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What's so difficult about picking cotton? Seems boring but not that bad. What did the slaves find so bad about it that they refused work despite the punishment of lashings.
You don't get fucking paid, that's what. Imagine (LOL) you have a job and the salary just disappears, will you show up on monday?
Slaves never got paid, your comparison makes no sense
It's not a comparison, it's an explanation that not paying people leads to them not feeling motivated to work while at the same time calling you a neet nigger
they got a roof over they head and three square meals. What more would a slave want or need?
You provided an example and slavery already existed in Africa, where it's commonplace. It doesn't have much of anything to do with unpaid work as most Africans had a base concept, if that, of work and rightful payment in exchange. Mentioning a hypothetical where someone who is used to getting paid a certain amount of money for their work suddenly isn't getting paid isn't a good explanation
was about to say it's the heat, but it cannot be as bad as africa and they were literally built for the heat
What do you think it felt like to have your kids sold to a different plantation while you stayed on the old one?
Go pick cotton for 20 years for no pay then. Any other form of abstraction is wasted on you.
Some races are made to work, other races are made to collect welfare and talk loudly in movie theaters. Of course they will complain even if the work is simple as shit.
A life, a right to raise your own kids, make money, go on vacation. Choosing your meals. What the fuck did you think happened to african and ottoman slaves? That they thought "Meh, it's cultural here" and just worked themselves to death? You always need the whip to have slaves, since you are forcing their labour
you think african peasants had any of that? You think they be goin on vacation lmao??? they didn't know any better. slavery is only seen as bad nowadays, but they didn't mind.
By that time the remaining braincells in the slave brains have already been evaporated, they're just flesh units that only care about saying "yess massa" in the gayest way imaginable. Abstractions are useful when they work both ways. Most slaves had no clue about what they were owed, only that they wanted more of what they got. Most slaves after emancipation chose to stay with their owners
Pick my cotton for me right nown
Slavery was always seen as bad by the enslaved. Some guy walks up to you, tells you to carry rocks all day and whips you until you bleed if you don't go fast enough. It is universal to experience that as "bad"
they're always complaining
how is it different to do that in the US than in africa?
It isn't.
so they ain't mind
why do you think people in africa "aint mind" being enslaved? Also, if they aint mind, what is the point you are trying to make?
check the weather for the cotton belt.
imagine being stooped over picking crops with your barehands all day long in high heat high humidity.

it was so hard that white ppl couldn't cope.
now what do the grand grand grand children of people who ain't mind want reparations for?
You ever been to the south? People die here just by being outside for too long in the summer.

check the weather in africa. They are built for this kinda weather. In fact, the cotton belt kinda cold for them.
Slavery is bad regardless of whether the enslaved knew better or not. You can use this argument against reparations.
>a man is not responsible for the actions of another, therefore society does not owe descendants of the wronged money
even heat adapted people find labor in high heat environments with no workers rights unbearable.

this isn't even a serious argument you're just being difficult. I win this one. hiding thread.
No one is built for this weather. Even our chickens think it's too hot outside.
So ... serfdom?
>What did the slaves find so bad about it that they refused work despite the punishment of lashings.
They didn't? I don't know any case of a slave choosing to get constantly beaten instead of picking cotton.
Judging by your responses you're just a baiting nigger looking to argue but I'll bite
1 they don't get paid. Imagine working all day in extreme heat and not have a salary
2 they didn't choose that position. They were sold off and did their work because they'd be whipped if they didn't. If I grabbed you by the neck and sent you to work in a coal mine (without a salary) would you object?
3 you keep mentioning "well what about Africa???" Different African states had different laws regarding slavery. Slaves in Muslim African states were more like servants, they at least got paid. Others objected all the same. Some even tried to ban it outright
4 they didn't "refuse to work" they were whipped to go faster. They didn't exactly have the legal right to refuse even if they did try to protest

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