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/his/ - History & Humanities

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What are the best and worst boards in 4chan history?
The worst boards would definitely be /b/ and /pol/. As for the best, we have /lit/ the board of intellectual.
/gif/ is both mesmerizing and terrible
/o/ is definitely shit. Bunch of faggot kids who can’t even drive.
/an/ and /ic/ are alright. The shittiest boards are /pol/, /b/ and /his/.
>Best: /fit/

>Worst: /his/
/his/ is way better than /fit/, your opinion is wrong
Real question: why is /his/ so anti-intellectual?
if I told you, you'd bring your golems & jews discord over, so lol
>dude look at me LARPing about this book I didn't read and never will read
>bros how many pages did you read today
>shelf threads with the same garbage
Go back
/lit/, like /his/, often has good deep discussions on subject material though /lit/ more so than /his/
Sorry Anon, /fit/ is better. No schizos arguing that America lost the Gulf War or that there's no physical evidence for the battle of Stalingrad

Debates on /his/ are not won by citing sources and making logical arguments, debates here are won by spamming reaction images, unsourced infographics, slurs, and accusing your opposition of being a tranny
The average /fit/ poster is a 90-100 IQ teen or in his early twenties, and it shows.
>Your crush is out there living her best life threads
>Calisthenics 60kg fags pushing their shit every day
>Irrelevant lust provoking bait image on every other post
>Is [random picture of something achievable with 3 years of training and dieting] achievable natty?
>Ridiculously bad beginner questions

On top of that, there's not much to discuss fitness related. Just watch some Nippard/Renaissance Periodization/Henselmans for state of the art knowledge and you're good to go. There's nothing worth discussing; professional bodybuilding would be interesting to discuss but that doesn't happen. History on the other hand is very subjective in its interpretation and therefore a topic fit for discussion, it is also way deeper and broader than fitness so there's much more to discuss in the first place.

Sure we have the daily multiple religion bait threads and schizo conspiracies, but the quality threads are actually worthwhile because of what I mentioned above.
lit, fit, tv

int, pol
/pol/ isnt half as bad as people make it out to be.
/fit/ is shit

/pw/ is good

/fit/ is shit, /tv is mid, /lit/ is decent

best board is /out/
best as in: posts pertain to the board subject, loads of original content, relatively low amount of trolls, not a mirror for social media posts
/pol/, /b/, /soc/, /bant/, /r9k/, /gif/.

/mu/, /lit/, /sci/, /k/, /g/ (pre-Ballmer in the sticky), /his/ (pre-Chud Anon spam).
You only say that because you're a zoomer and don't have a point of reference because you weren't around before /pol/ brought normalfags and boomers to the site and eventually spilled them to other boards.
/pol/ is entertaining, especially if there is something big going on, but too many take it too seriously.

Worst board? Probably R9K
The state of /b/ and /pol/ are the best metrics for determining the health of this site in general. /b/ has been complete shit since 2009 (due to spam, normals, bots, and shitposting). /pol/ has been complete shit since 2014 (due to spam, bots, third worlders, and hivemind). The chanology shit on /b/ brought in waves of smoothbrain "activists", and was the first massive body shot this site took. The influx of wingnuts (who are also smoothbrains) leading up to election 2016, was the deathblow. We will never recover from these events.

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