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>His secret recording with Mannerheim and recording for his party members in the Loewenbrau cellar clearly show that Barbarossa was a not a long planned attack but a reluctant defensive operation.

>Somehow mainstream historians don't accept this fact

Why is that? Honestly why, the proof is out there.
“Mainstream historians” are propaganda narrative mouthpieces and nothing more
How was it a defensive operation?
>Le soviets will attack
They didn’t know that
Molotov wanted guarantees from Germany if they take Romania or try going for Finland again that they would not intervene.

If they invaded Romania and got their petrolium reserves it would cripple Germany's war industrt for ever.
So they went to war so USSR wouldn’t snag Romania? Ummm couldn’t the German war machine have relied on traded oil from USSR if they were on good terms with each other? And then source it from Norway later down the line?
It was an act of desperation.
Here, I have solved it for you.
And allow them to grow even stronger so that in 44 they would have a huge military 100 km away from Berlin ready to finish what they started in 1920?
>couldn’t the German war machine have relied on traded oil from USSR
Just let the other country have a total monopoly on all the oil in your vicinity bro! What could go wrong?
>source it from Norway later down the line?
They did. There’s no other reason why Stalin ordered the Red Army to mobilize at the German/Soviet border in Poland. Also, later it was revealed that the Soviets were taking advantage of the Germany vs Western Front war and that they were waiting on the opportunity to conquer them both when they both were exhausted. It was called ‘Operation Groza’.
they do as far as im aware, or atleast the good ones i've read. Everyone can agree it was a hastily and shoddily planned and executed operation, and a desperate gamble due to britian putting a noose on germany's neck
>Holocaust deniers want you to trust them on Barbarossa
Lmao, lol even
>Amass troops on border with soviets
>Soviets do same in response
>Attacks with 1 to 2 numerical superiority
>grinds it down not even reaching most of Russia proper
biggest jobber

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