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I'll start, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation or Amtrak's obsessively constantly changing paint jobs.

You'd think for a company that is a chronically underfunded and underappreciated as Amtrak, they would be relatively frugal with things like paint jobs, just pick one that works and stick with it. But no, in their five-decade existence, they've changed paint schemes SIX times, soon to be going on a seventh with the introduction of new locomotives.
It's easier to make retards (read: shareholders) think that things are changing by updating superficial stuff than to look at the meat and bones of what your service is and how to improve it. If an organization is obsessive about redesigns and rebranding you can be sure they have no good ideas.
Maybe trains have to be painted every decade anyway
Amtrak has been around for over a half century so that many changes isn’t unusual for railroads. Unless they have a classic livery like the Santa Fe’s “warbonnet” scheme, it’s common to rebrand, and Amtrak mostly just tweaks their red white ‘n blue look.
Amtrak Phase 3 was the best.

Anyway, Amtrak ended up with Phase 4, 4.5 and 5 because Congress kept pulling their money and preventing them from having 1 standard railcar for the full network. Additionally, differences grew between the Superliner and east coast routes as corridor services began growing rapidly within major metro areas. California is the best example, which is why California now uses the same single-level cars Illinois does and why CA and IL procured them jointly. With the Superliners being phased out by 2034, we will see 1 paint job for the whole network which will probably be navy blue/grey running alongisde the state-sponsored cars (also a new thing from the 90s budget battles) running in IL Patriot (red/white/blue) and purple/gold. California also has blue/gold for it's Caltrans services too - which I mention because the lack of a proper NY state plan and sponsorship is why Amtrak doesn't have a consistent east coast color scheme.
>Anyway, Amtrak ended up with Phase 4, 4.5 and 5 because Congress kept pulling their money and preventing them from having 1 standard railcar for the full network.

Why not just stick with Phase III then? It was well-liked, it has a decent appearance on just about any piece of equipment you apply it to (from Heritage Fleet equipment to the Turboliners), and maintaining it would have been cheaper than repainting the entire fleet.
Happy 4th of July, death to nationalized passenger rail.
>California now uses the same single-level cars Illinois doe

Fun fact, they're actually a step-down from the older bilevel cars because they didn't bother with procuring dining or cafe cars, for a service that literally takes over eight hours.
>Amtrak has been around for over a half century so that many changes isn’t unusual for railroads.

UP has been using the same paint scheme for over 80 years
Armour Yellow is classic and UP never went through fiscal disasters. It’s basket cases like the MKT and Rock Island that kept cycling through new liveries, though Milwaukee Road stuck with the same look until the end
>Armour Yellow is classic

Agreed, honestly want UP and BNSF to get back into the passenger business (even if they're massively overpriced hotels on wheels that I can't possibly afford) just so we can get passenger trains with proper paint jobs to make a comback

How's that perplexing?
A collaborative map of the world in 1602 made by Matteo Ricci and Zhong Wentao using all the information available to europe and china. There are 3 islands off the western coast of America. Hawaii wasnt discovered until cook step foot there in 1778. It is possible they are some random islands but the possibility of them being hawaii has some interesting implications.

Kunyu Wanguo Quantu is the name of the map.


Above is a link to the full digital scan from the James Ford Bell collection.
>Hawaii wasnt discovered until cook step foot there in 1778.

Hadn't there been natives living there for several thousand years by that point?
Wear & tear, erosion
The US subsidizes Amtrak so the US maintains an overdeveloped railroad system in case world war breaks out. The paint jobs, presumably, are a result of these bureaucracies getting easier funding for pipe schemes like this where a private company would be hesitant to spend money unnecessarily or change brand.
This is true, my intention was to say outside of the scope of knowledge available to the europeans and chinese at the time. "Discovery" is a bit of a misnomer in this case. The point stands however, what are those islands on the map? If it is hawaii where and how did they get knowledge of it?
I know California was thought to be an island up until we actually set foot in it, and that wouldn't be for another 2 centuries.
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>Amtrak Phase 3 was the best.

I'm more of a Phase I guy myself
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Trains are for retards and need to be outlawed. Richard Nixon was a communist traitor for creating Commietrack and all faggots, communists, niggers, and other subhuman who ride and worship trains need to be ran over by their retarded idol.
Read and weap
>if the feds stopped subsidizing shit they wouldn't be losing to the country who subsidizes literally everything, including the largest high speed rail network in the world
California wasn't thought to be an island, rather, the territory and later state of California was named after a fictional island from the Spanish Romance Novel, The Adventures of Esplandián, that tells of a massive island in the far west believed to be a paradise on the same level as Atlantis or the Garden of Eden. When Spanish explorers were mapping what is now the west coast of the United States, they did so from the South, landing on the penninsula of what is now Baja California first before moving further north, at first they assumes Baja was an Island and not a penninsula for that exact reason, hence the name.
The name "California" is of Arab-Spanish origin (like many Spanish words) and roughly translates to "The Land of Kings"

How'd they manage to make a geographic mistake that bad?
Trains are actually quite excellent at transporting cargo. One of China's problems is that they use their train lines for passengers instead of cargo despite the fact that air travel is better for passengers. China decided to build high speed rail lines for passengers rather than low speed rail for cargo and as a result they have one of the lowest percentages of cargo transported by rail.

In the USA 40% of cargo goes by rail but in China it is only 8%.
Alfred Mahan, one of history's most influential writers in terms of naval strategy (despite the fact that his ideas werent particularly revolutionary or innovative), was a terrible sailor, and a mediocre officer who hated steamships
in fact, he only had his eureka moment because he'd rather spend time in a Lima gentleman's club reading than be on the ship he commanded
the amtrak cascades train runs through my local nude beach two times a day and i love to give the passengers an eyeful
All public transportation accomplishes is exporting niggers from their ghettos to civilized society. All public transit should be outlawed, busses, subways, rail. Only domestic flights with a decent tax upon it should be allowed. If you can't afford to leave the ghetto then maybe you deserve to live there, niggers
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>finally have an opportunity to ride the Cascades last year
>train gets cancelled due to heat wave overloading the engine
There was an assumption that the interior coast of Baja went all the way to the rest of California and people were too lazy to just try and go all the way up it.
Based retard reenforcing the class divide and pushing the idea of 15 minute cities
Or maybe we could deport niggers instead of letting them ruin a nice thing.

What locomotive is that in front?
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I like Phase II Turborliners, kinda sad they never took off
take your antipsychotics anon, this is a friendly reminder
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The E44, which is still preserved in the PA state Railroad museum. It had the nickname of the brick and was loud as sin
>with the introduction of new locomotives
>Hadn't there been natives living there for several thousand years by that point?
Did they make any maps?
The chinese had ships that could make the journey by then but what would their incentive be?
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>The E44, which is still preserved in the PA state Railroad museum.

Not the same locomotive if you look at the registration number, 4426 (>>16832678) was apparently scrapped because 4465 is the only surviving member of the class.

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