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What’s your opinion on Joseph Stalin what do you think he was a bad guy or not?
He is objectively the greatest communist leader, why is why he is the most hated by bourgeois society
He was a lowly gifted retard. He had the power to fix communisms weaknesses but he doubled down and doomed some 400 million people to eternal shitholeism.
he was gay and trans
Ending the Holocaust makes him the good guy, end of story.
Without question one of the worst people in the history of humankind.
Got shit done.
t. from his country
>hoard food and persecute farmers
>cause massive famine and starvation to the point of cannibalism
>it's just le richpipo who hate him
Misunderstood by stupid people, worshipped by stupid people, smart people know what gangsters are and what politics is and don't need to listen to the horseshit posturing.

He killed lots of Nazis and that makes him the greatest head of state in the 20th century by far.
Pretty sure most of the people he killed or got killed were from the Soviet Union. The communists weren't really good at war and they would've failed without the West.
Georgia is not his country
>Georgia is not his country
England is his city
The great purge was pretty cringe which is why even most tankies blame them on people who owed all of their power to him
A man who fell into a dark place through little fault of his own who nevertheless chose vindictiveness and retribution over changing the world for the better once he had the power others in his position could only dream, becoming a black mirror of those he hated.

I don't think he took Communism too seriously.
Anti-semite. Like Marx.
Georgian irony culture is so cringe, please kys
He actually went through with buckbreaking germany forever unlike the sissy wectern entente. He took Cato the Elder's words to heart. In general i really like how he didnt play around and always got results one way or the other.

Plus unlike hitler or the other allies he never genocided anyone so that gives him the moral high ground.
sweet moustache
A lot of good it served him, look at how jews raped Russia.
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He was a massive psychopath and coinsidence gave him an godly opportunity. Gladly for world, he could die as a biggest leader of his world and soon enough, before MAD. Hope we will never see a leader like him.
saved it from what, having food?
Historically he was just another Tsar. Despite having the power, he implemented about as much of the Communist Manifesto as any random Prime Minister of Scotland.
Like, if we all forgot that Stalin said he was a commie, he would not strike you as ideologically allied with Marx with his decisions. Or Mao.
Stalin was an autocratic dictator and his inner circle were just boyars,and just like in the old days the people ate shit and he had to whack a boyar every once in a while for fucking up.
Ehhh he was definitely a tyrant and a paranoid psycho, but he definitely achieved a lot. That and his actions killed a lot of Commies
Za rodinu!
i am not a commie but it is always fun to see a man who comes from literally nothing become the face of the youngest superpower in the world.
good leader
>he never genocided anyone
Even if you don't think the Holodomor was intentional and targeted (which is a legit debate in academia and based on what I know I don't think it was) why wouldn't the ethnic operations count? You don't have to physically exterminate a group for it to count as genocide as long as you're trying to buckbreak them hard enough that they stop existing as a people. Which he did to Volga Germans, Chechens and Russian Greeks.

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