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I saw an Islamist that reads Nietzsche , Marx , enlightenment authors and seems to read lot of stuff but Is somehow an Islamist

How can someone who's been exposed to so many ideas and concepts still restrict themselves to Islam ?

I don't get it shouldn't reading this make them love western society
In the Islamic world, politically, Muslims have one of two choices. Becoming leftist tool for islamists or islamists themselves.
The only reason why Islam is still alive today is because of the penalty of death from apostasy and very low iq due to inbreeding.
He lives in west though ? He posts stuff on his Twitter about all these nuance thoughts but defends Islam which isn't defensible
Best thing you can do to understand this behaviour is read the quran. For good measure do it twice, back to back and chronologically.
It's a religion obsessed with death, hell and the afterlife is mentioned over 100 times. The faithful are stuck in a virtue spiral where hell is very graphically "defined". What's somewhat beautiful in this mess is that whenever literalists gain enough power they will guilt the low tier faithful into becoming islamists by calling them unbelievers and apostates since whatever the Muslims say, the quran is perfect and not up for debate anymore.
It's also the truest of religion(it's written in there kek), holding the last word of God verbatim dictated to the pedo illiterate prophet.

Talking about the west in modern times, leftism is the political organ of the unbelievers that can be subverted to advance the cause of the umma (International Muslim community). The main organisation who does that kind of political work is the muslim brotherhood.
Are they aware Islam is bull shit though
Depends on the IQ and overall knowledge. Regardless, social pressure and possible repercussions (death) is enough to keep them in line.
Like the other religions a ton of Muslims don't understand the text, they just listen to the imam.
You have to understand that while islam is bullshit, a lot of people have spiritual needs so they stick to it even though spiritually it is worth peanuts.
> islamist
Can we just say muslim ffs
He's an actual Islamist and sympathies for Islamist groups
These people are either very honest or very deceitful, depends on their favored school of jurisprudence and ties to the muslim brotherhood
He's quite educated but I'm just getting this from his online posts and he barely gets more than 20 likes
Maybe perhaps you should consider that he’s right and you are wrong one
> The only reason why Islam is still alive today is because of the penalty of death from apostasy and very low iq due to inbreeding.
No it’s because our theology makes sense and iq test are proven to be nothing but meaningless numbers so cut the cope
You can entertain other people's ways of thinking without thinking that way yourself.
Makes so much sense there are 4 main school of jurisprudence within suni islam, besides sufis and shias. Countless interpretations and practices within those schools. So clear and limpid you have to abrogate past verses.
Whether you like it or not IQ is a useful tool. The only cope I see here is yours.
His whole family and extended family has access to it, they all keep an eye on each other.
>even though spiritually it is worth peanuts
Explain lol
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Look I’m a Muslim who has read a quite a bit of books that are similar to what your friend has read.

Let me tell you this, I can understand where these authors are saying. From a secular perspective they would be correct and consistent with their ideals for example Nietzsch. However it’s the belief that Allah(SWT) is the one true god that makes me recognise that the true source of morality is from him. So I can read these books with an appreciation of their interesting ideals and I can value them for the consistency within their own world view but I consider my beliefs to be far more truthful so I don’t get any type of doubts or concerns when reading such material.
Humans are randomly generated meat robots. Hope I helped.
The way that Islam's giving your life structure can be very appealing. Also there's such a thing as "sweetness of Iman" in Islam which an atheistic non-believer can hardly comprehend. Those advantages can be so great that they're overriding rational decision-making. People are emotional beings after all, not computers.
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I don't know the answer to your question but I suspect the West/Islam dichotomy is really kind of meaningless. Modern Islamism is like a mesh of different influences in response to "Nakba" and stuff like that. Sayyid Qutb for example is remembered as the ideological father of Islamist jihadism, but his own thought was influenced by various Western thinkers and writers and out came this peculiar mix of revolutionary existentialism, Leninism (he had a Leninist background and basically copied whole passages from Lenin while changing some of the word) and a literary romanticist conception of Islam (he was big on French literature). Also he borrowed from Nazi stuff, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and the works of the Vichy-supporting eugenicist Alexis Carrel.

Different, but Arab nationalism was built with various German ideological and philosophical components. Then in the 70s there's a big rise (in the West too) in anti-establishmentism, counter cultures, student protest cultures, the politics of "authenticity," identity politics, Maoism, and the post-modern revolution against modernism and ideology of "left" and "right." Transplanted to Arab societies, Islamism rose up and was attractive to a new Arab urban generation cut off from their grandparents' peasant roots while living in bankrupt, authoritarian countries totally dependent on foreign aid. It's hard to summarize but Islamism emerged as a new revolutionary thing in opposition to "the west."
Because he's likely either a neo-reactionary that sees Islam as the culmination of these beliefs or tries to use these philosophies as a way to give legitimacy to his Islamists views.
so you have to be in one doctrine and follow it to the T
It is faulty metaphysics based on emotion and mysticism

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