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Is there a specific term/explanation for this? Cause I have observed this phenomenon in both real life and history, Nationalist minority leaders and activists in third world countries will always be upper class, mixed European and concerned about issues that the average population doesn't even think about, like reviving some dead aztec language
and on the inverse it is the most intellectually decrepit substratum that try to claim some outgroup origin to which there is no relevant relation of substance– latinos, indians, paganblut europeans, non arab muslims
Rich people can identify however they want and their beliefs will be affirmed by sycophants, poor and marginalized people will be treated as an outgroup and often be told/expected to identify with a an outgroup that is perceived as low status, or that was dominated somehow by the in-group that the marginalized person may or may not have any ethnic connection to, so these marginalized people will often identify with a different outgroup that they may or may not have an ethnic connection to that might be higher status or that might have had better success historically against the in-group that the marginalized individual feels oppressed/victimized by
Not really, outside of weird Larpers online and small groups of wackos the only people who in significant numbers claim foreign origins are Indian Muslims. In reality with regards to Hispanics, they are focused on the here and now. They speak Spanish and are Catholic, and that's their identity and the heritage that they take pride in. they don't have delusions about being conquistadors; they simply don't think about it
>Is there a specific term/explanation for this
Yes. Catholicism.
A peasant in the south of Mexico had more in common interests with a peasant in Spain than an Spanish peasant with an urban cucked liberal creole from Mexico.

Both were deeply Catholics, both hated liberal burgueoise from cities, both felt diagust about Anglosaxons and French, both were deeply in favour of their own region political and cultural particularities defended by Catholic monarchy and attacked by liberal centralism.

Catholicism is the religion of the countryside, liberalism (with all its variants such as predatory anglo scientific racism) the ideology of urbanites.
It is like Sun Tzu said, when you are weak look strong, when you are strong look weak.

When you are poor then you have nothing to lose by bluffing and everything to gain, so you try to look as rich and powerful and prestigious as possible.

When you are rich you become a target and it gets tiresome being accosted by charlatans and grifters who just want your money, by feigning weakness you stop attracting unwanted attention, you also lull others into a sense of security.
I swear to god the more European the Latina the higher her indigenous ethnonarcissism power levels go. We really need a study done on the weird psychological need a lot of mixed races feel to performability despise their White side even though they are the exact same as any other white western progressive
After Mexico became independent there was a conscious effort by the Castizo elites to identify the country with the Aztec past in an effort to build a unique Mexican national identity that didn't depend on Spain.

It resulted in some weird contradictions, like the faux Aztec architecture that was popular and people of predominantly European ancestry adopting Nahuatl names and the like.
As a Mexican of mostly Spanish and partial Huastec ancestry, I LARP as a Spanish BVLL whenever I wanna talk about why we Europeans should apologize for colonialism, but I LARP as an Amerindian BVLL whenever I want to talk about how the Aztecs were evil and why they were so hated that they deserved to get their empire of sacrifice and oppression destroyed by the BASED Tlaxcallans (the Spanish weren't even the leaders of the conquest of the Aztec Empire btw).
iow, I just use my two identities to argue that ALL forms of colonialism are evil (except for Ottoman colonialism in the Balkans - that gets my dick hard).
Most normal Latinos are like this. The ones shitting up America and facilitating those that do listen to La Raza and would drink the blood out of your still-beating heart if they could get away with it.
A Mexican living in la Condesa, Mexico City has more in common with a Spanuard living in Chamartín, Madrid than either of them do with peasants in their respective countries.
How one identifies would assumingly be related to what one thinks of the conquest. One might think he actual Spaniards might think they only have their position because of the conquest, but more than likely they just project the current situation onto the historical case. As a result you have a bunch of Spaniards in Mexico city talking about how great things were when Tenochitlan was going around harvesting people from the surrounding areas and then you have natives from the surrounding areas talking about how great things were when they demolished Tenochtitlan to the ground. Sure the Spaniards only have their position as the "new Aztecs" due to the conquest but you could just as easily argue that the anglophile Federalists in the USA only had their positions due to the defeat of British forces. What mattered to the Federalists was an endorsement of the British system which gave them a position at the top, it wasn't a real endorsement of British rule.

As such the Spaniards decry the Spanish because they don't want anybody else showing up and rallying all the regions to come topple them.
>except for Ottoman colonialism in the Balkans
I too think white men who converted to islam running everything instead of having to trust your own countrymen produces the best system.
Uh, no, in my case it's actually because I jerk off to the idea of young Serbian men getting fucked by fat old Turkish men with big beards.
The old "Turkish" men were also Serbian. It was basically a grooming ring. Systemic sodomy.
Yeah, nothing wrong with that.
>Amerindian BVLL

No such thing, amerindians were damn near cucked to death
Nordics do it also. They’ll say they’re Yamnaya or something but they’re Neolithics mostly. Their mtdna is what made them more steppe. Iberia is the exact opposite where their mtdna made them farmer. Autosomal DNA is what matters in the end. Otherwise R1bs in Africa wouldn’t be black
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Yea now Hispanics are having a surge population wise. The Americas will always be a majority Latino continent.
Hispanics like Pedro Pascal are the ones who cucked Amerindians
Brother, I implore you not to become an irony poisoned gay pedophile. Engaging in such behavior can lead to harmful consequences, including contracting diseases and mockery from your family. You will end up blaming yourself for the rest of your life
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I just like my culture and art. Both in America or Mexico. Both modern and ancient.

Vitiligo for example has always been a thing in ancient Mexico. Specifically the otomies who built teotihuacan and the toltec empire. That's where topiltzin Quetzalcoatl who is probably the most iconic ancient figure in Mexican history came from.
>irony poisoned
Too late now. I have been too intoxicated by irony to be purified.
Captcha: YGAY
Listen I'm not going to pretend that I wasn't better than you. I wasn't, I was into really messed up things and I was hurting myself but I was also unconsciously normalizing in a sector that abuses and objectifies vulnerable people. I've gotten better and you can too.

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