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Why did conservatives, right wingers and traditionalists fell in love with Israel
In this sentence you would say "fall", ESL-kun
Because they are braindead
They think that they're obligated to support them just because their Arab neighbors are unhinged. When we could just

A. Not get involved at all

B. Let them fend for themselves like every other "ally"

C. Just glass the area and call it a day
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Yeah it's wild that conservatism covers a wide range of various groups and ideologies that focus their priority on different issues you dumb fucking moron.
why are they all Israeli tho?
Fake tweet. This guy doesn't have the balls to say it
Conservatives simp for whoever is most powerful to pad their own ego. The king, rich people, the pope, the Jews, the military, corporations, god, etc. By siding with these more powerful forces they can make themselves feel big and powerful too.

Conservatism is a power fantasy.
>what is a mirror?
>why did "conservative" boomer and Silent Christfaggots fall in love with Israel?
Fixed that for you, the true white conservative position is that we either shouldn't be involved at all or should rule the land ourselves and outlaw both sides. Personally I'm somewhere between the two, ideally we should embargo both sides while designating Hamas supporters as terrorists so we can prolapse some leftist assholes in prison for a few decades, but I don't set foreign policy.
>I'm not like the other girls
Maybe it is because being Jewish makes you immune from being called a Nazi. Stop calling people Nazis if you want there to be non-Jewish right-wingers.
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>Why did conservatives, right wingers and traditionalists fell in love with Israel

Christian Zionism.
Vice (I know, I know) did a video on this exact topic like 6 years ago, tldw; Evangelical Christians love Israel and Jewish people. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo77sTGpngQ&t=3s&ab_channel=VICENews
"Well I'm a Christian and *I* don't love Israel" - in the mobile video game market there's a concept called "whaling" where you deliberately scout out a portion of your audience and begin deliberately curating and marketing to them on the basis that while they may be a minority of your customer basis: nobody spends more money on whatever you make than them. That is Evangelical Christian to Israel. America has like 75 million of them, they vote as a single block, and they fucking love Israel and they donate 100's of millions of USD out of their own pocket, and literally visit and patron Israel via tourism every year.
Outlawing or at least ostracizing both sides of the conflict would effectively eliminate both of our enemies.
You misspelled Bible thumpers
>why do preachers of Jewish God support Israel
Huh? It's by design , silly.
because they’re all brainwashed christcucks. They support Israel but hate Jews which is a typical example of how delusional they are and why their party is dying.
The idea that trads align with Israel is an odd hill to die on
Republicans do not hate Jews.
It's a clear heresy though.
Why do the christians on this board pretend that Christianity is the worst thing for jews, when it's only Christians defending jews?
all right wingers love Israel though, they're all united on one thing
Fundie Christians actually just believe Israel has to exist for Jesus to return to earth after which all Jews are cast into Hell for denying him.
Israel promotes itself as a Western outpost against the brown Muslim invaders. This backfired as now most young leftists and progressives see Israel as a white supremacist colony (instead of a Jewish supremacist one and the non-Ashkenazi tend to be on the far-right), so Israel tries to show off how brown and swarthy they are to poor avail. Old school conservatives like Reagan and Thatcher and Bush sr were more critical of Israel than believed, but the war on terror and the Israel lobby resulted in philosemitism being a core value of the western right.
I think it's because the Arab-Israeli wars turned into a Cold War proxy conflict with the USSR supporting the Arabs, and the added religious dimension among white Christian Protestant conservatives (the Billy Graham and Pat Robertson type) was a strong adhesive, because the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God in the Bible. The U.S. aid to Israel started after the '67 war, accelerated as a result of the October War in 1973 and really took off after Reagan was elected, and Israeli politics also shifted to the right when Likud came into power in 1977. It has been bound up in that big shift to "Sunbelt conservatism" that led to Reagan's landslides.

A twist in history is that early on Israel was a liberal cause. Eleanor Roosevelt and liberal New Dealers who supported the U.N. partition plan (they were big U.N. fans) had more influence on Truman's Israel policy than the American Jewish community did. Stalin's influence was also more important than Truman's in Israel securing independence. These were not nutty-sounding dispensationalists, but I think the Cold War changed Israel's "coding" so it started coding right-wing, and among Evangelical Christians there have been longstanding currents to "immanentize the eschaton" such that American is a God-given paradise on earth and they see Israel in similar terms.

Also elements of Scots-Irish honor culture. Trump taps into this, so even if part of his base is isolationist and even antisemitic, we have to support Israel because our national honor is at stake. The Israelis (despite the aid they get) embody tough, self-reliant, frontier-minded people who are willing to defend their country by arms and violence if necessary. This is very appealing to a lot of white conservatives in America.
And even when there are rightists who are not pro-Israel, it's in the right's political interest to squash those guys (or at least stay silent) because the left splits over it.
The Republican Party up to at least the 80s was not a huge Israel supporter since Israel started as a leftist Ashkenazi colonizer project and most American Jews were Democrats.
Jewish subversion.
>uniparty left: sand nigger trilogy vol. 3 :O
>uniparty right: sand nigger trilogy vol. 1 :O
israel is super right wing, i dont think it's useful to support them but it's not like theyre cuba
The israel conflict has revealed how hypocritical and unserious the average /pol/faggot (on all sides of the spectrum) really is
2016 was a mistake
>der /pol/
dilate faggot
American Jews have (had?) also been drifting away from Israeli Jews. American Jews are one of the more liberal groups as a voting bloc, because their experience is very different from Israelis and see American liberalism as the reason why they were saved from the destruction of their people in the 20th century, so they double down on liberalism, and that's one thing /pol/ doesn't like about them. But the Israelis drew very different lessons, and fast forward to today, the Mizrahi-Haredi-Religious Zionist-Jabotinsky alliance is increasingly uninterested in American approval and more interested in building alliances with regional partners such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. American support for this is helpful, but not necessary. The Israeli left is marginalized at this point. So, American Jews have been caught in an excruciating position since Oct. 6.

But I think the Israel lobby stuff is exaggerated. It's not Jewish magic power but cultural and ideological affinity, as well as geopolitical interests. The United States is a deeply Christian nation historically speaking, and it tends to see itself in providential terms as having a special mission in the world (a chosen people, if you will). Christianity and Judaism are closely related (you also can't find a trace of antisemitism among the Founding Fathers), to the point where Christians spend a huge amount of time and energy in the study of the Jewish texts of the Old Testament. Some Christians have an apocalyptic worldview and see the repopulation of the Middle East by Jews as a step towards the end of days and the ultimate return of the Messiah. And this became a more conservative thing as Israel also drifted rightward and the U.S. left became more sympathetic to Third World movements like the Palestinians.
bribery and coercion.
typical real politik.
its almost like conservatives are just leftists who prefer walking to leftist ideals rather than sprinting toward them
not at all, conservatives historically were opposed to the wealthy, the kings, the pope.
Conservatives are more lumpen than anything else, they are dumb cattle who are a personality type.
"Conservatism" isnt actually real its not a real set of beliefs, its just "dont change too fast". There is no vision, there is no dream, ask a communist 200 years ago what his ideal is for the Paris Commune and a Communist today, their dream state will be very similar, but you ask a conservative from 200 years ago and a conservative from today what their utopian goal is and they will give mutually exclusive often opposing answers.
The true White position is recognize the enemy the jewish is and acting accordingly.
yes I am sure AIPAC spending literal billions on American politics has nothing to do with it, its not jewish corruption its the heckin USSR.
rent free.
why cant we have Vol. 2?
there's no such thing as leftism
Israel is the blueprint of what conservatives what with their countries.
national socialism? I don't think you can be american and believe in socialism
Because they think (1) Jew are white Europeans actually and (2) Israel is a de facto apartheid state - the left also thinks this by the way. It goes without saying none of those are true.
not true, leftism broadly describes a set of post French Revolution ideas which are defined (historically) by their opposition to the traditional society of Medieval Europe.
You can examine various forms of leftist thought and its all unified in a belief in progressive unending development, The Whig view of history.
There arent many alternatives but a good alternative to leftism would be something like Classical/Apollonian political behavior or German Political behavior, both of which are about playing the game and recognizing the game ends one day and a new game must be played.
Whereas leftism sees the game as never ending.
>real leftism is anarchism
okay so it's not actual leftism it's just destroying shit
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A bit reductive, but American Christianity actually tends to boils down to Jew worship, not that other Christianity does not, only that other Christianity has more going on--And Americans proceeded to conquer the rest of the West in the World Wars. So this means if you are right wing in the West you worship Jews, and the more right wing you are the more you worship Jews.

Any 'Conservative' that does not is either exiled or honestly outright killed, though at that point calling them revolutionaries might be more accurate, as they don't have much to conservative from this post WW2 system.
What an awful post
not necessarily anarchism but anarchism is a subset of leftism and to a degree leftism is anarchic in nature as its entropic, ironically, rather than constructive like say Hellenic or German political behaviors.
political thought in the enlightenment used classical critiques to deconstruct their own community but failed to use classical critique to build up their own community.
likely because the Northern Spirit is incompatible with the Apollonian world.

There isnt a huge difference between the Demes and the Althing, but we can not function with a Deme, we can function and have functioned for thousands of years with an Althing.

The differences are subtle but profound, like computer parts dont "look" very different, but you remove one minor component and the whole system experiences catastrophic failure.
There's no subsets of leftism, there's actual leftism, which is liberalism, then there's anarchism which is senseless destruction and murder. You can't condone senseless destruction and murder and claim to be a "real leftist". You're just a terrorist
Leftism is the result of the behavioral revolt of the Enlightenment against Nordic Absolutism.
There are subsets because not all elements of this revolt behave in the same way.
Anarchism is not madmaxx.
Anarchism is something like Medieval Iceland or the American West.
Anarchism does not mean zero law, Anarchism means, relatively speaking, weak power disparity.
This is antithetical to Absolutism and so leftism is inherently anarchic.
>liberalism is leftism
correct, nowhere in liberalism does it condone senseless violence and murder. The tyrant is identified legally, culturally, psychologically and tangibly. Guess what the anarchist jews didn't do in europe when they pushed for communist revolution? None of that, they just shit out propaganda validating terrorism

No what you call "leftism" is nothing more than terrorism with no actual goal
Leftism is just senseless destruction and murder.
And "conservatism" isn't right wing, it's a way to convert actual right wing movements into controlled opposition.
Leftists don't need to be controlled like this because they're already completely subverted and joyously advocate for the elimination of their own race.
>nowhere in liberalism does it condone senseless violence and murder
Liberalism generally leads to senseless violence and murder thobeit.
>our blind rage goes through the proper legal forms and requisitions
yet it is still the result of the ignorant, stupid, and angry and its outcome is indistinguishable from a mob.
No matter how much dressing you put onto the process, the end result remains the same.

jews arent European and their political behaviors have to be analyzed differently. They arent political people, they are waging psychological warfare on Europeans.
Its not politics when two jews with three opinions arrive and every thought they have is how best to extract resources from you, that's espionage.

liberalism is the greatest offender of leftism because it is the sheep-coat for the wolf of leftism.

You arent Cleisthenes, no one in the West is Cleisthenes, we do not live in an Iron Age Classical Polity, Liberalism is a disgusting bastard of filthy Medbug values and the charitable spirit of the Aryan.

Nordic Absolutism is our natural behavior and abandoning it for "Classical Ideals" has been catastrophic.
>conservatives historically were opposed to the wealthy,
Most brain-dead post on the entire website
>validating self rule through legal basis is le dumb
and that's why the french failed, because they had no legal or cultural systems that validated their revolution
This isn't even history. You're just treating it like /pol/. Without even dates.
ironic your view of history doesnt extend beyond the last 250 years.
In Greece, Rome, and Baroque England the Conservatives were uniformly opposed to those with greater wealth.
Also "The Wealthy" isnt real, there is nothing unifying people with lots of money, they are a diverse and varied group and their conflict with other subsets of society typically has nothing to do with their wealth.
retarded marxists place way too much emphasis on division by wealth, probably because marxist thought is a jewish psyop and those oriental merchants are obsessed with wealth.
That's very true, France hasnt had a government last more than 50 years.
>self rule
most people would die without some kind of communal superstructure overseeing their lives, the idea of self rule is retarded.

It appeals to us because we confuse it with Independence and self reliance, but self rule is in truth being rule by a child.

It would be different if we were all Scythian herdsmen or gentleman farmers, but we arent, we never were really, and so self rule to us is useless beyond the feel good delusion that we are doing the political equivalent of "adulting".
>most people would die without some kind of communal superstructure overseeing their lives
lmao, then let them die
>Have a kino origin story, 2000 years exile, holocaust, form Israel
>Defend against commie Muslims backed by the Soviets across several wars, win against the odds
>Be economically successful and politically liberal all the while
It's not complicated.
The left could never form that positive relationship since they weren't as hawkish on the USSR, and later aligned themselves with the "Global South" ie the Turd World.
the only reason israel exists is because of the soviets violating trade embargoes
This is a pseudo /pol/ thread.
>goes extinct to prove a point
literally emanating judaism
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>yes I am sure AIPAC spending literal billions on American politics has nothing to do with it, its not jewish corruption its the heckin USSR.
Zionists' influence in the U.S. depends most on their ability to attract gentiles to their cause. AIPAC has had some successes but they failed to stop Reagan from selling AWACS planes to the Saudis when they were still enemies of Israel, or prevent Obama from signing the Iran nuclear deal.
>if I don't have welfare humans will go extinct
okay good
akshually its because brandeis and rothschild conspired to bring America into WWI in exchange for Balfour giving Palestine to the jewish people.
then with American weaponry, gained through espionage,bribery, coercion, israel is loaded with NATO tier arms and they are going against nations which have various forms of slav-trash like the t-55.
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>mothers abandon your children
>men abandon your wives
>we must all live like the animals
literally you are a goyim wrangler and everyone can see it.
>marriage didn't exist before the welfare state
how sweet
AIPAC has been the most successful envoy in all of human history. Everything they "need" they get in addition half of everything they "want".
>the communal superstructure didnt exist before the welfare state
why do you think this?
>the state is my family
The problem with the left is they don't have the guts to actually acknowledge this, which is why this is a fake tweet.
A western style democracy with above replacement fertility rate and assertive, courageous population that reject any kind of progressive verbal sadism.

Also killing radical Islamists is big plus for them.
>above replacement fertility rate
which is only a sign of unchecked immigration, I wonder how many white jews are left there
>your grandfather is the living embodiment of 'The State'
>if I believe the state is my family then you believe your grandpa is the state
yeah that's not how logic works
Aren't you leftists always saying "NOOO WE'RE NOT THE SAME AS HECKIN' STALIN, READ EVERY VOLUME OF DAS KAPITAL"? Well it's like that but actually true. You have libertarians and paleocons that would immediately cut off all funding and military aid to israel and no care what happens over there, then you have gun ho neocons and christian fundamentalists who worship israel or are literally israeli jews themselves.
Another reason, Although small, Is the fact American Jews are possibly the most productive group in human history, Their contribution to making the US great was/is immense. Contrary to Leftists, The conservatives know how to be grateful.
jews produce literally nothing
What are you basing this fawning over jews on? Go on, I am skeptical but also open minded.

Literally every significant scientific accomplishment from the 15th century to the late 19th was wall to wall christian white men. Later Jewish scientists only had the opportunity and means to research cutting edge technology due to CWMs dragging the world out of the middle ages into modernity. Are you going to say something along the lines of "the renaissance and industrial revolution wouldn't have happened unless this medieval jew invented an anal dildo"? In advance, it is confirmation bias.
>why cant we have Vol. 2?
we have vol. 2 at home
"literal billions" is a massive exaggeration. All lobbying on behalf of Israel has a combined total of ~$186 million over the last decade. Israel hasn't been one of the ten states spending the most on lobbying since 2019.
I'm not Pro-Israel, even though I'm "conservative". I just hope that they kill as many sand people as they can, before they get annihilated.
I'm more liberal than my dad was.
The Cold War was just getting off the ground at the time and wasn't a ding on public opinion the way it would have been even a decade later.
Quints wasted on a trash-tier post. Jordan had an assembly of British and American weaponry, not to mention western training and even leadership at times. They still got mogged hard.
Plus, the quality and tonnage of the Israeli equipment was usually not better than what they faced. Equipment was an Arab advantage 80% of the time. I would much rather be in a T-62 than an early Cent or upgunned Sherman.
>Muslims BAD
>Israel no like muslims
>Israel GOOD
This is all there is to it.
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The Israeli fertility rate is far higher than the rest of the OECD. Heck, they're the only developed nation whose fertility rate is rising. Religious Jews have a lot of kids, but another theory is Ashkenazi/Mizrahi intermarriage + Mizrahi preference for larger families. The Mizrahi spouse wins the argument about how many kids to have basically.

To be fair to the Jordanians, they put up a tougher fight than the Egyptians and Syrians. The Arab Legion was the stiffest of them in the 48 war. Look up the Battle of Karameh which was an Israeli raid in 1967 that went wrong. There's a funny Jordanian officer who talks about "teaching them a lesson" in this documentary around 1:43:00:
>uh it was the west
this is historical revisionism, arabs were using more western weapons than the israelis, which were using communist and nazi weapons and aircraft, which with goyim import pilots vastly outperformed the arabs

also the jews were poisoning wells with typhoid
Fertility rate is linked to immigration, they don't look at how many children each woman is having, they're just looking at how much the population has increased
>Is a White settler state that allows them to vicariously reenact 19th century style colonialism.
>Evangelical Protestant end-times beliefs
>Post 9/11 "clash of civilizations" hysteria about a monolithic "West" being at war with a monolithic "Islam"
>Actual geopolitical utility of keeping the Arab world weak and divided.
>A lot of rich people use it for things like vacation homes.
>Is a White settler state
Regardless of your particular brand of haploautism, what matters is that Israel is PERCEIVED as white by outsiders. Israel in fact goes to great lengths to present themselves as white to westerners for this exact reason.
Ashkenazis are generally perceived as white, but most Israelis aren't Yids.
But as I literally just said, Israeli's go to huge lengths to make sure that whenever someone appears on TV before the west, they're full Ashkenazi or half-Jewish with a European/American Parent. And that's not even getting into how the ruling class of Israel is overwhelmingly made up of Ashkenazi who immigrated in the 1920's and 30's as part of an explicit white supremacist movement.
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I can get conservatives and kinda right wingers, but the vast majority of Trads don't like Israel or Jews. Most are anti semites
I guess, but they fail at it.
Most of Con. Inc. is a jewish psyop to corral right wingers into a political party of controlled opposition that's completely ineffective when it comes to fighting back against any of their deranged social conditioning they peddle through the left.
>leftists do the most horrific shit imaginable
>"wtf I'm voting conservative to stop this"
>conservatives win
>"haha whoah hey slow down we literally can't exercise power in any way whatsoever because uhhh small government or whatever, and besides, just imagine if the roles were reversed or whatever, anyway jesus was a jew we're sending all your money to Israel"
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Israel sends Michael Oren (a former ambassador to the U.S.) to talk to American T.V. a lot. He was born in New York and was a Zionist boy scout who moved to Israel in the late 70s or so. He's white as the snow and speaks English in an American accent. (He renounced his U.S. citizenship as a legal requirement to serve as ambassador.)
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They don't even hate Jews anymore, they consider them to be superior people, the "God's Chosen People". Evangelical Christcuckery is LITERALLY Judaism but for the goyincattle slave.
evangelism was definitely a jewish psyop, younger Christians seem to be rejecting both that and the churches that push faggotry because people are starving for something decent and righteous when everyone around them is degenerate and retarded
Because conservatives are, by definition, retarded. If they weren't, they wouldn't be conservatives.
Conservativeness is the position of defending the status quo, and thus, of lacking critical thinking skills, self-awareness or the ability of reflecting about social evolution on a wider scheme of things.
It's based on the proposition of "everything is fine, we shouldn't change it". Well, if you look at our world and think everything is fine, you are just retarded.

Conservatives will defend Israel because their governments always did, so they will latch into anything that the past generation did, who cares if makes sense nowadays or not.
Because the Israel-Palestine war is culture war coded as white vs brown even though both are brown. The right has to support Israel and the left has to support Palestine.
>Why did conservatives, right wingers and traditionalists fell in love with Israel
Only conservatives love Pissrael. Trads think the Jews killed Christ, and if you want to see what the Right Wing thinks, just check /pol/.
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This is literally just a /pol/ thread full of far-left lunatics and antichrist atheist faggots.
Mods leave it up because it's full of faggot leftist tourists and atheist spammers who use it as a way to vent their ignorance and hate for Christianity.
Why do you poopoo the idea of a community superstructure and why do you associate communal superstructure with the State apparatii when it includes more non-State organizations and individuals such as paterfamiliaris, business, and spiritual organizations?

White Men working together in the Church, State, and Local tribe is a the ideal superstructure, this is not welfare despite it being a safety net for the weak such as children or women.
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I know a woman who wears Trump merch and volunteers a lot with her husband at their local Republican Party office and brought back enchanted water from Israel to sprinkle around the local Masonic hall as some kind of magic spell to drive them away. I live in the South. These people exist. They're the holy rollers. I'm not even saying this because I have some axe to grind against Christians or Israel, and I'm pretty critical of Palestinian movement stuff.
Publicly reported lobbying you mean.
AIPAC has an israeli affiliate in EVERY district in the country.
also, israel has spent more on lobbying in America than any other state, this is just a fact.
its not the jewish media?
Every AIPAC dollar is an American dollar, most of it seems to come from American Jews and key mega-rich people like Bernard Marcus (Jewish, the founder of Home Depot, which is another funny thing about America, Home Depot codes as conservative, and their competitor Lowe's codes as liberal). Before I was born, my aunt dated a Jewish guy whose job was to go around raising money "for Israel," but I don't know if he worked for AIPAC or something like that. Most of the world's Jews live in Israel and America, like 90% or something are split between those two countries.

But I do think AIPAC acts as coordination board of sorts. They get talking points from Israel so they always stay on message, and while they don't actually give money directly (it's actually not a "PAC," that acronym in their name instead stands for "public affairs committee"), they do keep scorecards of politicians and have people who meet with their local rep, and they send out memos to affiliated groups who do contribute on where to send the money.

There are some other groups. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy is a cryptically named but pro-Israel think tank:
The status quo is liberalism though, society becoming more and more degraded and degenerate. Leftists are the truly deranged and retarded ones, as they believe they are fighting the power by centralizing more power in the hands of the state/corporations. Instead of looking at the West and saying "this is fine", they look at everything wrong with the West and say "let's make it worse".
Reagan also cut arms sales to Israel after the 82 invasion of Lebanon and jailed Jonathan Pollard.
>Christianity and Judaism are closely related (you also can't find a trace of antisemitism among the Founding Fathers), to the point where Christians spend a huge amount of time and energy in the study of the Jewish texts of the Old Testament.
This is a meme which many Christfags fall for. In reality Judaism is based on the Talmud not the OT and Talmudic Judaism is a specifically anti-European, anti-Christian ideology formed in the late Roman Empire by disaffected Roman and Greek slaves and others who decided to LARP as people from the Iron Age Levant.
drumpf won
yeah but why do the anti-Israel ones have such a tiny voice in media and politics? I've met them (plenty on this website) but they seem completely incapable of either getting elected or standing up to Zionist smear campaigns.
christcucks revel in deception just as much as their jewish masters do. This shouldn't surprise you.
They aren't unelectable. They form a major chunk of the Democrat Party and the last four Democrat presidents have been notorious Muslim ball-polishers.
The Israel lobby and general societal attitudes towards "antisemitism" post WWII. It's only recently that being openly anti Israel became fully acceptable among Democrats, it'll be much longer before anyone who isn't Kosher can win among Republicans.
>“Israel is like abortion for the left: A unifying issue that has major fundraising potential for the right while also simultaneously splitting opponents,” said Saagar Enjeti, the right-leaning co-host of the Breaking Points podcast, who got blowback for the comments Carlson made in their interview. “Even those who may not agree with Israel 100% stay silent because watching opponents tear each other apart is more politically advantageous.”


>On paper, there’s room for Israel critics to make inroads with the Republican Party. Twenty years ago, “neocon” was a slur used by liberals with dark connotations that Republicans defended their party against; in the Trump GOP, it’s a name for the war hawks who MAGA kicked out of the party. Some of Trump’s more populist supporters like to argue that he’ll keep the US at arms length from foreign conflicts.

>The party also includes plenty of rank-and-file voters who want to stop funding Israel’s war — one in three Republicans, according to a Fox News poll this week. It’s a fair subject for the newer media (podcasts, Twitter, TikTok) that are popular with the younger, skeptical, anti-politics members of the Trump coalition who are more receptive to anti-war pitches that sometimes overlap with the anti-Biden left.

>But the movement has gotten no serious traction inside the GOP. One reason: Good, old-fashioned negative polarization. The Israel question divides Democrats, not Republicans, and the sort of pro-Israel resolutions regularly passed by the GOP House — like defining “antisemitism” as anti-Zionism — have become renewable sources of left/liberal infighting.
>The anti-war movement is overwhelmingly organized by left-wing activists that Republicans already dislike, especially on campus. Trump’s spoken in far more detail about the protests (“raging lunatics and Hamas sympathizers”) than he has about an end to the war; Kirk said that the situation on campus was “a volcano waiting to erupt,” exposing all of the beliefs about “settler colonialism” that he already knew about, and voters would be repulsed by ... That disgust has strengthened the already-robust Republican support for Israel, which has long united both religious conservatives and national security hawks. The anti-Jewish activists who tried to talk their way into Kirk’s convention were immediately booted; no one inside the event could hear Fuentes as he accused Miriam Adelson, a major Trump donor, of buying off the GOP and making it put Israel first.

>Candace Owens and Alex Jones, who have both criticized Israel on their usual media platforms, said nothing about it at the conference. In March, Owens left a prominent perch at The Daily Wire amid an ugly public fight with co-founder Ben Shapiro over Israel. Shapiro had earlier called Owen’s commentary, which had veered into remarks that were widely condemned as antisemitic while discussing Israel, “disgraceful.”

>The Owens affair points to a related issue: To the extent there’s been a debate over Israel within the right, it overlaps significantly with a separate internal fight over whether to purge fringe activists who have expressed antisemitic or white nationalist views. A study of voter opinion by political scientist Michael Tesler found opposition to Israel aid within the GOP was heavily concentrated among voters who also view Jewish people unfavorably.
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On the left-wing activists drawing ire from the right, a Palestine protest in the U.S. is going be MENA immigrants and ultra-left groups like PSL. They're going to be using language like "apartheid" and have banners with slogans like "Stand With the Palestinian People's Resistance!" which is commie talk.
Hello my conservative friends... dare to struggle! Dare to win!
The only MENA immigrants Americans have to worry about are the ones with the long noses. There are like 6 million Muslims in the US. What do you think they're going to do, take over Washington DC on camelback and proclaim a caliphate? Jews could very easily push this country into another bullshit war in the mideast.
Yeah, I understand that, but if you've tuned into conservative media, it's all "campus crazies" as the new from Soros mind warfare against the Judeo-Christian western viewpoint and way of life.
>Judeo-Christian western viewpoint
>'The Jews are better than us, you need to accept that'

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>since the days of the Iraq war
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Because in the 70's, the republican strategy involved uniting all the poor christians in the south (mainly baptists) under the guise of saving christianity....Nixon hated the strategy by the way. He thought linking a bunch of inbred southern retards to conservatism would be a permanent black eye for the party.

Anyways, once they become associated with the baptists...pro Israeli backers moved in and did everything they could to link being pro Israel with the Bible. The rest is history.
Someone link the real document
Christians, who are inseparable from the Abrahamic matrix
Who do left wingers hate Israel and suck Muslim cock
>Anarchism does not mean zero law, Anarchism means, relatively speaking, weak power disparity.
This is too vague, and the reason why its vague because weak power disparities just lead to senseless murder and destruction because there's no authority strong enough to prevent it.
Anarchism is retarded and you should stop.
In beautiful poetic irony,
no, it so does not make you immune.
"Get vaxxed so they don't call you an antivaxxer
when you oppose vaccine mandates". Nope.

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