs to be as complex or organised an attack as hijacking multiple planes like 9/11. Just one sneaky guy setting fires with basic tools would have worked back then

The false flag claims seem like total revisionism from academia of the 60’s and 70’s which was very pro communist and wouldn’t allow the idea that a communist helped Hitler gain supreme power via a terrorist attack against the German state
Yeah, but that background detail also just makes him an easy patsy to pin the blame on. I honestly doubt they actually found the true perpetrator
Cool picture, but this guy was irrelevant. He stopped being the head of the party long before Hitler came to power. Thalmann was the leader of KPD.
The Reichstag didn't actually exist during this time. It would not be built until September 1997, after the Eugenics wars.
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>After all setting fire to an old building isn’t something that needs to be as complex or organised an attack as hijacking multiple planes like 9/11. Just one sneaky guy setting fires with basic tools would have worked back then

Honestly you wouldn't even need that developed of a conspiracy for even that.

Literally it could have gone

>Hitler orders Röhm to carry out some sort of false flag attack and make sure that the Communists are the scapegoats (remember, his style of leadership was to give broad directives and let his minions figure out the details)
>Röhm, being a butt-fucker and head of an organization that's literally full of ex-Communists does some reaching out and finds a guy who knows a guy who's stupid and impressionable
>he's a commie, he's a foreigner (remember, it has to look like an international conspiracy against Germany), and he's got a wrapsheet already, the perfect scapegoat
>they rile him up with talk, a lot of it
>casually suggest that he go out and burn down the Reichstag to show those Fascists whose boss
>he agrees to it, maybe they supply him with a match and some kerosene
>Nazis use their sympathizers in the German police to make sure the security guards just happen to be not patrolling the part of the building our patsy breaks into
>Reichstag lights up like a Christmas tree, German democracy for all intents and purposes, dies that night
>before the German public has even picked up the morning newspaper, Hitler thrusts himself into the crisis, declares this to be the work of the Reds, and that he will lead the charge to crush them
>not-so-based retard remains quiet about his being prompted during his trial, thinking that he's protecting a "friend", maybe he gets drugged/tortured to make sure he stays that way

Compared to the typical schizopost about September 11, 2001 or JFK being shot, this one barely classifies as a conspiracy theory.
I ain't reading that shit
The idea that the Reichstag fire is an inside job was literally an invention by an anti-German hostile international media. They came up with this on their own outside Germany. The idea that this is even seriously discussed, means even 80 years later we are still not able to distinguish history and the propaganda of a certain political faction. It‘s like if Trump were to go into the history books as a Fascist Dictator of America, who tried to end the Republic, coup the government and whatever.
The claim that it‘s an inside job can be instantly be dismissed, because no one in Germany thought that. We can clearly see it was an outside invention. Just like the Romanian war scare. Or all of the other war scares about Germany. There was one for Switzerland.

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