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/pol/trannys and boomers falling for picture-quotes on the internet is a venn diagram circle
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This is from the Jewish Virtual Library itself, retard.
Imagine what your life could be like if you put just 0.1% of the time you spend obsessing over jews into something that actually mattered, anon
Imagine what jews could have achieved if they put just 0.1% of the time they spend in collapsing civilizations.

You could have replied with rebuttals or counterpoints but yeah here you are, Israel Supporter
>You could have replied with rebuttals or counterpoints
How do you rebuke a statement that hasn't been made?
You blind or mentally disabled? I just posted the screenshot of his speech from THE JEWISH VIRTUAL LIBRARY itself. you can find it anywhere.

But yeah. Denialism. Fuck off, Western Faggot.
>collapsing civilizations
The only one "collapsing" civilizations is inbred faggots like yourself who never build on anything, all you do is WE WUZ NORDNIGGERS larp and screech about jews while they pay you absolutely no mind. You're a snownigger, anon, get that through your head
Oh? So I am the one causing the fall? Yeah, the top masters/mistresses of pornography, feminism, communism, transgenderism weren't Jewish, isn't it anon?

You people never try to figure out the root cause of decline. Always believe that frickin victim card. Snownigger? Oh really? Is it just a coincidence that more than half the members of my race have a bigger brain size than fucking negros?
The current time is that of progressivism, anon. And remember how it always ends.
Despite living on the most cold, barren to be inhabited continent on Earth we have created the greatest of empires & have crushed those with populations & areas far greater thn ours.

Heck, I can't even talk properly to an historical illterate like you. You are a Kike-dick sucker, get over it.
Only kikes use this.
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Imagine what a better place the world would be if you put that time in exposing the Jews instead of seething at those who do it.
>pornography, feminism, communism (lmao), transgenderism are the enemy not the corporations and their billionair CEO's who easily dupe you into wasting your time screeching about this shit while they continue making billions on your consoomerist habits that they pennies to produce
Not one of these is causing a "collapse" you fucking /pol/tranny. Goddamn are you retards ever easily fleeced by grifting faggots.
Germany declared war on United States, not the other way around.
Eh, just some exaggerations. Nothing that bad. Plenty of truth.

You're a sick, mentally ill person.
it's not "jewish stooge" if you're against an authoritarian dictatorship that set itself up against American values like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of expression.
Anyway the map was apparently a forgery by British spies.
Some of this comes up in the Second Book, but it's unlikely to the extreme anyone was able to read it before the 1960s or so.

Tell us about the English bombers flying out of Norway to attack Hitler in 1916, Baruchtranny.

>I Can't Breed - The Post
>muh cold meme

most of europe is temperate

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