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What did the teutonic knights do to piss off so many people in the modern era? Some people even on the right wing view them with more contempt than the nazis are as a organization.
Is it a slavic thing or did they do something really heinous that I am not aware of?
They fucked too many pussy
Theyre some of history's biggest jobbers, like the Bejita of europe, its fun to slander them and ostracize their fans
>its fun to attack the lowest on the totem pole
really reaching for the stars here, tell me do you have a high level of self esteem?
Do you feel emasculated by German knights? Are there German knights in the thread with us right now?
Anything german gets vilified and hated. I wonder why?
Some people decry the fact that they warred against the last european pagans - as did every medieval state in that time period.
Some associate them with german colonialsim unto supposedly (pagan) slavic lands - forgetting the fact that the Kingdom of Poland did the same thing.
Some get pissed that they warred against fellow christians - as everybody did.
And if I had to take a guess: the Teutonic Knights got heavily romantizided by the German Empire/Right Wing Parties and it is assumed that their "fans" are also Germaboos/Nazis/Anti-Slavs, etc. and thus the win of Poland & Lithuania over the Teutonic Order is being exploited in equal manner.
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The Teutonic Knights, running out of people to piss off, finally decided to piss off the Catholic Church and begome Prodesdand.
Contrary to what your mom told you; you didn't get bullied at school because they were jealous of you.
buy an add faggot
Low man on the totem pole was the most important.
go back to posting your shitty art on reddit fag

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