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I think the greatest mistake made in the 20th century was dissolving the western labor movement entirely. By dissolving the political left they removed their traditional 'Other' and are now having trouble finding a place to put that energy into now that society is so diffuse. Before it was concrete with class lines, now it's become abstracted and ANYTHING could be considered quote unquote 'communism'. The CIA are communists, that banker is a communist, Oprah is a communist, the reason the world is so silly today because they're sticking to traditional rallying cries that just don't fit in the modern social ecosystem.
The real modern divide today is between realists and idealists (naive retards).
Nigga that's just consciousness.
>sociopaths (social) and psychopaths (insane)
>schizophrenics (insane) and schizoids (asocial)
Communism works well in theory and practice
I don't give a shit I wanna talk about materialism
retarded analysis

>Just start your own bank!
>le gold dinar meme rothschild conspiracy
anyone can buy gold or use a private bank, schizo shit

>dissolve western labor movement
boomers stopped caring about trade unions when they moved from manufacturing to white collar jobs

>dissolving the political left
the nigger tranny communism you see today is the same leftism as the socialists and "progressives" before the 1960s, it was always the left who pushed for more immigration, gay rights and so on, in the west that is

>they removed their traditional 'Other' and are now having trouble finding a place to put that energy into now that society is so diffuse
their 'other' is white men, it was always white men even when they were railing against the plutocracy, jewish elites were never targeted
The real problem with this argument is the American aspect. You're not part of a class struggle. Maoists literally stated you have no place in it. You have no classes, just various orders of financial parasites and hierarchies of people who exploit the dollar.
>You have no classes
Well yeah I'm speaking about the west from a western perspective. There is without a doubt a class dynamic within north America but because north Americans aren't allowed to discuss it the entire concept becomes diffuse.
the point of communism is to kill successful people. to this end communism works.
The future of capitalism is a worldwide India.
The right need to wake up to the fact that capitalism will sacrifice all they hope to preserve in the name of profit.
I don't think this is so new:

>Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
-- Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto

I think, historically, the U.S. was less bound by rigid class distinctions than countries across the pond (there was an exception to this though). I read one Marxist writer describe America as also, paradoxically, being able to turn the clock of history "backwards" in the sense that a peasant who was being proletarianized in Europe could come to America and become a land-owning farmer. This wasn't due to any magic but America was kind of a blank slate with a lot of land and resources, and the colonization process was done more or less from the beginning on a capitalist-style basis with English companies doing it, which was distinct from the French and Spanish models of colonialism. The French in North America didn't really do much with their territory, and went "native" a bit more, while the Spanish transplanted a kind of aristocracy and enslaved a huge number of people to work in their mines. The U.S. also had slavery though -- that is the exception -- and Marx was a strong supporter of the northern cause in the civil war.

In Europe, socialism was also bound up in building a strong state led by a worker's party that would intrude on the aristocracy, take their stuff, their land, redistribute it, and so on. Americans developed a political culture that was more individualistic.

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