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He's the president, he should have been immune from any scrutiny or meddling from the government, the CIA, the Congress, the Democrats, etc. SCOTUS just ruled presidents had presidential immunity. So that means you should apologize to Nixon for making him feel bad.
Why do conservatards hate the US so much that they openly BEG for a dictator of a leader?
Because you ruined the American way of life and now it's going to take Trump or someone like him to make you all disappear and never be seen again and if it means a dictatorship to rid this country of liberalism and socialism and woke bullshit, I don't care if he literally takes a shit on the Constition and wipes it with his own ass and then triggers you libs so badly that you have a meltdown. I am going to be laughing when he dissolves Congress and puts the military on the streets, the media and liberals are going to be crying that "oh no the rule of law is dead" well I don't give a shit about the rule of law anymore. We have two tier justice system so fuck the law and fuck your rights.
>dude just end the country as we know it because I'm a scared little crybaby faggot with an IQ so fucking low I can't understand society's change
Why don't you just do the right thing and put a shotgun in your mouth instead, you child?
>end the country
We'll be saving this country. Once men are men, and women are women and there are two genders and we stop freaking out over crap that doesn't exist like climate change or racism, we can actually have a real country again. And I'm not a tranny so no thanks I won't kill myself. I just don't give a fuck anymore. I voted for the man twice and I'll vote for him again. I gave you leftists a chance from 2016 onwards but you wouldn't shut up about the President so now the gloves are off. No more mister nice guy. I'm sick of following the rules here, it's time to make this country great again and if it means shitting on the Constitution literally and burning it all down, I don't care anymore. I'll follow anyone like Trump to the grave including anyone in the MAGA movement beyond Trump.
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Imagine believing he'll do ANY of that shit.
>be Trump
>don't do shit except hold a Bible upside down and give out tax cuts
I hope to see you get gunned down at the Capitol when Biden wins his 50-state electoral landslide
He was never formally impeached because he resigned before it could occur. Clinton and Zack Taylor are the only presidents to have been impeached.
Anon, I...
>50 State landslide
>wheezes so hard
HAHHAHAHA......you actually believe Biden is going to cheat again and actually get away with it and take all 50 states? Well I'm sure with the voter fraud stuff I wouldn't surprised at all hahahaha....good one libtard.
I apologize despite having nothing to do with that sordid affair.
The jews did him dirty, but he wasn't the first or last one.
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>it's going to take Trump or someone like him
Bahahaha keep dreaming for a Messiah, bud. Trump is old as shit and blatantly uninterested in doing anything beyond making his own ass feel good. He's going to trigger the media a lot, approve whatever Republican think tanks put in front of him (SCOTUS picks, bills, etc.) and then retire after 4 years and probably die of old age or a heart attack.
The fun part of having grown up in the class of people who donate to the GOP is that I know just how boring and just how uninterested they really are in all this shit you are talking about. They just want to pay less taxes and make even more capital gains. They use these culture war performances to make you, the serfs, do their "job" in making sure they get into power and stay there.
>cheat again
You really can't fathom that you're in the minority, can you? Nobody cares about your "culture war" obsession with trannys, anon
>country of liberalism and socialism and woke bullshit, I don't care if he literally takes a shit on the Constition and wipes it with his own ass and then triggers you libs so badly
Unless biden wins, in which he declares martial laws and wants to "kill white people"? Authoritarian leadership is based unless when it affects you?
>Biden is going to cheat again
More like the 2020 Pandemic literally killed off enough old people to swing the vote in key states lmao. Everyone talks about le fraud, ignoring the part where COVID wrecked the most reliably pro-Trump demographic while sparing the viciously anti-Trump young people.
Covid didn't kill that many people. Every says "oh Covid, covid, covid did this." but recent studies suggest that the majority of deaths was from the vaccine not Covid. Covid had little impact on the election.
>that the majority of deaths was from the vaccine not Covid.
Weren't six Gorillion supposed to drop dead at any moment
They have though, according to the WHO over 30 million people have died from the vaccine. They say its 7 million deaths from the vax but they say its a lot more like around 30 million dead since the vaccine was given. Only around 50,000 died from Covid before turned into a cold after summer in 2020 it literally wasn't even killing that many people.
>the WHO over 30 million people have died from the vaccine.
Post your "source" so we can all have a good laugh
Based. I'm sick of people shitting on the God Emperor when he made this movement and even this fucking site lol.

Trump is strength!
Trump is righteousness!
Trump is victory!

Libs can cope and seethe. They picked a corpse to run so clearly they didn't want to win that bad lmao.
Anon, did you think the 3.0 was a 30?
Second Amendment Trump should fear that.
Democracy and the US are satanic af. The sooner that shit collapses the better.

I’d like to see the US under an absolute Catholic monarchy but that is pretty unlikely so I’ll settle for balkanization.
If that happens or if Trump becomes a dictator then we have the right to practice the Second Amendment against his ass. He wants to act like a dictator well we'll give him the 1776 treatment. And you can cry about it if you get all anal about people saying that.
Ooga booga booga booga booga me Donald Trump ooga booga booga booga me want to be like an African dictator ooga booga booga me don't like the white man Constitution ooga booga booga me want to have a monkey Constitution ooga booga booga like a monkey country. Ooga booga booga that's what you sound like you basically want to turn this country into a African-tier shithole just admit it maganiggers. Africa is that way. This country is for Anglo-Saxons only not for Germans like Trump not for faggots and not for ooga boogas like Clarence Thomas.
Trump isn’t good enough. He thinks the republic can be saved through authoritarianism. The truth is that the entire Republic was rotten from the very beginning when it was founded by the pozzed enlightenment ideals of liberty and capitalism and separated through illegal revolution from a legally recognized monarchy. It was also founded on Protestantism, which was proto-pozzed. The Republic can NEVER be saved. It was evil and illegal from the beginning, just like the French Republic.

Catholic monarchy is preferable but unlikely. Balkanization is the best outcome. You can fight it but honestly I think you would lose because the US is becoming less white every day and they would probably prefer to live under a Catholic monarchy or dictatorship than pozzed Anglo democracy tbqh.
>recent studies suggest that the majority of deaths was from the vaccine not Covid.
Crazy how this vaccine didn't kill that many people literally everywhere else on the planet.
Even crazier that COVID was most deadly to fat people and Americans are famously fat as shit.
He WILL be the first American Emperor and King.
>even this fucking site lol.
Fucking ruined it. This was a good Otaku forum once, a refuge for all weaboos, now we have newfags saying "trannime" whenever someone posts Yotsuba
>I’d like to see the US under an absolute Catholic monarchy
Only an American could be this fucking cringe lol
US Conservatives have no values beyond worshipping the ultra rich and hating everyone that is not them.
Hispanics are becoming a greater percentage of the population everyday and even some Anglos sympathize. Catholics make up a plurality of Christians in the US because Protestants are so divided between different denominations.

I said that a Catholic absolute monarchy probably wouldn’t be possible, but I could definitely see a Francoist style Catholic dictatorship.
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Again, only a fucking Yankoid could be this dumb hahahah
You obviously don't really know much about Latin America's politics and culture if you think monarchism is making a comeback. The last Iberoamerican monarchy fell in 1889 and no relevant movement has ever stepped up to bring it back. Mexicans quite soundly rejected the French-Habsburg incursion into their country, and a significant chunk of Colombians and Peruvians are sympathetic to Marxist ideals. Not even the most hardass dictators in Latin America tried to pose as Kings, Caduillos never hid that their power was derived from local militias and dictators always tried to play-pretend democracy to assert their legitimacy to govern (e.g. the Brazilian military junta would rotate the President and maintain a nominally democratic constitution)
Your view of Latin America is a caricature of literal 17th century stereotypes which haven't been relevant since 1808.
I already said in two posts, I don’t find a Catholic absolute monarchy to be possible or likely, just desirable.

A Falangist dictatorship or balkanization is more likely.
the best part is catholism is dying out in Latin America due to the various corruption scandals and assocation with hated regimes so most are converting to protties and with a growing percentage just outright abandonign religion in general, and this is without going into the fact spic immigrants to the US certainly don't keep the faith as many larpers try to pretend they do
I just like good things, and leftists have a single minded purpose to destroy everything that's good and replace it with things that are bad.
Because the U.S. is the enemy of the actual historical American nation
>durr China
China cares about extended financial powers not eroding cultures outside of China. They’re not my enemy for now.
Americans don’t have the balls to successfully threaten the government. The second amendment has pacified faggots rather than enabled them. Your daughters get raped by niggers while your rights get taken away daily and you allow it because “when the government REALLY gets tyrannical we’ll stop them”
Fck off
They had plenty of kangz in ooga booga booga land like that nigger king in central Africa called Boska Mumbawama Ooga Booga spear chucker. Trump loves his nigger kings doesn't he?
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the impeachment didn't make nixon resign, the republican party did because they knew the democrats would bend over backwards to get a conviction on him
>Your daughters get raped by niggers while your rights get taken away daily and you allow it
Same goes for you eurocuck but you don't do anything either because
>w-w-we dont have guns
if you cared enough you wouldn't give a fuck but obviously your convictions aren't strong enough either. red pillow the next time you wanna piss and moan about burgers. Now go cry like a little bitch
Why are they at lbj's cenotaph?
it's hilarious because this ruling only makes sense if the conservacucks think senile trump will somehow install a lifelong conservative theocracy, and if anything can be gleaned from the past century of american politics it's that no political movement rules forever, and the trumpists are especially shallow without trump (who is 78 lest we forget) given their utter lack of ideology beyond whatever the dear leader is rambling about after his latest meeting. like what if a democrat wins - and I can't wait for the doublethink of the democrats can't win but if they do it's fraud - and the court just handed them carte blanche to do whatever if want if it can be remotely considered part of their official duties? imagine kamala harris with that kind of power kek
it says a lot about the decay of conservatism that there is no real ideology anymore beyond the whims of a conman with rampant magical thinking that used to be the exclusive purview of deluded commies. this honestly feels like the death throes of conservatism, like who is the magical person taking up the mantle if trump had a coronary tomorrow and died? I can't think of anyone up to the task
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>given their utter lack of ideology beyond whatever the dear leader is rambling about after his latest meeting.
It's American Conservatism with an emphasis on Nationalistic-Populism. That's pretty obvious. Just like how before Trump it was American Conservativism with an emphasis on "compassion" and Hawkish foreign policy (Neoconservativism).
>like who is the magical person taking up the mantle if trump had a coronary tomorrow and died?
There's plenty of "heirs" to trumpism. Ramaswamy being an example. Now it's a different argument altogether if the "trumpist" faction can win in a potential power vacuum of the GOP in a hypothetical trump death. But to say there is no veristic successors to Trump is quite moronic.
the ideology is "people want good things", amd democrats think everything good is fascism
if blumpf died tomorrow, people would still want good things
good things like child marriage, yes. Fucking lefties trying to take my cunny away.
People marrying young is a good thing, you just hate marriage and the nuclear family.
Rightists are pro-cunny
Leftists are pro-transcunny
That's literally the only the difference between them.
>It's American Conservatism with an emphasis on Nationalistic-Populism. That's pretty obvious.
no it isn't lmao, that is the vague contours perhaps, but an actual policy? they veer wildly
to cherry pick a tiny example think of tik tok, one minute all for banning it then suddenly against when biden actually moves to do it
>There's plenty of "heirs" to trumpism. Ramaswamy being an example.
I realized I left out a key word in my original post which is "viable", oh sure there are plenty of larpers trying to pretend they're trump lite, Ramaswamy, Vance, Cotton, Trump jr, etc. but as an electorally viable vehicle? I have my serious doubts about almost all of them
there is no grand intellectual animus of trumpism that existed for old fusionist conservatism, there's no national review for them beyond purely as shills for trump personally.
the republican party is even more schizophrenic than it was pre trump, because all the schisms of the early 2010s, of tea partiers and "establishment" types, of neocons and isolationists, of statists and lolberts, still exist but are currently papered over with the veneer of personal loyalty to trump, whose electoral success (though I'd qualify that frankly, in neither 2016 or here is he running away with an election against the most appalling democratic candidates) leaves them outwardly pledging fealty to whatever he says while biding their time.
for all the fearmongering about project 2025 I have my serious doubts it will amount to anything, I remember similar grand intellectual schemes in 2016 on the right that got chucked out the window, soon enough. at the end of the day trump is not a particularly ideological creature beyond a few baseline beliefs
>there's no national review for them
You say that like it's a bad thing
>"the conservative case for [democrat policy plank]"
>oh sure there are plenty of larpers trying to pretend they're trump lite, Ramaswamy, Vance, Cotton, Trump jr, etc. but as an electorally viable vehicle?
maybe desantis?
Woke traitor next.
another woke Rino next
Trump is all I want. Trump will easily live long enough to run again 2028 and then again in 2032. He's still very active and is very healthy still that he'll be with us for a very long time. I want my grandchildren to live in a country where Donald Trump is still president in 2040 and everyone is MAGA and loving this country and everything that it stands for. I want my grandkids to grow up in a Christian country with strong morals and strong ethics. So Trump is going to be the only one.
the national review was hardly a static institution
like virtually every fusionist institution it rotted away this millennium until nowadays where it's an unholy amalgamation of a few holdout never trumpers mixed with people who hated trump pre-2017 (and probably still do privately, I highly doubt someone like rich lowry actually likes him beyond as a vessel for policies) shilling for him
but you see my point I hope, there's no intellectual center for trumpism that was already in existence before his presidency molding those sort of characters. what we've gotten have been ad hoc attempts to create some sort of trumpist ideology after the fact that tend to flame out. think of bannon crashing and burning for instance
he was horrible in the primary and I'm not even talking about his brilliant idea to not attack the main dude as though he could win without it. it was basically Ted Cruz in 2016 including his darling status prior to the primary only to fall from grace afterwards
and frankly he's definitely not a trumper, he's closer to the old conservatism ideologically but with some adoption of trumpist rhetoric and style
Unironically agreed. Nixon might be the most underrated President.
>>dude just end the country as we know it
The country as I knew it was 100% white with a singular culture.
If "societies change" means the people who founded the country are vilified and its original people are marginalized and discriminated against, what good does it do me to accept that?
He wasn't impeached retard. He resigned in disgrace
>Right winged schizo would rather destroy the country than just do basic compromises in their policies
What is there to destroy?
There is never a politician who is going to be 100% consistent in their principles. That is the game of politics. Especially when multiplied by longer careers and on a nationwide electoral scope. Does Trump go beyond the game of politics in his inconsistencies? No. If you look at his values throughout his political career he is fairly consistent.
Trump has always touted about overturning Roe v. Wade through appointing a conservative supreme court. He has toned down his rhetoric over the issue especially over it being seen as a politically weak stance; But the main takeaway from 2016 was that he wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade, which he did. Now he wants to preserve that accomplishment by being presentable electorally.
Trump is Anti-Immigration especially illegal immigration. He has made it harder for legal immigration and want to end illegal immigration. He has been consistent in this regard. https://ballotpedia.org/Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign,_2016/Immigration#:~:text=In%20a%20speech%20on%20October,States%20for%20the%20full%20cost
>Foreign Policy
Trump's rhetorical regime when talking about foriegn policy usually centers around the idea of "Respect". Respect through what? Strength. His foreign policy is just a modified Peace through Strengh Principle. A traditional conservative standing point. He is against wilsonian idealism and endless wars. And he also wants to be respected by US allies too. Not just enemies. He has been consistent in this rhetoric since 2016.
>Trade Policy
He isn't a full blown protectionist, but he isn't a complete free trader either. He's somewhere in the middle of that spectrum best described by the term "fair trade". He has been supportive of tariffs since 2016 up to now.
>Energy Policy
Trump has since 2016 advocated for energy independence.

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