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>These people felt empathy for the downtrodden in their early lives
>Therefore altruism makes you a monster
I'm not even a Socialist; this shit is just infantile. It's like he's coping with his own suppressed feelings of guilt over his apathy by convincing himself that altruism is in fact what makes men monsters, and that he's a good person for lacking it.
What the fuck happened to him? He went from a pretty well versed researcher, to now being at the height of the Dunning-Kruger Effect on the subject of Gnosticism. I'm not a fan of Gnosticism either, but it's clear he lacks actual knowledge on the subject since in some cases he references lectures by grifters like James Lindsay as his only source on a given point.
he is a based retard, his arguments for why fascism and national socialism are leftists make commies seethe which is quite funny tbqh
Commies are self hating, nothing new
the worst thing is that he talks about germany all the time but very clearly does not know german and always mispronounces words
It is left wing and you're retarded if you think it isn't. All genocidal ideologies are inherently left wing
Gotta love how he shills Ayn Rand in the end of the video. The irony is lost on him.
Was Pinochet a leftist?
He was an authoritarian strong man, no different from the average Latam war lord. He's a puppet to American interests first and foremost, and no he and Peron were in no way fascist
>he and Peron were in no way fascist
TIK disagrees; to him, fascism is leftism, and to him, Pinochet was leftist,
>>Therefore altruism makes you a monster
It sends people to hell, yea
Literally does not say that. lmao. Take your meds
It's lolbert autism.
When are we going to see Tik call the crusader states socialism?
the autism required to make an 800 hour video series on one battle can misfire sometimes
>watching jewtube
>calling someone dumb
TIK videos in a nutshell
>[insert any government in history] intervened in the free market and established a state program.
>therefore, [insert any government in history] was in fact socialist
It's pretty simple. Altruism blinds you.

When you gaze into the void, the void gazes back.
A reminder that the OP is always a leftist lying faggot (and that the only fascist - leftist - gripe with conservatism was that it wasn't faggot-friendly enough kek)
TIK didn't say that.
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>by convincing himself that altruism is in fact what makes men monsters
If i want to force people doing my biddings, and make them enslave unwilling individuals for the sake of it, what kind of rethoric am i willing to chose? Altruism and collectivism.

If anything, we just showed that altruism is not inherently positive or better than egoism, collectivist ideas are not useful just because they produce new slaves ready to serve and act for free, they also reproduce like a mental virus enslaving those who normally don't want to end up in chains as well.
He made a compelling argument, maybe stretched it a little too thin, but dunked on Karl Marx as the archetype self loathing jew hilariously and factually in that vid. He is broadly correct too. Socialists are spiteful mutants. The most heartless and soulless people imaginable.
This image has more milage than my piece of shit beater from 2001
>to now being at the height of the Dunning-Kruger Effect on the subject of Gnosticism
There was some philosopher that came up with this stuff, TIK just parrots him.
How is that wrong though.
Altruism is a personal choice, not a political ideology. As a personal choice it is commendable, as political ideology it is a death cult forcing the absolute obedience of any unlucky soul under it's thumb.
Exactly, and he does so poorly.
The only reason I can think of for him to keep doing these political videos is him thinking of himself as some great thinker. I doubt WW2 enthusiasts evsn with libertarian beliefs are excited about these shit videos
You are babbling. His political videos have almost nothing to do with _his_ ideas, they are extremely well sourced - just like historical ones - and are good examples of high quality scholarship. That's how 99% of social science is being done and TIK doesn't have pretenses of discovering any new ideas.
Some faggot above has accused him of "parroting" some philosopher btw - kek (whoaah, we have an ORIGINAL philosopher among us!)
>they are extremely well sourced
Ah, yes, a lecture by James Lindsay. Fantastic sourcing.
That is correct.
Yeah that’s the literal definition of socialism
thank you for proving not everyone on this board is a complete retard
>Some faggot above has accused him of "parroting" some philosopher btw - kek (whoaah, we have an ORIGINAL philosopher among us!)
I just forgot the guy's surname but any time you hear the le gnosticism talking points TIK spreads it's that old fart that he's using as a guideline of what gnosticism is. The problem is that his idea of gnosticism is so broad, basically anyone with his ideas for the change of status quo(social, political or religious) coming from some form of niche scholarship can be painted as a gnostic and that would fit for both socialists(TIKs understanding of them) and for instance Mises(who after realising that his initial idea of oh I'm right therefore people will listen to me didn't work out so well started flirting with ideas of creating a sort of ubergovernment, where the population at large gets to vote for their hot topic issues, but certain form of world oligarchy ensures that they are effectively meaningless and misesian economics are maintained).
>James Lindsay
>well sourced
>not everyone on this board is a complete retard

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