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File: Basques.png (338 KB, 1200x1027)
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Where did they come from?
Who are they?
File: 1720415487986.jpg (2.43 MB, 1800x1200)
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My ancestors.
They are the one people whose culture and language wasn't replaced by "indo-european" cultures, which took over the entire continent over several thousand years.
not so long ago in roman times there were still many places in europe that did not speak an indio european language, like etruscans, and the peoples in northern italy who would end up being gallicized a few centuries after the creation of rome.

Now don't be mistaken, the Basques may speak an non-indo-european language, but it is full of loanwords, and their culture isn't that unique from their neighbours. and also, they are not as genetically isolated as some like to pretend they are.
spaniards with slightly more WHG

their language is probably WHG but nobody can confirm
Their ancestors collaborated with the Aryans north of the Pyrenees. They showed them the best mountain passes to cross. They joined the Aryans as scouts and skirmishers to make war against their racial brethren. Because of their alliance and submission to the Aryan cause, Aryan blood was introduced in the Basques. This collaboration and the insular mountainous region they lived in, resulted in the ancestors of the Basques retaining their language, despite the Aryan admixture into their population.
What? They have little WHG.
They're ANF and WSH; mostly the former.

Their culture was absolutely replaced by Indo-Europeans.
Probably in a similar manner as the etruscans.

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