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Catholicism is basically founded upon repeatedly calling God a liar.

>God promised to preserve his word
Catholics claim you need their cult to have it.
>God promises to give wisdom to those who ask
Catholics claim you need their cult to understand.
>God promises to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask
Catholics claim you need their cult to grow in faith.
>God promises to reveal himself to those who seek him
Catholics claim you must go to their cult and perform their unbiblical rituals to receive him.
>God says the soul that sins will die
Catholics claim plenty of sins aren't mortal sins

How the hell does anyone fall for this?
you don't know anything about catholicism do you
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By this logic so is the Westminster Confession of Faith
>God says the soul that sins will die
>Catholics claim plenty of sins aren't mortal sins

16 If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that you should pray about that. 17 All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.
1 John 5:16-17
Paul's teachings are the perfect example of manmade doctrine. He made up a bunch or arguments to justify not having to obey any of the laws of God and quoted random verses from the OT out of context to give his argument legitimacy.
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Proto-catholics perverted the text and changed faults to sins to keep a priest over you.

God wants a personal relationship through the Lord Jesus Christ, not religious systems with a false gospel that doesn't save, a self-righteous works-based salvation system, worshipping one of the devils mentioned by the prophet Jeremiah, idolatry, forbidding people from marrying which the Bible calls a doctrine of devils.

And you should verify everything I say against The Word of God just as those in Berea did in Acts 17:10-11, just as you should their words, those of Berea weren't condemned for verifying the teaching, but praised for it. Further, Scripture tells that men should study to show themselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be a shamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

And the only way to do that is if you have The Word of God. God's words are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Jesus, God in the flesh, plainly said his words won't pass away, not even a jot or tittle. There won't be a single error or contradiction in God's Word. God's words are divinely inspired by God, faithfully preserved as He promised, and faithfully translated into the world language today. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek because it was the trade language of the time, it was the world language even if not everyone spoke it, it was a language which could spread. The Hebrew was never such, but it needed to be kept holy. Today, the pure words of God can be found in the trade or world language of today. He kept his promises, you can trust God and His Word instead of man and his opinions.

Do you really think God is not powerful enough tow rite a book that those who love him could read to learn about him? The CREATOR, who created the heaven and the earth and all things? Is there any thing too hard for him? You really think you need to go to a priest every week to eat a piece of bread to be saved?
That's not true at all. You're probably using a counterfeit bible full of contradictions and errors and perversions to justify false doctrines such as Roman Catholicism or her harlot daughters or the apostate/compromising/progressive/etc. churches that conform to the world.

You know, God created the world in 6 literal days and the world's less than 10,000 years old, right? All those Bibles that replaced phrases like "the beginning" with "ages" can be discarded easily. I mean, do you believe God created in the beginning or do you believe man's opinion about nothing exploding "ages past" in the dumb big bang theory? Just an easy example to rule out obvious fakes. Jesus clearly believed God created in the beginning, do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible or not? Simple question for anyone who would be called by the name of Christ, i.e. claim to be Christian.

Another one which coincides with this is which bibles replace "by" with "through" in verses showing God created all things by Jesus Christ like John 1:3 or Colossians 1:16. You can also look at 1 Peter 3:18 to see whether Christ was quickened "in" the spirit or "by" the spirit. Or John 7:8 to see if the Jesus of your bible lied, did he say he wasn't going, or not going "yet"? There's a big difference there, if he doesn't keep his word, then he's not God in the flesh as he claimed and he would also be a sinner. Many, many, many bibles do that last one and if the Lord Jesus Christ sinned then his sacrifice can't serve as a blood atonement for us.

You can verify everything I've said by God's words, and you should. I don't claim to be infallible or incapable of err, only God could make such a claim, never any man as the Pope who is blasphemously called "Holy Father" claims to be when he sits in a superstitious chair.
Is that the one from the Calvinists? I've never read it, I really don't care about man's opinions and I don't care to look up confessions of faith or creeds as they're just man's opinions and not the words of the living God.

Scripture states the gospel is according to Scripture, it also again commends those in Berea for testing the teaching against Scripture, and Jesus used Scripture to rebuke Satan after fasting showing even the Lord Jesus Christ saw Scripture (the pure words of God) as the authority and he said he always did that which pleased the Father, and the Scripture states God preserved his word and that we're to study it both in the NT and OT, not as a work required to be saved of course, salvation is by grace and if it's of work then it's no more grace. It's a free gift from God, not of works lest any should boast.

If it is the Calvinists, they make God out to be a liar who has a "revealed will" and "secret will" and who is unjust for punishing the wicked who had no say in the matter as they only had a "freewill to sin" which isn't a freewill. God would be unjust to punish those who he preordained and predestined to perish and God cannot lie. It's clear from Scripture that God appeals to every man. Is there anything too hard for God? Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
None of what you said relates to the green text
I know Catholics and tripfags are notoriously low-quality posters, especially when their false religious system is criticized for putting man's tradition and man's opinions over the words of God and God's laws and commandments.
Exactly, the Roman Catholic system is not Biblical Christianity at all.

Which authority will you submit to: God and His Word, or man and his opinions?
Jesus himself said he would fulfill the law
Also how do you explain Abraham being counted as righteous before circumcision, he just believed and it was counted to him as righteousness
I mean none of what is written in your original post has anything to do with the greentext, they’re not related
You still didn't say what's your interpretation of that verse
Other than Paul
Check Acts 15, the man whom Jesus gave him the keys of heaven told us we weren’t forced to circumcise
>You still didn't say what's your interpretation of that verse
Neither did you.
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Is salvation by grace or works? He condemned people for adding one single work to the gospel of grace, just one thing they said people must do, and Catholicism adds a whole litany of works you must do to be saved.
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See https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Hebrews-6-4_6-6/
or https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-12-31/
for unforgivable sins or sins which can't be forgiven by the blood atoning death of the Christ (or that are unto death) through repenting and believing the gospel (Mark 1:15).

I >>16809042 thought you were posting James 5:16. I'm so conditioned to you guys doing this lazy "here's a verse" and you never expound upon it, you just imply and assume your church's interpretation of it since it's so ingrained into you that's the only thing you think when you see the verse, I just realized that's why you guys always do that too, so I didn't even fully read the verse or look at the book or chapter number. The James 5:16 in counterfeit Catholic bibles is the verse which replaced faults with sins to keep a priest over you. Confession of sins is to God, all sin is against God and that's shown in Scripture when David confessed his sins before God and confessing his sins against God rather than as against other men, as again all sin is against God and against His moral law (not against man or his traditions or religious systems).

Stuff like missing "mass" isn't a sin. I forget you guys don't know what really is a sin because your church lies to you so much. Sin is breaking God's moral law:
>1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
Circumcision is not part of the law.
What did he believe?
The absolute truth is, the cult of Catholicism is founded on self-righteousness. Such an ideology is not only fundamentally flawed, but also self-contradictory.
They have strayed from the path of righteousness with their hypocrisy.
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Yes the cult of protestantism is much better
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Protestants don't view Luther as your cult views your "Holy Father" cult leader pope, they literally call him "Holy Father".

You should only call God the Father "Holy Father", but your church calls a man that. Maybe you don't personally, but that's no excuse for their false doctrines/dogmas. Just as maybe you don't personally bow to idols, but your church is full of it and they even put kneeling pads to make it easier to sin and provoke God to anger by worshipping who the prophet Jeremiah called a devil, the queen of heaven, because that's certainly not the Mary of the Bible nor is it Mary who bruises the serpent's head, nor is it Mary that is the mediator or redeemer; the Lord Jesus Christ is the seed, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only redeemer, and Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father (that is, God the Father, not your pope or one of your priests you blasphemously call "Father"); you can't go up through another way, Jesus said such people were robbers and thieves.
>John 10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
>John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
(he's not a literal door, just as the last supper isn't the literal body or blood of Christ (i.e. "do this in remembrance of me") nor is the mass how you receive Christ).

Most protestants who actually believe the Bible (to differentiate between apostates/progressives or fallen/ecumenist protestants, and real Christians) don't even bother to read Luther's works, because he's just a man, it's not God's words. And he was a Catholic trying to fix a broken religious system which departed from the faith of the apostles and from the Scriptures, it's not likely he'd be entirely perfect in his doctrine but it was certainly a huge step in the right direction.
>Protestants don't view Luther as your cult views your "Holy Father" cult leader pope, they literally call him "Holy Father".
*They referring to the RCC. Bad grammar and lazy posting on my part. Protestants don't refer to any man as "Holy Father" because it's a title/name reserved for God.
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Yes OP you "totally" don't need any structure or authority at all. I bet you don't even go to church probably just say prayers in you basement and think that's enough.
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>hourly seething at the VNAM SANCTAM thread
That's not very comfy of you m8
Salvation is through grace
The Catholic church doesn’t teach salvation through works
The pope is not just the Holy Father (father as in priest and holy as in spiritual successor of St. Peter) but also the Servum Servorum Dei (meaning he serves the saints) so he is supposed to show humility when dealing with his underlings who are only under his authority by the will of God. Many popes have abused their office for political motives, including the current pontiff. That does not mean the papacy is bad, but that several men sitting on the chair of St. Peter have been and are more occupied with human affairs than with the Word of God.
>picrel first and best pope
too distracted by the game to type proper Latin
Why even pretend you give a fuck when you refuse to understand a religion you criticize?
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>The Catholic church doesn’t teach salvation through works
They do.
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It seems like you could use some structure and authority, like the structure of knowing you have God's words preserved as He promised and building your house on rock (the rock is Christ, not peter), and the authority of God's word rather than the false authority of a man given to him by the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world.
>Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
>Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
>Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
from the OT

>Psalms 12:6-7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

>Matthew 7:29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

What is your authority? Some man in a silly robe? You think he's religious because of all the gaiety? All the fanfare? All the riches, the gold, the precious stones, the ornate cathedrals? You think that makes someone religious or closer to God than you, or closer to this world?
>Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
Meanwhile: indulgences, purgatory, venial sin, missing mass is a "sin", etc.

From the Lord Jesus Christ: John 2:16
>And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

From Peter (who was not a pope): 2nd Peter 2:3
>And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
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I wonder that about Catholics all the time. Why claim to follow Christ when you follow a bunch of paganism or the popes instead?

Or your "rosary", you're hailing Mary about 10x more than God Almighty, and you guys even call her "holy queen" or the "queen of heaven", then you put kneeling pads before idols of her and bow to and kiss and pray to these pieces of stone and wood. Mary isn't a co-redeemer, not co-mediator, nor any of it. That's clearly not the Mary of the Bible, especially when the Bible plainly states she had other children, at least 7 in total including the Christ. Jesus said to pray "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name" when you pray, he never said to pray to his mother to manipulate him, he only came to glorify the Father and do the Father's will; further you shouldn't be using such vain repetitions, even if that was Mary and not the devil pagan goddess from the book of Jeremiah which you even call by the same name, the queen of heaven, how could she hear you on one side of the planet and another catholic on another side of the planet at the same time? And how could she discern what you need by that chant? And how could she then answer your prayers? Your church has deified Mary by making her omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Why else do you think they have so many idols of her? They worship a pagan devil from the book of Jeremiah, but some tradition and fancy deception and twisting of scripture and you think that abomination is fine.

It is an abomination to God.
>who was not a pope
Holy cope. Is that what boomer zionist pastor billy-bob told you?
>Judahism is basically founded upon repeatedly calling God a liar.
there, fix.
See >>16809109
it's a low IQ take moishe. I saw it and it does not deserve a reply.
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Who are you quoting? You're both low quality posters with no real arguments, you still have nothing, you can't refute the OP post and you can't refute a single thing in the thread.
The Judaic God repeatedly murders people, so why wouldn't he also tell lies? Catholics are right to take His word with a grain of salt
>making her omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent
It's even weirder than that. By adopting the pagan practice of syncretizing other deities as "aspects" or "avatars" of major deities with epithets/titles, they turned the Virgin Mary into a composite being, or maybe a saint with multiple personality disorder (also comparable to the treatment of buddhas)

For example there is "Our Lady of Guadalupe", who is "Empress of the Americas", "Patroness of Latin America", "Queen of Mexico" and others.
There is "Our Lady of Fatima" who is always associated with the Fatima apparition and the prophetic message.
There is "Our Lady of Lourdes" who appeared in a cave and heals afflictions.
And many other lesser known ones like "Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn" who is credited with crushing some Swedish soldiers under a gate and also given the title "Mother of Divine Mercy" (can't make this shit up), "Our Lady of the Pine Woods" who is patroness of Lithuania, "Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage" who is the patroness of sailors and travelers etc etc

There are all obviously understood to be Mary (if you asked a mexican catholic if Mary is Queen of Mexico they'd say of course), but they're not interchangeable ("Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn" is not the Empress of the Americas), and they're associated with specific images (paintings or statues), that are ceremonially crowned *as images*. It's as if the specific images/apparitions have their own identity and objectives/missions. It's all very bizarre and seems to require cognitive dissonance.
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And what have (you) contributed beside a shitty pic and some pathetic kvetching?
Try learning english, ESL shitskin.
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pretty sure I'm White unlike your swarthy hooknosed self.
STFU you mutt shitskin POS, you're not white.
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Pretty pathetic way to try killing a thread full of information you can't refute.
The Bible is not a book of science. If it was, then bats would be birds and the Earth would rest on pillars.

We shouldn't use the Bible to do science, and if our various observations and experiments all indicate that things are very old, then that's the age we should work with. Believe whatever you want, but when you're working in science, you have to harmonize various observations together without relying on your specific religious beliefs.
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>kvetching yid
here's a rare Adolf for your troubles.
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>full of information
more like full of jews and judaized braindeads.
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You know the molecules-to-man evolution theory all requires blind faith to believe in, right? The whole thing violates a bunch of laws of science and evolution fails all mathematical tests.

You can deliberately misinterpret text or make a fallacy like appealing to man-made classifications, but you're really not proving anything here. And you're probably thinking of radio dating as one observation, but that wasn't even invented until they long after invented the geology layer dates out of whole cloth, and the radio dating methods don't even work on samples of known ages but they're assumed to work on samples of unknown age even though they all get wildly different results, often for the same sample or even just different parts of the same sample with the same method. They also make a lot of assumptions with each of those tests so they're just not reliable at all, C14 hasn't even reached equilibrium in the atmosphere yet. They also use circular reasoning to create those dates they use for the rocks and fossils, but they're disproven by polystrate fossils and coal seams and soft tissue in fossils and I could go on but you won't look into any of this, you don't really want to search for the truth, just defend your view, just as the Papists in this thread. Received not a love for the truth.

You didn't really say anything at all either, just a bunch of empty nothings. It's almost like you asked one of those chatbots to write the dumbest reply you could that seemed smart to the midwits but says nothing of any substance or value. As more time goes on since the evolutionist zealots first invented their timescale and theories, as more real science is done, you only have more and more issues which you can't answer and more discoveries only point to a rational universe which is full of order and systems which can be rationally studied by only one creature and which can't be any older than 30,000 years which is all indicative of mind.
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Paul condemned the judaizers for adding just one work people must do, just one thing they added to the gospel. The popish cult claims you must do many more than just one work. See pic: >>16810559

You're way to proud to find God, so I can see why you like a false world religion like Roman Catholicism, also works well with all that hate in your heart considering the bloody history of that false church.
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The Catholic and Orthodox are the only Christians with any legitimacy due to apostolic succession. The Oriental Church Nestorians and Monophysites (Armenians, Syriacs, Copts, Tewahedo) are legitimate in their own way as well
The thing is that Creationists don't actually do science, so they have no grounds to criticize scientists doing science. They don't do experiments. They don't have their own scientific journals. They don't publish data. It's all theological apologetics and nothing else.

I can even think of a few experiments that Creationists could do to prove that the Earth is 6000 years old. They never actually do any experiments though, because what's the point? They don't need proof of anything. Their beliefs didn't arise from observation or experimentation. They arose from dogma and philosophy.
Rosicrucianism didn't exist during Luther's time. The symbol of Luther's movement was well... appropriated.
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>The Catholic and Orthodox are the only Christians with any legitimacy due to apostolic succession.
Idolatry invalidates them both, that's departing from the faith of the apostles.

>The thing is that Creationists don't actually do science, so they have no grounds to criticize scientists doing science. They don't do experiments. They don't have their own scientific journals. They don't publish data. It's all theological apologetics and nothing else.
>I can even think of a few experiments that Creationists could do to prove that the Earth is 6000 years old. They never actually do any experiments though, because what's the point? They don't need proof of anything. Their beliefs didn't arise from observation or experimentation. They arose from dogma and philosophy.
Everything you said is a lie and/or projection, though. Are you even trying? Sure, you can't think of any data or evidence or experiments because you're willingly ignorant. Whoop-de-doo, doesn't prove anything you said.

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