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Only 100% Anglo-Saxons are White. The English are the greatest thing to come out of Europe in the past 400 years and no one is remotely close to us. Compared to us, you're not even a human, you're an animal that is barely above the nigger ape. Germans, Swedes, and other parts of central Europe are not considered White. Everyone else is considered Swarthy. Black hair, olive skin, and brown eyes weren't white. Imagine calling yourself white if you have brown eyes. Benjamin Franklin stated that.

Bog / Bogtrotter / Bog-trotter
>Spaniards, Italians, French, Portuguese
Romans. Not white.
Swarthy. Finns and Swedes are Asiatic and Chinese, they're not some monolithic Nordic homeland of pure genes
Swarthy. German East has Baltic and Slavic traces and the German South has Latin
Not white. Greeks and Romans were Anglos.
>Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia)
Balkan mystery meat and claims they're all Slavs anyway
Not white
"Mongol hordes", the "Asiatic flood" and the "Red beast"
Anglo's greatest ally

England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were giant, ethnically homogeneous, homeland for Anglo people with access to vast resources and agricultural land originally built by Anglos, for Anglos. John Curtin said, that Australia is an outpost of Britishness in the Pacific. America is literally an Anglo colony that got so powerful it decided to do its own thing. Anyone in america who isn't of anglo heritage or associated stock (dutch, huguenot, welsh) is not an american. simple as. Germans, Irish, Italians have always been undesirables
Nordics as in Scandis, finns and perhaps some elite baltics too are the white elf ubermensch of Europe. English are swarthy celtoids.
Also jews are hunchbacked goblins
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Anglos are the purest of west Eurasians but Poles and Baltic fags are the closest to the original Aryans. Anglo purity is something to consider they have alot of Aryan dna but also Atlantid but they noticeably lack the negro component that Iberians and southern French have who also are Aryan + Atlantid mutts
iberians are nafri rapebaby mutts with negroid dna raped into existence by superior moors. deal with it mognrels
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Pick one
>those distances
Why do retarded meds think distance = admixture?
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the closer you are to the top right corner of this picture the more white you are.
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You can see the white cluster, free of negroid and asiatic impurity
Bullshit. If you put Cheddarman on here (congolese) he'd be the most divergent. Most white are actually slightly more south east in the european cluster
Chuvash are whiter than iberians
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>Only 100% Anglo-Saxons are White.

Theres no such thing, rabbi. >>16826227
>100% Anglo-Saxon
Is that with or without the Norman admixture?
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>we wus da real whiteys!!
Kys nigger, you will never be a white
made for BBC
it's a chink with paranoid schizophrenia living in australia. search the copypasta in the archives
>Only 100% Anglo-Saxons are White
u be sayin that me who is half German half Irish not be WHITE?
get fucked nigga
> glorifying a bunch of bland people looking more tasteless than your dead skin flakes
> the only reason why they could even dominate temporarily was due to geography with their ports and good sea currents
> currently dying out as the hordes of jeets replace them en masse by competing with white trash to easily snag jessica in the pic
I would love for you to tell me what the Saxon part of Anglo-Saxon means.

Anglos: original inhabitants of the British Isles which were.....Iberian celts.
Saxons: Danish.

Anglo-Saxons: Iberian-Danish mutts.
Why are threads like this even created?
Elle is so fucking hot. I want to cum on her tongue.
If you catch my drift.
I have more than 60% Yamnaya origin, if we take your model.
but she's crap.
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Anglo Saxons: Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutish stock
(You): A vaccinated fucking retard and a gay faggot
Put your mask back on, you blithering fucking vaccinated moron
>100% Anglo-Saxons
You're like 80% Celtic, stop larping
>when you come from and go back to total irrelevance in just a couple of centuries
but enough about iberia
>Benjamin Franklin stated that.
And he is the highest and most learned authority on ethnic/racial discussions because… Why, exactly?
because he was white, only a white man can sniff out racial frauds
Ancient Britons don’t have any Iberian and it was modern Anglo Saxons through Medieval French

The Celts in Iberia came from France and mixed with Iberians to form modern day Iberians
how many Roman emperors came from iberia? how many from england?
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>(You): A vaccinated fucking retard and a gay faggot
>Put your mask back on, you blithering fucking vaccinated moron
projecting yourself like the retard you are.

Original people of the british isles are those like Catherine Zena Jones, Victoria Beckham and similars. Those are southern euro phenotypes and are the base on how standards native Europeans looked like 5000 years ago before the lighter skinned people from the Steppe arrived.

So they don´t look angles, saxons or jutish.

Franklin pass in Spain without any issues if we eliminate his kike nose.
>Only 100% Anglo-Saxons are White. The English are the greatest thing to come out of Europe in the past 400 years and no one is remotely close to us
Coward. The Englishman is Gods masterpiece. Any other opinion is treason.
English are actually Neolithic rich Britons.
only North West Germans are White.
reminder: a streetshitter just lost his job as boss of the uk, homeland of the anglo saxon
>>Spaniards, Italians, French, Portuguese
>Romans. Not white.
Not white. Greeks and Romans were Anglos
cheers mate
>Anglos: original inhabitants of the British Isles which were.....Iberian celts.
Are you retarded? Angles and Saxons migrated as a groups, thats why they are abbreviated as Anglo-Saxons. The earlier Britons weren't Anglos. They weren't Iberian either. They were Bell Beaker + Hallstatt Celtic. Iberians are pre-Celtic + Hallstatt Celtic. In both cases, the Celtic ancestry was the minority component.
this. wtf is OP smoking?
>Anyone in america who isn't of anglo heritage or associated stock (dutch, huguenot, welsh) is not an american


t. Old Stock American
Are you wholly and purely ‘old stock’, anon? Or do you just have like one great-great-great grandparent through whom you trace your ancestry back to before the 1800s?
Scots and Irish are objectively the whitest people on the planet by skin pigmentation. Whiter than English and Welsh, whiter than Scandis, whiter than Balts/Slavs etc..Cope.
To remind post-1860 Ellis island subhumans that they need to go back along with the niggers and spics they screech about.
So what? Your mother would burn coal soon anyway and you will be a minority in your own country. Enjoy being "white".
So funny when people think they're human based on skin or eye color, and not on values and qualities.
This is the sole reason why white race is dying.
You are, in fact, an animal, that achieved nothing, and that tries to build own value based on achievements of not even your own ancestors (most likely your ancestors were nothing but peasants to those who really achieved anything). This is called cope. What else can be said?
Brownoid cope: the post
Anglos are slightly mixed and slightly less Aryan than North Germans and South Scandis
>Anglo's greatest ally
>were giant, ethnically homogeneous
Anglo "civilisation" is an obamanation
race is an illusion used to create separation and division. we’re all human and all equal so who cares
Anglos gave women rights, so they are not the greatest thing to come out of Europe.
>Anglos gave women rights, so they are not the greatest thing to come out of Europe.
What are your thoughts on Islam?
Islam is the second strongest religion after Judaism. Christianity is garbage tier. Fact.
Islam along with all other religions should be annihilated.
>instantly chimping out about the God of the Bible
Mohamed raped a 9 year old despite already having wives.
What about your religious beliefs? Or are you unaware of what beliefs of yours are religious in nature?
That's because the young are easier to brainwash. Smart of him. He is the most perfect man to have ever existed.
So you're just pretending to be retarded?
Well he's better than the Jew performing magic tricks for the goyim to convince them that he is God. 2000 years later and they still believe him.
There are no beliefs that are "religious" in nature, all religious beliefs or doctrines are derived from existence and from life, for the sake of regulating human ethics or actions to such states as would be conductive or advantageous to the preservation or betterment of life, societies etc. Or they are made by men simply as instruments of coercion, of governance like Mohammed.
whites love bbc though
big black cock i mean not bell beaker culture
Religions are just tools for the regulation of human actions, through the promising of punishments or rewards, as hell and heaven. all in all they are just funnels through which human actions can be directed. Also most of the principles, doctrines, or maxims that most religions have espoused throughout history have been disadvantageous, and harmful to life, not advantageous of conductive to it.
> Only two centuries of "dominance"
> Yeah, we anglos are the masterrace yohoo
Kek, Mussolini couldn’t even conquer Ethiopia
>Nordics as in Scandis, finns and perhaps some elite baltics too are the white elf ubermensch of Europe. English are swarthy celtoids.

explain how when these people didnt even conquer as much as the Roman people mentioned. Scandis dont have a wide spread language being spoken across the world and they lost during ww2 to a man with black hair and a mario mustache. scandis have no soul. they constantly need migration to sustain their low life habits.. baltics get raped my MENA every now and then. No baltic language is dominant throughout the world. Spanish, English, and French are the Elites.
>Poles and Baltic fags are the closest to the original Aryans.

holy mother of cope. poles - aryan now?
this is a jew take. look at history.
Scandis are the negros of the white race at this point
I'm not human.
Compared to me, you're a monkey that barely learned not to hurl excrements at each other.
British people are not even fully Anglo-Saxon.
And why Anglo-Saxon instead of Germanic? What makes them so different crom other Germanics?
White is a new world term for Amerimutts and mutts in Latin America. The British and Spaniards invented it. It only makes sense in the context of multiple races. We are EUROPEAN. Not WHITE.
The limits for what is European are Sicily, Calabria, Greek Islands, and Malta. Outside of that is not the European race.
Anglos arent the purest, Irish, and Welsh are the purest.
Anglos mostly resemble Britons of the Southern Welsh variety, Northern Welsh are the pure West Eurasians.
South East is on the African cline thobeit.
Basques and Sardinians are the purest. White is an Amerimutt term.
Anglo saxons were scandinavian.

Modern britts are mutts of celts/anglo saxons genetically.

Even scandinavians are mutts of celts/anglo saxons due to brittish genes being brought to scandinavia.

A modern dane is 25% celtic and a swede 15%

While a english is like 50/50 mix.

It gets even more complicated when you realise that among individual samples this differ alot meaning some danes are literally still 100% anglo saxon genetically, while some have up to 40% celtic dna and more resemelbe a modern englishman.

Who among them is danish :) The britt mutt from a viking slave girl or the original 100% saxon dane? And who is the purest white, very complicated.
Anglo Saxons were not Scandinavians.
They were North Western Germans.
Modern Danes are 45% Celtic.
Swedes are 55% Baltic/Slavic/Celtic.
Ironically Swedes are the least Iron Age Scandinavian out of all Scandinavians.

The English today are on average 37% Anglo-Saxon.

>the purest White

The Irish and the Northern Welsh if we are going by West Eurasian.
The North Western Germans if we are going by least Medbug/Asiatic.
Mental illness and/or bait
No they are not 45% celtic and swedes are definitely not 55% baltic.

Southern swedes geats are identical with danes more or less. And has the purest iron age genetics of all people.
>Anglo Saxons were not Scandinavians.
>They were North Western Germans.
All saxon samples plot as scandis
>but they noticeably lack the negro component
Not for long (I have sex with black women).
White means European. That's why Anglos and Spaniards used it. They didn't invent the concept either, Romans did but like now there were many retards with confused and pointless takes. Like you.
so nice of you to put literally all the Lebanese into the european box, anon.
If you break down saxons and look at them it is evident that they originated from denmark/southern sweden they have too much swedish to be only danes.

And the danes during this period resembled much more modern southern swedes than modern danes.

So it was some kind of danish/geatish immigration.

At least by modern ethnicities.
They are not dutch or german, and more swedish than modern danes.
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The best model of them is some kind of half swede half dane.

But more likely just southern swedish, or danes have become more celtic since the anglo saxon days.

Although there was probably a broader group that went but they are too swedish to have been modern danes or dutch.

So Geats/Southern Swedes. Pure scandi master race
Which we also know by the fact Beowulf was a hero of the geats and sutton hoo helmet is swedish vendel.
get fukd pajeet

we win everytime
White is a cultureless word. European is a word of culture and a race of culture. Our skin color is peach anyways. Anglos and Spaniards were around darkies in the new world. That's the only reason they used the term white.
Yawn, divide and conquer thread. Ywnbaw OP
Were there still Vandals (tribe, not desecraters) in Sweden?
another day another nonsensical topic
Yeah halfwit, /Pol/tard inbreds are still pushing an 80 year old lie sad

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