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We all know that racism against other humans is.. le bad. But what about the vegan argument that humans are being supremacist to animals are we are no morally better than them? If non human intelligent life exists should humanity treat them as equals or go full WH40k?
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animals eating other animals is just how the world works
what's disgusting is factory farming and what humanity did by selective breeding
Human supremacy is fundamentally at odds with a scientific understanding of life on Earth, evolutionary history, and the dynamic interactions of organisms in the ecosystem with the Earth's elements, but I'm sure this entire thread will be full of people instrumentalizing animals and preparing to argue that their idiosyncratic views are more scientific than science.
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Veganism is simply a result of the dumb big bang and evolutionism creation fairy tales being taught as science fact. They don't even honestly present these as theories and never teach kids about all the criticisms and problems with them. It's an ideologically-driven education with an agenda, and that agenda isn't to promote the absolute truth. Hell, many big bang/evolutionism believers come away thinking there is no absolute truth (well, apart from what the government/media tells them to believe).
>But what about the vegan argument that humans are being supremacist to animals are we are no morally better than them?
natures exists for us to do whatever we want with it
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>scientific understanding of life on Earth,
>evolutionary history,
Pick one, zealot.
Vegans are completely right about everything even by standards of mainstream morality, hence why they cause so much butthurt. Nobody gets particularly upset at for example some minor religious sects preaching this and that behaviour is sinful, because who gives a shit what some weirdos think, but people do get extremely angry at vegans because they force you to reckon with the fact you fail to live up to your own moral code.
>natures exists for us to do whatever we want with it
You can't break the laws of nature. Nature is the true God
Evolution has been proved and it is the real objectively correct understanding of life on earth
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Humans are disgusting filth, for the most part. Thinking that "humans" as a monolith are above anything else is laughable, it is only the exceptional few that are worthy of praise.
Variations aren't evolution. You evolutionist zealots just repeat mantras.
Human supremacy is bad. Non-human animals should be treated with respect to their interests, and not caused unjust suffering. The same principle should apply to aliens if they exist. They should be treated with compassion and their interests respected. Suffering is bad.

There is no meaningful distinction between nature and non-nature. Why do some animals exist for us to do whatever we want with them, but other animals don't? Why does a genetically modified pig count as "nature" but a human child does not?
Microevolution and macroevolution are the same thing and they've both been proven
You denying this doesn't make them false. The earth is not flat and is not 6000 years old. Stop being retarded and actually open a book that isn't the bible.
I miss the HFY threads.

>le we season our food with chemical weapons maymay
>Microevolution and macroevolution are the same thing
You're stupid.

All you stupid evolutionist zealots do is spam the same tired old debunked mantras then slander people who actually study the science and stopped believing proven frauds and lies.
based and Genesis-pilled
Anyone actually serious about these topics can recognize a human has a superior understanding than an animal and that everyone implicitly agrees on this. The consequences of this vary because of moral prior.

> If non human intelligent life exists should humanity treat them as equals or go full WH40k?
Depends, circumstances, circumstances.
No one cares, hang yourself to meet Jesus sooner.
The only thing you managed to prove is your abject lack of any real moral values, evolutionistranny.
>fascism is when you exploit the free gifts of nature
They literally are the same thing you fucking idiot
Mutations on nucleotide sequences produce new biological information which makes new proteins which develop new phenotype. There is no difference between "micro" and "macro" evolution in this mechanism
Is he benching 2pl8s?
To survive in the galaxy humans will need to be more like the necrons or the reapers from mass effect. Hiding themselves away for aeons, emerging only occasionally to destroy fledgling civilizations.
"Gods' creation was made for us.....to consume."
I believe... and I also believe that's bullshit.
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we've already accepted animals as our own and we worship them
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This feels like a bot thread. Either that, or school's out for the summer, because MAN am I getting deja vu'd back to the discord debate bro servers I used to frequent when I was a teenager

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