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Why don't Europeans recognize that Russia saved them from Islam?
How is a whole 1/4th of Europe being dominated by the Ottomans for centuries being "saved"?
Russia only started to fight the Turks after they had already become the sick man of Europe
This, or when they were busy with revolts or fighting western europe so they couldn't be bothered with russia. None of their victories were impressive
>Why don't Europeans recognize that Russia saved them from Islam?
back in the 1500s and 1600s when the Ottomans were a terrifying peer or superior threat to Europe the Russians were nowhere to be found. They fought a shitload of wars with the Ottomans in the 19th century when that empire was already crumbling
About what, vatniks attacking when ottomans were fighting on multiple fronts then claiming that as some grand victory?
Iberia, Austria and Hungary have a far stronger claim than Russia ever could claim
Only four nations can realistically claim to have saved Europe from Muslims:
The Holy League saved Europe from Islam in the 16th century already.

After that it was just a very long multi centuries' war of attrition and Europe won by expanding so rapidly and becoming so powerful that the Ottoman blockade of trade and communication became utterly irrelevant. Christendom grew all around it and by Napoleon's time they were weak and irrelevant, literally not worth conquering.
hahahahahahahahahaha whewwwwwwwwwwwww
No. They are literally the reason Islam exists in the first place and they never "saved Europe", on the contrary (and contrary to popular belief) European crusaders and merchant fleets saved dysfunctional Byzantine countless times. Most of the crusades wiped out entire generations of Muslim fighting age men, which the Byzantine court failed to capitalise on.
Russia accommodated Muslims rather than expelling/converting them like the Spanish did. There’s a reason there’s still large Muslim majorities in Tatarstan, Chechnya, and all of Central Asia
Charles Martel you fucking retard, France checked Islamic expansion outside of Iberia.
Even though the Crusades in the Middle East were mostly a French thing, after that France is known for its notorious alliance with the Ottoman empire.
Franks =/= Gallo-Romans
I would say it's true, but completely fucking negated by the fact that at least 100 times in European history the French king would attack the Emperor whenever he campaigned against the Turks.
They were the only christian country powerful enough to show any meaningful resistance against Islam, Iberia was advanced for western euro barbarian standards and it lasted like 5 years
Frogs were always Gallo-Romans ruled by Germs
>Henry Stewart

Obviously a neo-nazi.
No it wasn't, it was weak compared to Western Europe, that's why after the massacre of the Latins and the backstabbing of the dysfunctional court the 4th crusade easily overwhelmed them.

In general when there wasn't war in Europe a contingent could literally march through Ottoman domains and win almost uncontested.
Frogs aren't Franks.
That's right. Punch those Germanic Franks in their nose. They're Nazis.
They are.
No, they aren't. Franconians, Rhinelanders, Hessians, Luxemburgers, Dutchmen, and Flemings are Franks, Frenchmen are their former Gallo-Roman slaves.
Irrelevant, every Frenchman is descended from Charlemagne, they are Franks from who they gained their name.
W Europe was barely able to survive after Constantinople fell, and this was in the Late Middle Ages when they were much stronger. Now imagine if Constantinople had fallen during the Arab sieges centuries previously.
They only gained that name because East Francia, the real Francia, renamed itself to the more inclusive Deutschland.
Charles Martel was a Frank dipshit.
No he was Jewish. He has stained glass windows with Hebrew on them.
Utter nonsense, first crusade W Europe sent a few counts who steamrolled Arabs all the way to Jerusalem.

In Barbarossa's crusade the dysfunctional Byzantards thought that the Empire was too friendly with Hungary so they decided to reneg on their promise to ferry crusader troops to Anatolia (literally to fucking help them) and instead insulted and robbed the Imperial envoys in Constantinople in front Muslim ambassadors and started making demands from the emperor (who out of pettiness they called only king of Germany).

So Barbarossa just said "fuck you, release my envoys" then after no response he steamrolled across Byzantine territory virtually unopposed and crushed all the petty armies they could muster. Then they crossed into Turkey and wiped out an entire generation of Turkish fighting men at Philomelion and captured their capital at Iconium, virtually destroying the Seljuk of Rum that Byzantards failed to deal with for over a century at that point.

For a medieval expeditionary force this proves WE was asymmetrically much more powerful, no other state power was able to launch such campaigns until pre-modern times. Most countries today bar some NATO ones can't launch expeditions this far from their borders.

Byzatards were dysfunctional retards often fighting against their own interests out of the Emperor's paranoia of his own dysfunctional court.
Crusades were a failure and turk expansion in Anatolia wasn't stopped, if anything they actually helped Islam expand westward
>turk expansion in Anatolia wasn't stopped
It took the turks over 200 years to reconquer the lands the Seljuks held in anatolia prior to the first crusade. And that was only after the Crusaders themselves conquered and weakened the Byzantine empire
Jesus the absolute state of Byzaboo cope.

It's irrelevant what you think, Western armies marched through those states unopposed. Conquering the capital is pretty definitive for military superiority.
>if anything they actually helped Islam expand westward
>le 1204
If anything the West delayed to inevitable demise of the Greek "Empire".
Byzzies were always failing and were in a death spiral of their own making.
Had they not destroyed Goths in Italy the Roman Empire would have been united under the strong German leadership and Islam would have been wiped off the map.
>It took the turks over 200 years to reconquer the lands the Seljuks held in anatolia prior to the first crusade.
Byzantine held their ground alone all that time, they didn't get any help from crusaders
>Byzzies were always failing and were in a death spiral of their own making.
Well yeah, thats because their entire history was characterized by war on all fronts and revolts. The West gained the upper hand later on because they weren't always at war
>There’s a reason there’s still large Muslim majorities in Tatarstan, Chechnya, and all of Central Asia
What an ignorant take. The crusades did more to weaken Christian power in the middle east then anything else. The fucking Italians having to save the ERE is only because of the shitty situations they created.
Who are the Franks for 500 Alex
Sorry gothic rule could not restore the WRE just create a gothic state. Acting like the germs did anything but destroy Rome is identical to accepting Turkish claims of being Roman emperors
Is that why Russia reconquered Constantinople from the Turks and restored the ERE to Christendom?
Oh wait, that never happened, I wonder why?
because the British and the French avoided it, they were concerned about Russia having access to the Mediterranean.
Perfidy from across the sea.
Byzance did the same.
With mixed results.
Not even all of the Balkans isn't a 1/4 of Europe, and they're the worst and easiest part to conquer as well.
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Ottomans controlled half of Ukraine at their peak
peter the great was btfod by the ottomans in the 18th century
napoleon wanted to conquer the ottoman empire retard, especially egypt. he was defeated in yaffa
Because the turks are fiersome warriors and when it came to defending their homeland not separatist arab/balkan provinces , they drove out all of the occupiers..
Yes, and Gallo-Romans aren't Franks

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