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Why can't anyone agree on the definition of monotheism?
>The belief in the existence of only one God.
Seems pretty simple to me.
So are the Abrahamic religions truly monotheistic then since they believe in intermediary beings?
>they're not considered gods
Sure, not they're not the Supreme God, but the Tanakh does refer to other "elohim" that Jews and Christians generally interpret as angels or sometimes as deceased humans.

In Islam and Christianity there is a dualism between God and Satan where Satan, though subordinate to the Supreme God, is certainly treated as a kind of deity of evil much in the same way Zoroastrianism treated Angra Mainyu.

There is also a fundamental metaphysical issue with absolute monotheism: How can God reveal himself to humanity if he is absolutely transcendent? In Abrahamic contexts this implies the need for divine intermediaries, some of which literally bear the Divine Name and presence like the Angel of the Lord in the Tanakh, or Jesus in early Christianity.

There's also a lot of nuance in regards to the Trinity in Christianity, for example th three members are considered God in the absolute Supreme sense, but some theologians have made a distinction between "God" proper as the Father, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit as in some sense "gods" in a secondary sense to the Father while still sharing in the divine essence of the Father, while still being orthodox, and this isn't a new concept either as it does show up in earlier Christian literature.

The main problems that monotheism faces can be summed up as "How do we define a deity" and "How do we reconcile an absolutely transcendent deity with special revelation"?
No, pretty much every Christian agrees that all other gods except the God of the Bible is a false god.
no, that's not what they believe at all
Angels are considered to be messengers of God, not Gods
The Trinity is 3 in 1, 1 God in 3 persons, which is still monotheism
>So are the Abrahamic religions truly monotheistic then since they believe in intermediary beings?
Are any of them gods?
>but the Tanakh does refer to other "elohim" that Jews and Christians generally interpret as angels or sometimes as deceased humans.
Elohim is just a generic word in Hebrew for any spiritual being, a ghost can be called an "elohim", "God" is only one of its meanings.
>In Islam and Christianity there is a dualism between God and Satan where Satan, though subordinate to the Supreme God, is certainly treated as a kind of deity of evil much in the same way Zoroastrianism treated Angra Mainyu.
No? Satan is not treated as a deity in either religion, in Christianity he's a fallen angel and in Islam he's a djinn, neither of which are Gods.
>There is also a fundamental metaphysical issue with absolute monotheism: How can God reveal himself to humanity if he is absolutely transcendent? In Abrahamic contexts this implies the need for divine intermediaries, some of which literally bear the Divine Name and presence like the Angel of the Lord in the Tanakh, or Jesus in early Christianity.
That's why Christians believe in the Trinity and Jews completely ignore those parts.
It's just not and Christians don't believe in multiple gods or believe that multiple gods are valid. They consider the Trinity to be one god in 3 persons and angels are considered to be messengers of god, not separate gods themselves.
Henotheism is the consistent worship of one god among many, without denying the existence of other gods. It's like someone saying that they have a favourite restaurant that they always go to even though they acknowledge there are other restaurants. In monotheism, there is only one restaurant.
>but also believe in the existence of other heavenly beings or lesser representations of God
None of which are gods in their own right, therefore, Christianity is monotheistic. By your logic Islam is also not monotheistic since there are also angels, djins and demons.
>Well I mean yeah
They're not gods, you massive retard.
Well yeah, Muslims also believe God has a body (meaning he has parts) which seems to violate monotheism. On top of that Muslims about think the Quran is uncreated and eternal with God. So right there Islam isn't really monotheistic either. Not to mention they bow and kiss toward a stone embedded in a former pagan shrine.
Means two lords.
The torah (old testement) is the only truth.
Considering the teachings of Jesus contradict the teachings of Yahweh it is clear they are not the same God. Christians don't believe in the laws of God and they follow different rules that God never taught with his own voice. So they are serving a different god from the Almighty God who spoke through Moses.

They don't even keep the Sabbath which is the 4th commandment and they make images and statues and crosses and idols of divine beings and put them on altars and hang them on the walls and on their necks as pendants which is breaking the 2nd comandment. And they worship the god Jesus before Yahweh and that is breaking the first comandment. So not even the 10 comandments do they respect and obey. They do not respect the rules of God or fear him.
Now define one and God, and tell me your how indescribable transcendent God is also a totally immanent God who speaks can be known, interacts with the physical world etc.
I think monotheism as a concept is pretty dumb and am not uncritical of any of the 3. But 'Muslims believe God has a body' is kind of a strawman. It's just Atharis and they're globally and historically the minority compared to Ashariis and Maturidis who do not at all take the bodily verses literally and have a lot of beef with Atharis over it.

And it is really kind of unfair even to Atharis. The original Athari position was to affirm the 'bodily' (e.g. Q48:10) 'bila kayf', that is without any attempt at allegory or philosophical exegesis. It was an outgrowth of Athari conservatism, anti-philosophical stance and textual 'literalism'. And even with some laterAtharis like Ibn Taymiyya who do affirm a divine body, it is a body in the sense that Atharis (not sure about Ashariis and Maturidis for this) believe that God's mercy is mercy. I.e. it's *totally* incomparable and a qualitatively different sort of thing than what we use the word to describe. So not only does God have two hands 'in a way that befits his majesty' but those hands are utterly indescribable and incomparable, it is like a via negative of the divine body. Which has its own obvious problems in that if God is that unknowable then why is He using language to define Himself, how do we actually understand His attributes etc. But it isn't so simple as all of them believing God is a dude with parts and a direction sitting on a chair.
Another really obvious question, idk if I'd say problem necessarily, about monotheism is that if God is beyond description, beyond anything more than reference to the creation, and beyond comparison then isn't He also logically beyond numbering? Doesn't seem like you could accurately say He's 1 any more than you could say He's 3 or 6 or 40.
Alright, you're clearly a schizo, nevermind.
What about what I said was schizo, that I think you need to precisely define terms like one and God instead of spouting platitudes or that I actually know a bit about the differences between the Islamic theological schools instead of parroting what I hear some missionary say?
>What about what I said was schizo

>Define God
>Considering the teachings of Jesus contradict the teachings of Yahweh it is clear they are not the same God.
Not according to Christians.
>Christians don't believe in the laws of God and they follow different rules that God never taught with his own voice
Not according to Christians, since they believe Jesus is the Son of God come to sweep away the Law which was strangling people with its abuse by the Jewish authorities.
>They don't even keep the Sabbath
Most Christians consider the Sabbath day to be Sunday, so yes, they do keep it.
>sperging about idolatry
They consider it to be a reminder of Christ on the Cross. They don't "pray" to them like an idol.
>And they worship the god Jesus before Yahweh
No, they mostly consider the Son and the Father to be the same.
>God exists and if you don't worship him and let us run your society based on what he allegedly inspired/revealed in some old book you're going to be set on fire forever
>don't ask me to define what God is, that's schizo
If you want to start theological threads then you shouldn't kvetch about people wanting you to be very precise in your thought, language and definitions.
The religous posters got called schizo and think it is a general insult
And I am not even an atheist in case this post makes it seem so but come the fuck on, if you can't handle theology then don't step into those waters.
Just because you try justifying this godlessness and blatant disregard for God's laws and instructions does not make it right.
I'm telling you what Christians actually say and believe and they're definitely monotheists. What Islamic country are you posting from?
Christians claim their God is the same person as the God of the old testsment but the don't respect any law from the God of the old testament and then make up nonsense to justify it like you did.

What justification do they have to change the day of rest from the last day of the week to the first? God blessed the 7th day which is Saturday because he created the world in 6 days and then rested on the 7th. In honor of his creation we are instructed to never work on Saturdays and to rest and keep the day holy because it is a day blessed and sanctified by God. He made this decree the 4th commandment which he wrote in stone with his own finger.

No explanation Christians give to excuse changing the day to Sunday makes any sense and has no justification other that the fact that they actually worship the Sun God so that's why they choose the Sun day.

Making the Sunday holy instead of Saturday is rebellion against Yahweh God.
Christianity is not monolatric.
There is one King, and that is Jesus Christ.
The bi-ability of The Book is just that a person wrote it, and another person read it. However, there is still only one message with true authority, and that is the message of the author, who created the work.
If Jesus is was the son of God wouldn't that make him the prince?
Monotheism is the belief that there is only one indivisible, uncreated creator responsible for bringing the universe and all its inhabitants into existence. This could well include lesser sub-"gods", but it remains monotheistic as long as it maintains that there is only one supreme god above all. Almost all modern-day religions believe this, with the exception of Buddhism and fringe cults like Mormonism and Scientology, and most historical religions appear to have started out like this before the "sub-gods" began to ascend in primacy in human thought.

The kind of strict monotheism that states unequivocally, "there is one god alone and no other supernatural forces present in existence" is an atheist strawman that fundamentally denies the existence of the human soul. Nobody believes this, especially not sarcastic fedoras who argue in bad faith on the internet.
>Monotheism is the belief that there is only one indivisible, uncreated creator responsible for bringing the universe and all its inhabitants into existence.
So what about Averrosim which, a medieval Islamic school of falsafa (philosophy) which taught the eternity of the world? What about the ancient schools of Christian Gnosticism which taught that matter was eternal with the Godhead and was only shaped into existence by a lower demiurge? In fact creation ex nihilo didn't become the dogmatic understanding of creation in Christianity until at least the 4th century, and arguably in Judaism even later during the medieval period and same with Islam.
They did not use the words "ex nihilo." None of these are counterexamples to their definition.
Tell me, do you think Michael the Archangel is also Jesus?
Jewish and Muslim conception of monotheism is true one. So we must kicked Christianity from monotheist club. Basically LARping as monotheist. How can 1 god represents in 3 different form? With that definition Hindu also monotheist too cause Hindu belief in one god too. One ultimate forces but get represented in million of form. Christianity is basically pagan lite. Zoroastrian is more is monotheist than Christian. Atleast they were represented by 1 form in which a fire.
Lol no. Only Salafi thinks that which is minority. Most Muslim think it is not literal
Are you fucking stupid? The Salafi movement is the dominant one in the Islamic world. Mudshits really think God is "above the throne".
>The Salafi movement is the dominant one in the Islamic world
No it's not, look up the numbers

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