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Is it Genetics? Environment? Culture? Competition? Family structure?
You can't talk about this stuff in school, (unless in the context of: "the European societies stole from the less advanced societies and that's how they became so technologically advanced" (I am not joking about that BTW)),
I really want to know.
>Balkan Slav litearlly invents modern electricity
>Is E tier

The "Anglo-Saxon" Gigachad you posted is a Greek dude named Evans Nikopoulos LMAO!!!!
>be turk
>rape the iranians and arabs throughout history
>save their asses from the mongols, early modern irrelevance and revive the arts with the timurid renaissance
>placed below them
God damn Greeks are handsome.
According to leftoids Greeks aren't white kek
Italians in S tier. Celts and Russians in A tier.
It's culture, it's always culture. Literally just compare the same/similar ethnic groups, but with different religions and you find your answer. Like the Christian Arabs with Muslim Arabs. Also who is the Frisian cutie you have in C tier (pls answer)?
Looks like me, but with green eyes haha
Gay ass bait thread
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Braindead /pol/yp made this. Dravidians invented calculus and rockets dumb fuck, the British got mogged technologically when they first faced the Kannada in battle. Dravidians were also building damns and aquaducts hundreds of years before northies and are responsible for civilizing all of SEA.
This is literally just based on low iq racist ignorance, south india is more civilised than the north.
>Dravidians low tier
>ooga booga grug scared of dark skin
>This is literally just based on low iq racist ignorance, south india is more civilised than the north
Someone who actually knows what they are talking about. South India is far more developed than Northern India. In the past there was always more social mobility and just rule in South India than Northern India. Add to that South India rarely got conquered by outsiders, they're just better in everyway.
What are celtic, tibetan, "notable achievments".
Automata made by a Kannada inventor
This also the mysoreans made produced some of the largest, best guns in the world. The british were very impressed by their military capabilities.
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Different cultures always had different metrics for what constituted an accomplishment. That image suggests that forming a nation somehow precludes a "functioning society." Despite the nation-state and ethnonationalism being relatively recent developments. At least one "F tier" American Indian was conscious of the difference between his culture and the "S tier" French one (Northern or otherwise):
>Do you seriously imagine that I would be happy to live like one of the inhabitants of Paris? To take two hours every morning just to put on my shirt and make up? To bow and scrape before every obnoxious galoot I meet on the street who happens to have been born with an inheritance? Do you actually imagine I could carry a purse full of coins and not immediately hand them over to people who are hungry? That I would carry a sword but not immediately draw it on the first band of thugs I see rounding up the destitute to press them into Naval service? If on the other hand, Europeans were to adopt an American way of life, it might take a while to adjust but in the end you will be far happier.
These words were said by a Huron chief visiting Paris in the 17th century. They would later be published in France. Think about what that passage is describing, and what the aims of the French Revolution were.
Everything the top tiers did, was during modern age and is written down. They stood on the shoulders of the hairy nignog who decided to climb down from the tree.

Also, smaller euro groups arent given enough credit, as some 95% baltic pole, who lived in germany, would count for germanic and there are lot of those cases
Only brown ppl think greeks are white
That man is white retard
This chart was made by a pajeet
>putting jeets, mongols, spanjeets and arabs on the same level as Nords, Russians and Iranians
>Invented calculus
Jews are obviously S tier given their numbers, this is massive cope.
This is Anglo-Saxon
>The Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics or the Kerala school was a school of mathematics and astronomy founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama in Tirur, Malappuram, Kerala, India, which included among its members: Parameshvara, Neelakanta Somayaji, Jyeshtadeva, Achyuta Pisharati, Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri and Achyuta Panikkar. The school flourished between the 14th and 16th centuries and its original discoveries seem to have ended with Narayana Bhattathiri (1559–1632). In attempting to solve astronomical problems, the Kerala school independently discovered a number of important mathematical concepts. Their most important results—series expansion for trigonometric functions—were described in Sanskrit verse in a book by Neelakanta called Tantrasangraha, and again in a commentary on this work, called Tantrasangraha-vakhya, of unknown authorship. The theorems were stated without proof, but proofs for the series for sine, cosine, and inverse tangent were provided a century later in the work Yuktibhasa (c.1530), written in Malayalam, by Jyesthadeva, and also in a commentary on Tantrasangraha.

>Their work, completed two centuries before the invention of calculus in Europe, provided what is now considered the first example of a power series (apart from geometric series).

>two centuries before the invention of calculus in Europe, provided what is now considered the first ex
Nice cope wh*toid
>The Kerala School of astronomy and mathematics was an Indian school of mathematics and astronomy founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama in Kerala, South India, which included among its members several scientists. The school flourished in the 14th-16th centuries. In attempting to solve astronomical problems, the Kerala School independently created a number of important mathematics concepts. In this well documented article, Dennis Francis Almeida and George Gheverghese Joseph reconstruct the mathematics of Kerala School and attempt to show the possible ways of its transmission to modern Europe
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Repeating musket made by a south Indian gun smith
India invented chess and pantheism. What have white people done? Genocided Jews and nature.
The idea that Indian "calculus" was anything like western calculus is frankly delirious
>[4] Plofker 2001, p. 293 Quote: "It is not unusual to encounter in discussions of Indian mathematics such assertions as that "the concept of differentiation was understood [in India] from the time of Manjula (... in the 10th century)" [Joseph 1991, 300], or that "we may consider Madhava to have been the founder of mathematical analysis" (Joseph 1991, 293), or that Bhaskara II may claim to be "the precursor of Newton and Leibniz in the discovery of the principle of the differential calculus" (Bag 1979, 294). ... The points of resemblance, particularly between early European calculus and the Keralese work on power series, have even inspired suggestions of a possible transmission of mathematical ideas from the Malabar coast in or after the 15th century to the Latin scholarly world (e.g., in (Bag 1979, 285)). ... It should be borne in mind, however, that such an emphasis on the similarity of Sanskrit (or Malayalam) and Latin mathematics risks diminishing our ability fully to see and comprehend the former. To speak of the Indian "discovery of the principle of the differential calculus" somewhat obscures the fact that Indian techniques for expressing changes in the Sine by means of the Cosine or vice versa, as in the examples we have seen, remained within that specific trigonometric context. The differential "principle" was not generalized to arbitrary functions—in fact, the explicit notion of an arbitrary function, not to mention that of its derivative or an algorithm for taking the derivative, is irrelevant here"
Whatever Indians were doing, Descartes proved that math and geometry are God. He could have cashed in and invented Playboy, too.
>Is it Genetics?
This, the last decade of twin studies proved that essentially everything is genetic destiny: intelligence, height, IQ, social class, academic achievement, wealth.

It's all genetic.
It's actually 50/50, people who claim that everything is genetic or nothing is genetic are low IQ retards.
This teir list is based off of accomplishments. Muslim Arabs have achieved more than Christian Arabs, undoubtedly so I don't see the connection
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Aryan bros, how do we stop winning?
And the British lost a battle to the Zulus. Dravidians like all Indians lost in the end and got conquered
Culture, that is ultimately anchored and derivative from religion
So the British are being conquered by Pakis rn, are the pakis better than brits?
>Muslim Arabs have achieved more than Christian Arabs
Like what? Muslim Persians achieved everything in the Islamic world, Arabs never did shit except get lucky when Romans and Persians annihilated each other.
Not sure what point you're trying to make here. I think it's ridiculous to claim Indians invented calculus just like it would be ridiculous to say Fermat brought it to the west, namely that Calculus isn't just knowing how to compute the "derivative" (however the Indians understood the concept) of a few "functions" (of which the Indians, or any pre European civilization for that matter, didn't have a concept). One might go a step further and say that Eudoxus or Archimedes invented calculus since they also had some of the ideas that would later become a part of calculus.
They lost a couple battles, they didn't lose two wars snownigger
>Arabs never did shit
>al haytham
>al kindi
>ibn khaldun
But they lost anyways :)
even without googling, I bet my ass those are Persians or any other than Arab
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Obviously it's "both" insofar as that makes sense (i.e. SSA's genes are a large part of what makes their environments so shitty; Japanese genes are a large part of what makes their environments so nice and developed)

This tier list is a meme. How on Earth, based on accomplishments, can the N. Chinese and Japanese be on the same level as North Italians, Historically China population mogs Europe, nevermind just North Italy, yet North Italy undoubtedly crushes China in accomplishments, specially if one attaches on them the legacy of the Romans (given they're the closest Italian genetic relatives).
Why are South Italians (i.e. Greeks) lower than Greeks? Does Archimedes count as Greek or South Italian?
Here is an objective list.
Ashkenazi Jews
Germans (inc. Austrians & Swiss-Germans & Dutch), English, French, North & Central Italians
Greeks (heavily carried by the Ancients), Scandinavians, Russians, Iberians, Germano-Slavs (Czechs, Hungarians)
Other Eastern Europeans
East Asians, Persians, Turks maybe?
Everyone else except Abos and Sub-saharans
Abos and Subsaharans

This taken to mean accomplishments across science, arts, as well as civilization accomplishments like empires and conquests, though weighed more towards the first entries.
Now in terms of today, a racial ranking of mine would go like pic rel, though if one is more granular it'd be a bit different as I would have the Japanese on par or even above NW Europeans for example.
fuck off jude
Everything eventually boils down to constantly changing probabilities. There are certain modifiers to society that introduce different probabilities for a great figure to come about who changes history, and those modifiers are often luck based, or take an extremely long period of time to produce good results.
Does the society have a rigid caste system? Is the society in a golden age? What is the extent of the empire? Is the leader of it patronizing artists or scientists? Is the economy doing well? Is the religion of the society helpful or harmful toward progress?
All of the these factors are dependent on having the right people be in the right place at the right time with the right conditions, so there's an element of chance. But certain kinds of societies definitely lean toward better results, e.g. pluralistic systems like democracy producing more innovation.
A good example are the Arabs. I'm not sure why you've put them in B tier, considering they had the greatest extent of empire of any society in human history, their major advancements in law, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and economics are nothing to scoff at.
But the Arabic empire achieved these by having the right conditions to produce many great figures for a long period of time. A thriving economy, at one point a fairly lenient religious environment, an incredible extent of land, many leaders who patronized the fields I mentioned, a culture that incentivized intellectual studies, and a wide amount of different nationalities to increase how many available perspectives their were.
But now that these factors, for a variety of reasons have disappeared, Arabs are widely regarded now as presiding over mostly failed states. Their dominance in cultural/historical influences mostly end, whereas Christian societies have experienced a similar set of better conditions that have caused their own cultural/historical dominance to come about.
It's not so much attached to race as it is to society.
Why are inuits at b tier?
I should also mention the effect of politics and the attitude of a society regarding history.
To lean on Arabs for another example, compare the intellectual traditions favored by Islam and Christianity over time - in the Islamic golden age, the Arabs were the successors to Greek philosophy, adopting neo-platinism and expanding it with Islamic characteristics.
Then, over time, due to a variety of factors already named, the Arabs ended up falling into a rut where their intellectual tradition became fundamentalist Islamic law. Their leaders broadly shifted the narrative of intellectual pursuit to a rigidly stagnant authoritarian system.
Meanwhile, Christians did the opposite. They adopted the Greek/Islamic philosophic tradition, modifying it on their own, achieving much better political unity than the Arabs had, a better environment for intellectual pursuits, until they had their enlightenment and completely eclipsed the Arabs in history and influence. Despite the fact that Arabs are responsible for the discovery of most early economics attributed to Adam smith, the contribution in popular consciousness was attributed to the Christians.
It's all about if your society has the right conditions for long enough with the right people coming along.
You would lose your ass, but you Lebos are used to that.
90 average IQ and they look Asian-y
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Inuis had many notable inventions.
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To name a few:
cable-backed bow
Snow sled
Grappling harpoon
Sun glasses
Wrong, it's 60/40 at be. Read more.
This map is relatively accurate if we're to assume that the last 500 years of history are the only ones that matter, and if we're to assume. A lot of the E and F tier nations did pretty well for themselves back in hunter-gatherer times, and a lot of the C and D tier nations did pretty well for themselves back when pastoralism was the global meta. The reason the S, A, and B tiers look the way they do is because those types of civilisations (settled, centralised, caste-based social hierarchy) are the current global meta. In different ages of human history, different types of civilisations prosper, and interestingly enough, we're entering an age in which the D-tier people seem poised to come out on top.

TL;DR: OP has a juvenile understanding of history and thinks it works the same way it does in Civ and AoE.
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>Lebanese in D-tier
Reminder that the people of Mount Lebanon civilized the Greeks, built a Mediterranean spanning crypto-empire without resorting to the sword, fixed the writing system of the Egyptians so you didn't need trained scribes just to write shit down, were the finest engineers and artisans and praised by literally everybody except the seething Egyptians, managed to hold on to their homeland even while every empire tried to uproot them, invented the Republic and Democracy, and were genuinely so influential that their signature color worn by the lowliest of their merchants was adopted in pure LARP by European nobility. Even to this day, the Elites try to LARP as them by performing rituals to the gods of the Canaanites, despite being highly stigmatized as demonic and associated with child sacrifice.

To put them in anything but S-tier is pure delusional Roman revisionism. The Lebanese didn't just found Western civilization. They founded TRUE Western civilization, and represent a brighter future that was robbed from us by the barbaric Romans. Our thread of fate was severed with the destruction of Carthage, and Ba'al Sydyk willing, it will one day be repaired. The enlightenment was a brief moment of restoration of the guiding principles of the Lebanese in their cultural children (Europeans, who's demonym is literally a Canaanite word.) Principles of compassion, engineering, artisanship, progress and civilization will prevail over dogma, violence, subjugation, ignorance and reviled malignance. Even if it takes 10,000 years, we will civilize you monkeys and drag you into the grace of Asherah. Then we can work on the Bedouins....
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absolutely based
That pic is delusional
Less relevant than north and central italians
Englishmen are less than half anglosaxon and they were for most of history complete irrelevant even compared to gaul. They were great only "over short bursts of time".
Italians and french are probably the only ones who were great "over centuries"
>South french
They were relevant and not inferior to north french outside parisian mutts. Many key french figures like Fermat, Pascal, Ampere, Berlioz, Montesquieu and so on were south french
>Fermat, Pascal, Ampere, Berlioz, Montesquieu
Coulomb, Stendhal, Balzac etc
Why brown-black people love so much northern europeans?
Why has this dumb fuck put nilotics in the same category as romanians and other europeans? are you fucking kidding me? and Nilotics more advanced then fucking south indians, nilotics are some of the most dysfunctional and primitive africans in the world? /pol/tards are absolute inbred brainlets honestly.
Whoever made this is an absolute retarded clown
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>Nilotic more advanced then west african
You're "brain" on /pol/
>Jews not as standalone S-Tier

It's a cope and you know it
>chinese, relevant to almost every century since the the founding of the river valley civilizations
>germanics, relevant to two centuries at most
oh great, another brainrot race war thread
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Ur just mad cause ur race stinks lol
Greek men can be very handsome. Picrelated other greek man.
Are Frisians significantly different than north Germans in general?
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Because you post an atypical Sami as a representation of the Baltics and Finns. The average Sami looks whiter.
How did north Italians and northern French accomplish more than slavs or Arabs ?
french s tier
celts c tier

op is retarded
Jews have never accomplished anything on their own. Until the 18th century most lived in slums. They are dysgenic, inbred and subversive parasites.
anglo-saxons are wholly inferior and were conquered by normans
nothing funnier than anglo copetards
Another anti-white thread.
>North America cuck colony
>economically powerful
>Descartes proved that math and geometry are God.
Go back to rw x
Lol’d at Southern French being 4 Tiers down from Northern French, and looking like jews. Whoever made this is clueless.
Wh*Ts smell like dogs tho
They didn't it's just a dumb /Pol/tard, why would you take anything one of these cretina says seriously?
native americans should have their own tier with mesoamerica at the very top
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What a shit thread
Almost a symbol of how bad this board is

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