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Hear me out. I'm not mocking east Asians. By which I mean mainly Han Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese. I've got nothing against them generally and they've achieved a lot. But their average everyday food doesn't make you robust and strong. If you eat that kind of food growing up as a kid, you won't be tall with a robust frame. I've seen East Asian guys who are jacked, obviously, but they are working out and eating to get big like anyone else. I'm just saying that the average East Asian guy is weaker because of the diet he's eaten since childhood. Guys from areas with more robust diets like Sweden, Brazil, or Ghana for example have a baseline average physique that is stronger.

Plus the girls from there lack tits or ass. Some of them do have nice womanly bodies but the average is a flat board body.

But, if you look at Kazakhs or Mongolians, that's what that race would look like if they got enough meat from childhood. Yakuts too. Feel free to post photos of women from these ethnic groups. Great bodies.

Plus for example I've met Japanese Brazilians who have grown up eating more Brazilians food, they have tits and ass to next week.

Again this is not meant to slander or talk down to anyone. And the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese have some delicious foods. It's just nutritionally insufficient.

This is historical because I seriously and ironically believe this has had an affect on the military prowess and psychological disposition of these peoples.

Picrel is what this race of people looks like when they grow up eating big portions of meat and not tiny portions of rice and vegetables. I'd post a Kazakh woman with a nice curvy body but I know you are all a bunch of homosexuals so this pic will get more attention.
how would you rate turkish and balkan cuisine
I have tried much Balkan cuisine besides Greek, which I really liked. The other Balkan cuisine that I've seen, looks good. Turkish food looks good but unfortunately the only things I've tried are Turkish ice cream (very good ) and kebabs (ranging from cheap garbage to very delicious , depends on the ingredients and who's making it I guess).
*Meant to write I haven't tried much

But actually I haven't tried any besides Greek.
what would you give them out of 10 and how "robust" would you find it
8 in taste and 6 in robustness just off the top of my head. I haven't tried Mongolian food but from the looks of it is 1 in taste and 10 in robustness. It'll put lead in your pencil as my father used to say.
>Brazil, or Ghana for example have a baseline average physique that is stronger.
lol, on average they are dwarfs and very weak.
and yes, your favorite mma fighters are not good indicators of the average Brazilian or African.
if you were in prison, a brazilian man could have sex with you against your will
>Picrel is what this race of people looks like when they grow up eating big portions of meat and not tiny portions of rice and vegetables. I'd post a Kazakh woman with a nice curvy body but I know you are all a bunch of homosexuals so this pic will get more attention.
no, retard, in central Asia and Siberia there is simply a different climate, much harsher winters which also force you to be more massive, in comparison with chinks from the comfortable subtropics.
he would become my personal whore, in fact.
>in fact
**in fiction
What do you think is the reason why I'm so big?
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Are you aware that countries like Japan are some of the longest lived in the world due to their traditional diets and are renowned for retaining their youthfulness till their old age? Your only argument here is that men aren't big and their women have no tits and ass (which is a huge generalization to 1B+ people).
eewww look at those disgusting monkey feet, not even a brazilian would want you
my ancestors were not tropical monkeys and lived in a rather harsh climate, so I am large.
genetics, nothing more.
Why live long and without pleasure?
Come to think of it, East Asians do eat a lot of söy.
these are the normal, masculine legs of a white male with a high T, not even very hairy by southern European standards.
Usually brownoids are jealous of our thick beards, expressive eyebrows, and eyelashes.
the lgbt community really got together on this 1
this Aryan hairy beast could eat you for breakfast and still be hungry.
you are weak, small and brown.
Nta but Middle Easterners are pretty hairy, and they're brown.
Too many old people are becoming a problem in South Korea because people aren't breeding
you are homosexual and that guy is definitely uzbek or some shit
>and that guy is definitely uzbek or some shit
I'm Slav.
and yes, Europeans with high WSH also have excellent body hair growth, this anon is absolutely right.
besides, Uzbeks are hairless Mongoloids.
Clean your disgusting toenails
For what?
I'll just cut them off when they grow long enough.
maybe you also shave your ass?
east asians obviously taking the quantity over quality route. can't pack a billion and a half people in that land area while feeding them meat and milk
>>Again this is not meant to slander or talk down to anyone. And the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese have some delicious foods.
asian food is bland which is why they poor spices on it
False, central asians are just hapas, even mongols are 15% west Eurasian
Mongolians are manlets though. They're shorter than both the Japanese and Chinese. So meat/dairy doesn't have anything to do with making you tall.
can you stop thinking about my ass you queer
Please post Kazakh queen
You shitskin.
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You just oust yourself pajeet we all know you Indians are hairy as fuck
You're obese
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That's all I got for you brother
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>posting finns
>pour spices on it
That's true about Korean food but it's definitely not true about Japanese food.

Central Asian women are really attractive.

>So meat/dairy doesn't have anything to do with making you tall.

From what I've seen irl with my own eyes, that isn't true. I've seen many Asian families in the West where the two parents are tiny people from India, Korea, or China, and their kids way way taller than both their parents and the daughter has big tits and an hourglass figure.
>in the West
I thought we were talking about Mongols/Central Asians? They aren't any taller than East Asians despite having a mostly meat/dairy diet. Neither are Eskimos.
I mentioned Asian families who immigrated to Western countries because it shows: same genes literally same family actually but eating a different diet from childhood results in a different height. Dunno, maybe Mongolians and Central Asians are missing something that makes them taller but generally speaking they are more muscular on average than rice eating East Asians.
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Daily meat consumption:
South Korea 223.26 grams
Japan 156.65 grams
China 171.94 grams
Denmark 193.14 grams
Sweden 183.39 grams
Norway 204.65 grams
Finland 202.87 grams
Russia 214.71 grams

Daily calorie consumption:
South Korea 3398
Japan 2659
China 3406
Denmark 3584
Sweden 3268
Norway 3509
Finland 3319
Russia 3382


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