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People died in agony all the time back in ancient times, hence the lower life expectancy. At least sacrifice gives people some honor and respect from society and for the gods.

All this bragging by the Romans about not "engaging" in human sacrifice as if they didn't do other stuff just as brutal and barbaric like slavery, torture, animal abuse, constant civil war, and wiping anuses with a shared sponge on a stick.
>brown people do thing
It's bad.
>white people do thing
It wasn't that bad and necessary, even.

There. Shrimple as that.
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It implies a particularly evil form of idolatry in the eyes of abrahamics and sadistic murder in the name of something that might not even exist in the eyes of secular and semi-secular modern and pagan mediterranean societies and asian societies
Human sacrifice never ended though. What's the difference between killing someone for a ritual and killing someone for apostatizing or heretical beliefs?
White people did that, so it's okay.
It's crocodile tears to justify Spanish conquest. Very low-effort too, considering how the kind of people obsessed with "muh cruel Aztecs" hardly need any justification in the first place. Just say you like that based white Christians conquered brown savages. This isn't reddit, you can do that here.
How many people would you kill to have the Sun come up again, nona?
gringos don't spice they PoWs
No mame way, holmes, infant torture sacrifice wasn’t that bad I swear on mi abuela
IDK man, if the Aztecs weren't sacrificing too many people, why did all their neighbors side with the Spanish against them?
As bad as human sacrifice is, it did have a good effect.
One thing that humans (and really all) sacrifice does is control the levels of envy in a society by allowing a culturally sanctioned outlet for it. You can’t have a society that is riddled with envious people because it would self-destruct under the weight of its own self-directed maliciousness, so some outlets or way to work through it was necessary.
There shrimple as that.
Nobody says that.
as is constantly said in literally every single thread about the aztecs on /his/ at this point: literally every single one of the indians who sided with the spaniards also practiced human sacrifice (as did literally single culture in mexico as a whole at that point), with the nahuatl-speaking bulk of them having the exact same specific mindset when it came to religion. they sided with the spanish because they were already geopolitical enemies of tenochtitlan (tlaxcala, the pro-spanish faction of texcocoans), simple opportunism (cempoala, the other minor states inside the valley of Mexico), or being defeated and taken over by the spaniards and their allies (Cholula), nothing to do with human sacrifice.
Your asstec is showing.
obsessives mesoamerican history and archeology nerd here, >>16830510 nails it

If anything, Cortes mostly got allies against the Mexica of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan not because they were particularly hated (which they probably weren't, at least not by most of the states which participated in the siege, many had status within the "empire" and at least to a degree benefited from Mexica conquests), but because their political system was loose and hands off, leaving subject states with their own identity, agency, interests and ambitions, which enabled opportunistic side switching, back stabbing, coups, etc.

That's not to say that none of them had grievances (Tlaxcala, Ixtlixochtli II, maybe Huextozinco and Cempoala/Xicomecoatl, etc) did, but in all of those cases that was a factor alongside opportunism, and Tlaxcala and Huextozinco weren't even Aztec subjects, just entirely independent and enemy/hostile states (at least Tlaxcala was, Huextozinco is a little more complex)

see pastebin.com/h18M28BR and the links in arch.b4k.co/v/thread/640670498/#640679139 and desuarchive.org/his/thread/16781148/#16781964
How is this any different from inquisition, witch burning and other retarded christian crimes against humanity.
The Aztec Empire became gradually more demonized as the measure of civilization became solely defined by how optimized it is at sustaining infinity brown biomass.
>"what's the difference between sacrificing someone to demons and executing a danger to society"

You're retarded.
>why is murder bad
>"crocodile tears"
>wypipo are le bad
>catholics are christian
You're all stupid.
lol cuck
Based, St. Joan was a crazy cunt.
The aztecs literally created their empire through constant conquest and consolidated their role in this through constant iconography and warrior motifs in their art, the Aztec calender being a good example of this. Not only that but their sacrifice was greatly tied to their need to expand their borders. I don't think this dehumanizes them if any it makes them comparable to the Romans

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